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1、模块3 Unit 2 Healthy eating. 单项选择1.【南京师大附中2018届高三年级模拟考试】If you want to improve your figure and health, the most effective thing to do is to show up at the gym every time you _ be there.A. can B. will C. may D. shall2.【2018江苏卷】Its strange that he have taken the books without the owners permission.A. wo

2、uldB. shouldC. couldD. might3.【江苏省常州市田家炳高级中学2019届高三开学考试】In particular, we associate ancient Greek civilization with the capital city of Athens, _ is the Acropolis.A. the greatest symbol of which B. of which greatest symbolC. whose the greatest symbol D. of whose greatest symbol4.【北京市石景山区2018届高三3月统一测

3、试(一模)】The accident have been caused by a dog running across the road, but we dont know for sure.A. might B. should C. will D. must5.【天津市河东区2018届高考英语二模】Its great that all the visitors who on the island were saved.A. trapped B. have been trapped C. had trapped D. had been trapped6.【天津市河东区2018届高考英语二模】E

4、verything is amazing. Thank you all. We without your help.A. cant make it B. mustnt have madeC. wont make D. couldnt have made it7.【2018届江苏省苏北四市(淮、宿、徐、连)高三第一次调研考试】The idea of green packaging has received wide _ since the government announced specific goals to green the delivery industry. A. currency

5、B. creativity C. cooperationD. criterion8.【天津市耀华中学2018届高三上学期第一次月考】Now that you have practiced a lot, there be any difficulty in performing well.A. mustnt B. shant C. shouldnt D. neednt9.【天津市耀华中学2018届高三上学期第二次月考】What do you think of Betty? She is a lovely girl, though she _be naughty sometimes.A. shou

6、ld B. must C. need D. can10.【北京市丰台区2018届高三上学期期末考试】Im sorry. I at you the other day.Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself.A. shouldnt shout B. shouldnt have shouted C. mustnt shout D. mustnt have shouted. 完形填空【2018届河北省衡水中学高三上学期九模考试】As a child, I was always told to “eat my greens”. These were t

7、he unappealing vegetables that sat on the edge of my plate. Peas, and green beans, all looked and tasted _11_. Lets face it, when there were so many other delicious treats to _12_, why eat boring vegetables?Since then my taste buds have _13_ and Im also fully aware of the health benefits of eating f

8、resh vegetables. But we still need _14_ of the amazing goodness these green super foods give us. In the UK, a campaign has been _15_ for several years to encourage us to eat our “5 A Day”five portions of fruit and vegetables. Thats _16_ evidence has shown there are significant health _17_ to getting

9、 at least five 80g portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day.But I struggle trying to fit these five portions into my daily _18_, partly because I have a sweet _19_ and vegetables are, well, tasteless. Researchers have been _20_ how to make eating vegetables more _21_. They analysed th

10、e psychology behind our food _22_ and found that most of us are _23_ by taste. Brad Turnwald from Stanford University says that “studies show that people _24_ to think of healthier options as less tasty for some reason.”In Europe, a project called VeggieEAT has also been trying to find ways to get p

11、eople to _25_ more vegetables. Project leader, Professor Heather Hartwell believes in _26_ encouraging people into eating the right things. One idea has been to put a _27_ of a tasty looking fruit on a supermarket trolley as a _28_ about buying something from the fruit store. She says, “Choice is a

12、really _29_ thing. But making vegetables look attractive will increase their sales.”Certainly, eating “twisted citrus-glazed carrots” does sound tempting, even if it just _30_ like a carrot, but if it makes us eat more vegetables then that can only be a good thing for our health. 11.A. disgustingB.

13、deliciousC. ripenD. sweet12.A. buyB. prepareC. offerD. enjoy13.A. appearedB. developedC. existedD. shrank14.A. remindingB. informingC. warningD. talking15.A. planningB. aimingC. runningD. intending16.A. whyB. howC. whenD. because17.A. needsB. benefitsC. issuesD. risks18.A. dietB. educationC. workD.

14、exercise19.A. tendencyB. preferenceC. toothD. appetite20.A. showingB. discoveringC. reportingD. studying21.A. appropriateB. attractiveC. beneficialD. independent22.A. choicesB. valuesC. wastesD. judgments23.A. confusedB. disturbedC. motivatedD. challenged24.A. manageB. decideC. agreeD. tend25.A. growB. eatC. storeD. harvest26.A. slowlyB. suddenlyC. firmlyD. seriously27.A. varietyB. lotC. pictureD. number28.A. signB. concernC. clueD. hint29.A. easyB. complexC. quickD. casual30.A. looksB. smellsC. tastesD. feels. 语法填空【2017


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