四上 Unit3 My day[11].doc

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1、四上 Unit3 My day 四灶小学 王莹莹教学内容Story time教学目标1能听懂、能理解、会读课文。2能听懂、会说、会读单词usually, go to school, in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon, go home, homework, watch TV, have four lessons, have lunch, play football, do my homework, have dinner, go to bed, every day 3初步理解、会读句型: I usually at .1.能大声流利地

2、朗读课文,并尝试复述课文。2.能用英语简单介绍自己一天的生活。教学重点1. 能听懂、能理解、会读课文。2. 能用英语表述文中人物一天的生活。教学难点1. 能听懂、能理解、会读课文。2. 能明白并用英语表述自己一天的生活。教学过程Step1 Before reading1. Watch a cartoon before class about someones day. T:Boys and girls, this cartoon talks about someones day.Today our topic is My day. 由此揭题: My day2. Learning aims.A.

3、 I can say something about Mikes day.B. I can talk about my day.3. Enjoy a rap. Rap is popular in China. Lets enjoy a rap. In this rap, we have six time, 由此新授几时几分的时间表达法。由数字带到时间表达法。 Ss say together after the rap 调动课堂气氛。4. Look and find 出示两个新时间,6:15和7:40,巩固一下时间表达法。 I get up at 6:15 from Monday to Frid

4、ay. I get up at 7:40 on Saturday and Sunday. So I usually get up at? 通过观察老师的起床时间感受新单词 usually (板书) 新授单词 usually,read and spell.5. Ask and answerWhen do you get up? 师问生答。生问师答。师生互动,调动学生问答积极性。6. Work in pairs 借助本单元重点短语操练句型,for example, go to school,go home, watch TV, go to bed. 新授短语 watch TV When do yo

5、u.? I (usually) .Step2. While reading1. Watch and choose T: Your days are great. What about Mikes day?How does Mike describe his day?Watch the cartoon and answerAccording to time, three parts: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. 2. Listen and match T: What about Mikes morning? Listen a

6、nd match.(时间和所做事情匹配)板书且让学生试着用句型 I. at. 来描述Mikes morning。3. Read and complete Read part2 and complete the blanks about Mikes afternoon.板书且让学生试着用句型 I. at. 来描述Mikes afternoon。4. Look and say Close books and look at the pictures and try to talk about Mikes evening. 板书。5. Reading time 小组阅读,选择自己喜欢的一种方式。6.

7、 Try to retell 根据板书以Mike的口吻尝试复述课文。Step3. After reading1. Think and write Try to talk about your day and write down. Show your day. 请生投影并向同学介绍自己的一天2. Watch and think Watch a short video and think about it 看一小段关于合理安排时间教育意义的视频,让生自己体会其中的道理。3. Sweet tips 由视频得出教训,师适时给出小贴士。 On time, in time. Have a good timetable. Have a good time everyday.4. Ticking time Show the learning aims again and Ss tick for themselves.Step4. Homework1. Read and try to recite the text.2. Make a timetable about your day.


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