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1、M11. 请不要害羞。 Please _ _ shy.2. 你能帮我记下这个号码吗? Can you help me _ _this number?3. 我写信请求了解一些关于课程的信息。Im writing to _ _ some information about courses.4. 我认为写和读一样重要。I think writing is _ _ _reading.5. 在这本书里你会发现一些有趣的东西。You can find _ _ in this book.6.你不能总是同意别人的观点。You cant always _ _ others.7,你经常在哪里查找信息? Where

2、 do you often _ _ information?8.我们英语老师总是对我们微笑。Our English teacher always _ _ us.9.让我们试着和Tony 交朋友。Lets try to _ _ with Tony.10.让我们尽量讲英语。 Lets try to speak English as _ as _ possible.M21.去年的一天我在街上遇见他了。I met him in the street _ _ last year.2.它将变得和香港一样繁忙。Itll get _ _ _Hong Kong.3.丹尼的汉语相当好。Dannys Chinese

3、 is _ _ .4. 事实上,王力来自香港。_ _, Wang Li comes from Hong Kong.5.他的班里有十多个男生。There are _ _ the boys in his class.6. 它的街道也会更宽更清洁的多。Its streets are much _ and _ too.7. 我的家乡尤其以它的大学而闻名。My home town is especially _ _its university.8. 我喜欢各种各样的水果,比如香蕉和橘子。I like all kinds of fruits, _ _ bananas and oranges.10.大连比上

4、海小的多。Dalian is _ _ than Shanghai.M31. 对不起,我不同意你的看法。Sorry,I dont _ _ you.2. 我伤着膝盖了。I _ my _.3. 我们下周将要和另一个学校打比赛。We are going to _ _ another school next week.4.他们大声的为我们欢呼,我们感到更有信心了。They _ us_ loudly and we feel more confident to win the match.5. 中国人擅长打乒乓球。Chinese people are very _ _ playing table tenni

5、s.6.我们都早到校,以便有时间热身。We all get to school early so that we have time to _ _.7.我们还有很多时间完成作业。We still have _ _ time to finish our homework .8.这周的比赛比较令人兴奋。The weeks match is _ _ .9.我不是去踢球,而是去上课。Im _ going to play football _ for lessons.10.冬天训练要更困难的多。Its _ _ _ to practice in winter.M41. 在你们班里谁住的离学校最近?Who

6、is _ _ to school in your class?2.我爸爸看起来有点累。My father looks _ _ tired. 3.到学校最受欢迎的方式是步行。The _ _ way to get to school is on foot.4.我们班里大部分女生不喜欢足球。_ _the girls in our class dont like football.5.昨天下午他一直在图书馆。He was in the library _ _ _ yesterday afternoon.6.因为大雨,我们必须停止工作。_ _ the heavy rain, we must stop w

7、orking.7. 坐火车旅行要比坐长途汽车更令人放松。A journey by train is _ _ than by coach.8.玲玲跑得和我一样快。Lingling rans _ fast _ me.9.不用担心,我会努力学习的。_ _ ,I will study hard.10.玲玲的书包和你的一样吗?Is Linglings schoolbag _ _ _ yours?11.信息越多越好。The more _,the _.M51.彼得主动提出教我英语。Peter _ _ teach me English. 2.京剧很难明白。The Being Opera is difficui

8、t _ _.3.我想带领贝蒂参观这个茶馆。I wanted to _ Betty _ the teahouse. 4. 老舍以他的话剧-茶馆著称。Lao She is _ _ his play ,Teahouse. 5. 这个故事发生在1938年的奥地利。This story _ _ in Austrian in 1938.6. 最后这个男孩通过了考试。_ _ _ the boy past the exam . 7. 他被誉为“人民艺术家”。 He _ _ “the Peoples Artist”.8.我们热情欢迎来自澳大利亚的学生。 We _ a warm _ to the students

9、 from Australia . M61. 我们应该试着找一个好的方法保护野生动物。 We should try to _ _ a good way to protect wild animals. 2. 建立一个自然保护区十分重要。_ very important _ _ a nature reserve. 3. 最后,他离开了警察局。 _ _, he left the police station.4.请把这把椅子拿走。Please _ _ the chair.5 大多数人都想帮助处于危险中的动物 Most people want to protect animals _ _ 6.为了学

10、号英语,贝蒂每天听英语新闻。_ _ to learn English well,Betty listens to English news every day.7.Pandas have _ _ _ (越来越少)land to live on.8. Its sad to _ _ (想到) all those animals in danger. 9.这位老人想在乡下平静的生活。The old man would like to live in the countryside _ _.10.他去年开办了一家商店。He _ _ a shop last year.11.我们的村庄正变得越来越漂亮。O

11、ur village is getting _ and _ beautiful.12.老虎以什么为食? What does the tiger _ _ ?13.我们都知道五星红旗是中国的标志。We all know the Five-Starred Red Flag is the _ _ China.M71. 下周一我们将在礼堂举行一次茶话会。We will have a _ _ in the hall next week? 2. 暑假里,好多孩子无事可做。In summer vocation, some children _ _ to do.3. 没有你的帮助,我不会通过考试。_ your

12、_, I cant pass the exam.4. 我在骑车时把腿摔坏了。I hurt my leg when I _ _ a bike.5.我们英语老师总是随我们微笑。Our English teacher always _ _ us.6.这个衬衫太小了,我穿不了。This shirt is _ small for me _ wear.7.他从包里拿出了一个苹果。He _ an apple _ of his bag.8爱丽丝掉进了兔子洞,进入了他们的奇异世界。Alice _ _ a rabbit hole and went into their strange world.9.昨天晚上八点我正在看书。I _ _ a book at 8 pm last night.10电话铃响起来时,格林夫人正在洗衣服。Mrs Green _ _ clothes when the telephone rang.11.你为什么买那么多咖啡?_ did you buy so much coffee _ ?12.李磊去过王老师家一两次。Li lei went to Mr Wangs house _ _ _



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