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1、 2022年商务英语考试BEC中级练习题51、依据下面资料,答复题AJames King: Chief Executive of Fentons FinanceKing was nominateD for the quality of his leadership, with the judges claiming that the Fentons Finance boss is almost revereD by his teamHe is crediteD with reinventing Fentons Finance - revitalizing its culture of infl

2、exibility, removing outdateD pre-merger barriers anD playing Abrilliant tactical gameHe leD everyone to believe he was opposeD to large mergers anD then jumpeD on the Westcombe Bank opportunity at just the right momentHistory will be the judge, but for now the markets consider King to be Astar.BKeit

3、h Nash: Chief Executive of Hamley”s SupermarketsNash took over as CEO when Hamley”s systems anD distribution were out of date anD the branD badly needeD freshening upHe began refocusing the branD at the higher quality enD of the fooD market anD launcheD several own-branD initiatives for the health c

4、onsciousAs Aresult, the share price has gone up nearly 80 per centThis shoulD be extremely satisfying for Nash, who haD left the retailer in 1986, disappointeD after failing to secure the top job.CJorge Marquez: Chairman of the Kenwick GroupMarquez was Apopular choice for his achievements at Kenwick

5、The judges say he has been courageous in pushing through the appointment of controversial or inexperienceD chief executives to companies within the group, anD then sponsoring them as they transformeD their businessesHe operates as A“virtual“ chairman, without Apermanent office in any one companyHe p

6、hones his CEOs regularly, anD several of them have acknowledgeD the vital contribution he makes to their effectivenessEveryone is impresseD at how he also finds the time to be chairman of two other large companies.DRicharD Jenkins: Finance Director of Centron AdvertisingLabouring in the shadow of Ah

7、igh-profile boss can sometimes draw attention away from the finance director, anD the judges considereD it was high time Jenkins got that attentionThe CEO may be the publiCface of Centron, but Jenkins is the one who makes it run smoothlyBehinD the scenes, he is constantly demonstrating that budgets

8、anD forecasts are what is needeD to make Acompany successful, particularly now that the advertising market has been hit by recession, it is largely thanks to him that Centron is in much better shape than its rivals.This businessman has successfully targeteD Adifferent group of consumers.2、依据下面资料,答复题

9、Getting the Most out of MeetingsOne aspect of business life which many managers are unhappy with is the need to attend meetings. Research indicates that managers will spend between a third and a half of their working lives in meetings. Although most managers would agree that it is hard to think of a

10、n alternative to meetings, as a means of considering information and making collective decisions, their length and frequency can cause problems with the workload of even the best-organized executives.Meetings work best if they take place only when necessary and not as a matter of routine. One exampl

11、e of this is the discussion of personal or career matters between members of staff and their line and personnel managers. Another is during the early stages of a project when the team managing it needs to learn to understand and trust one another.Once it has been decided that a meeting is necessary,

12、 decisions need to be taken about who will attend and about the location and length of the meeting. People should only be invitedto attend if they are directly involved in the matters under discussion and the agenda should be distributed well in advance. An agenda is vital because it acts as a road

13、map to keep discussion focused and within the time limit allocated. This is also the responsibility of the person chairing the meeting, who should encourage those who say little to speak and stop those who have a great deal to say from talking too. much.At the end of a well organized meeting, people

14、 will feel that the meeting has been a success and be pleased they were invited. They will know not only what decisions were made but also the reasons for these decisions. Unfortunately, at the end of a badly organized meeting those present will leave feeling that they have wasted their time and tha

15、t nothing worthwhile has been achieved.Much thought has been given over the years to ways of keeping meetings short. One man who has no intention of spending half his working life in meetings is Roland Winterson, chief executive of a large manufacturing company. He believes that meetings should be s

16、hort, sharp and infrequent. “1 try to hold no more than two or three meetings a week, attended by a maximum of three people for no longer than half an hour,“ he says. “They are clearly aimed at achieving a specific objective, such as making a decision or planning a statement, and are based on careful preparation. I draw up the agenda for every meeting and circulate it


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