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1、第五课时任务型教学设计一、教学内容分析教学内容英语(人教版)选修7 Unit 2 Robots 第五课时教学对象高二学生教学项目词语part-time staff junior talent chapter thinking结构课文Reading其他Speaking教学目标语言知识使用适当的语言形式进行描述和表达观点、态度和情感等;进一步熟悉有关机器人及科幻小说等方面的话题。语言技能能描述人物或事件,并进行简单的评论;能根据话题要求与人交流、合作,共同完成任务。语言运用能运用适当的语言表达自己观点。文化意识了解国外科幻作品及作者。情感态度在英语学习中有较强的自信心,敢于用英语进行交流与表达;在

2、英语交流中能理解并尊重他人的情感。学习策略通过时间表格及主要事件来掌握文章大意。教学方法任务教学法、学生中心教学法、多媒体教学法教学媒体PPT幻灯媒体、黑板教学重点明确机器人的三条规则并对其进行判断分析。教学难点设计自己的机器人三原则并用在自己的设计中。运用任务Task of Unit 2: The Future Robot Company in America is holding a robot design competition. Design your robot and write a design plan.Task of Period 5:Find out the best l

3、aws for robots and revise your design plan. Present your design plan in class.二、课堂教学过程时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的第1-2分钟启动教学What is a robot?(A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. Robots are programmed and controlled by a computer.)Since the robots are programmed and co

4、ntrolled by a computer, they must follow some laws for them.Do you remember the law for robots in Satisfaction guaranteed written by Isaac Asimov?Isaac Asimov wrote many books. Do you know them? (Present some of his works in PPT.)通过同学介绍或老师展示,了解艾萨克阿西莫夫及作品。激发学生的学习兴趣。第3分钟呈现任务Task of Unit 2: The Future

5、Robot Company in America is holding a robot design competition. Design your robot and write a design plan.Task of Period 5:Find out the best laws for robots and revise your design plan. Present your design plan in class.听教师布置任务,思考任务。以真实任务开展教学,激活学生已有的知识,激发学生的兴趣,使学生在任务的驱动下更有效的学习。第4-5分钟读前任务Pre-reading

6、taskWe have learned Satisfaction guaranteed written by Isaac Asimov and have watched Bicentennial Man adapted from a fiction of Isaac Asimov.Do you want to know something about Isaac Asimov?Please guess what the passage is mainly about?What do you want to know from the passage?Lets read the passage

7、and learn about Isaac Asimov and the laws he developed for robots.预测课文内容。通过预测, 激发学生的学习兴趣。第6-21分钟读中任务While-reading task1. Reading, discussing & writing, P162. Read the passage and find out the main idea of the passage.3. Answer the following questions:Which paragraph tells you when and where Asimov w

8、as born and died?Which paragraph tells you about his education?Which paragraph tells you about awards he received?4. Read the passage again and finish the timeline on P17.Language focus:1. Underline the useful words or structures that youve noticed. Prepare to report your findings to the class.Let S

9、s close their books.2. Complete the following sentences with proper words.Asimov had an amazing mind _he searched for explanations of everything.Among his most famous works of science fiction, one _he won an award was the Foundation trilogy.He is also well known for his collection of short stories,

10、I, Robot,_he developed a set of three “laws” for robots.Keys: with which; for which; in which(If the students dont understand this grammar well, give some necessary explanations.)3. Complete the quiz below.He seemed to be looking for the words with which he could express what he was thinking about.T

11、he novel from which the film has been adapted for children is written by a famous American writer.The car, for which I paid a lot of money, is now out of date.He is telling a story of a hero, of whom everyone in the town is proud.Keys: with which; from which; for which; of whom熟悉课文,学习课文中的语言点。阅读课文,了解

12、Isaac Asimov的生平,锻炼学生从文章中获取信息的能力。学习文中的语言点,让学生打下良好的语言基础。第22-30分钟读后任务Post-reading task1. Ask Ss if they know three laws for robots. Let Ss read the passage and find the first one out.The first law is:A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.Ask Ss to discuss what the other two l

13、aws might be.2. Let Ss watch Bicentennial Man and find out the three laws and read the laws on Page 18. Compare Asimovs laws with those you wrote just now and think of which set of laws is better and give your reasons.3. Let Ss discuss what might happen in a world where there were robots if Asimovs

14、three laws did not exist.阅读课文,观看电影片段,讨论机器人的三条规则。通过对机器人三条规则的讨论,锻炼学生分析判断总结归纳的能力,并为任务的完成做准备。第31-39分钟完成任务Task of Unit 2: The Future Robot Company in America is holding a robot design competition. Design your robot and write a design plan.Task of Period 5:Find out the best laws for robots and revise your

15、 design plan. Present your design plan in class.Task fulfillment:1.Discuss in groups to find out the best laws for your robots.2.Revise your design plan and present it in class.小组讨论,修改设计计划,完成任务。通过讨论找出最佳三原则,小组合作,完成任务。第40-44分钟随堂检测布置该课时随堂检测题“学生随堂练习”册。完成随堂检测。对本课时内容进行检测,对学习效果进行评价。第45分钟布置作业Write a short summary of Asimovs life in 150-200 words.听老师布置作业,并记下作业。巩固所学语法项目。


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