2023年北师大版高中英语必修五第讲Unit people语法篇教师版.docx

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1、Unit13 People语法篇_通过本节课,学生可掌握unit13中重点语法及其用法,并通过各个题型的练习,巩固语法基础,提升综合解题能力。过去分词过去分词起形容词、副词的作用,在句中作状语、定语、表语和宾语补足语。一、过去分词作状语1.通常修饰谓语,很多是说明动作发生的背景或情况。Guided by these principles,they went on with the work.在这些方针的指引下,他们继续进行这项工作。Delighted with her work,they made her the general manager.他们很欣赏她的工作,让她当了总经理。 Encou

2、raged by these successes,they decided to expand the business.在这些成绩的鼓舞下他们决定扩大经营。Built in 1192,the bridge is over 700 years old.这座桥是1192年修的,已经有七百多年的历史了。2.过去分词也可作原因状语Influenced by his example,they performed countless good deeds.在他的事迹的影响下,他们做了无数件好事。Confined to bed,she needed to be waited on in everythin

3、g.(由于)她卧病在床,什么事都需要人照顾。He soon fell asleep,exhausted by the journey.由于旅途劳累他很快就睡着了。3.过去分词也可作时间状语Seen from the hill, the town looks magnificent.从山上看这座城市非常漂亮。This method, tried in areas near Shanghai, resulted in a marked rise in total production.这个办法在上海附近地区试验时总产量有了显著提高。4.过去分词也可作假设的条件状语Given closer anal

4、ysis, we can see this is totally wrong.仔细分析一下,我们可以看出这是完全错误的。Given better attention, the cabbages could have grown better.如果管理得好一点,这些大白菜还可以长得更好。United we stand,divided we fall. (谚)团结则存,分裂则亡。二、过去分词作定语过去分词表示的动作在谓语所表示的动作之前发生或没有一定的时间性。Is this the book recommended by our teacher?这是老师推荐的书吗?A letter posted

5、today will probably reach him the day after tomorrow.今天发的信或许后天他能收到。We have to pay duties on goods imported from abroad.进口商品得交税。I hate to see letters written in pencil. 我讨厌看铅笔写的信。三、过去分词作表语过去分词多表示主语所处的状态。The door remained locked.门仍然锁着。She felt disappointed.她感到很失望。He seems quite delighted at the idea.听

6、了这想法他似乎很激动。注意:这种结构和被动语态的区别。被动语态表示一个动作。It is usually closed at 6.它通常六点关门。The book was written by a woman.这书是一位妇女写的。四、过去分词作宾语补足语She was glad to see her children well taken care of in the nursery.她很高兴看到孩子们在托儿所受到很好的照顾。He once heard the song sung in German.有一次他听见有人用德语唱了这首歌。Youd better have your shoes men

7、ded.你最好还是请人把鞋子修一下。五、过去分词与逻辑主语构成独立主格All books returned at the end of the term, the library assistant was satisfied.所有的书期末时都还了,图书管理员很高兴。The field ploughed,he began to spread seed.地耕好了,他开始撒种子。1. _ a tough job market, fresh graduates are dreaming of running their own businesses instead.A. Facing withB.

8、Faced withC. Faced up withD. Facing to解析:考查非谓语动词。分词的逻辑主语是fresh graduates,与face with间为被动关系,故用过去分词作状语,用faced with。答案:B2. If _ in wet sand, vegetables can remain fresh for a long time.A. being buriedB. having buriedC. buriedD. burying解析:考查非谓语动词。动词bury与句子主语之间构成动宾关系,原句补充完整后为:If they are buried.答案:C3. I f

9、ound her _ at the desk _ a letter.A. sitting; writtenB. seated; writing C. seated; writtenD. seating; writing解析:考查非谓语动词。seat为及物动词,不带宾语时,用过去分词形式,此句中作宾语补足语,seated相当于sitting;现在分词writing作伴随状语。答案:B4. Nearly half the U. S. workers questioned in a survey_ yesterday said they were worried that their jobs ar

10、e at risk amid the current economic crisis.A. having releasedB. being released C. releasedD. releasing解析:考查非谓语动词。句意为“昨天公布的一项调查显示,被询问的近一半的美国员工称他们担心眼下的经济危机会危及到自己的工作”。这里是过去分词作定语,修饰survey。答案:C警示误区:解决考查非谓语动词的题目时,首先要注意动词与它的逻辑主语之间的主、被动关系。再者,要注意过去分词形式和being done结构的区别。这是一个测试的热点,不要混淆,单纯的过去分词表示完成和被动两层含义,而being

11、 done结构则表示动作正在进行。 5. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience _ on benches, chairs or boxes.A. having seatedB. seating C. seated D. being seated解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:促销活动经常在户外进行,观看的人坐在长凳、椅子或箱子上。本句中with的复合结构作状语,即with宾语宾语补足语。句中应该用seated表状态,故选C。答案:C基础演练一、单项选择1. Because of my poor Engli

12、sh Im afraid I cant make myself _.A. understandB. to understand C. understandingD. understood2. The workers want us _ together with them.A. workB. workingC. to workD. worked3. Whats the language _ in Germany?A. speakingB. spokenC. be spokenD. to speak4. _ some officials, Napoleon inspected his army.

13、A. FollowedB. Followed byC. Being followed D. Having been followed by5. Most of the people _ to the party were famous scientists.A. invitedB. to inviteC. being invitedD. inviting6. He was disappointed to find his suggestions _.A. been turned downB. turned downC. to be turned downD. to turn down7. Do

14、 you know the boy _ under the big tree?A. layB. lainC. LayingD. lying8. Good morning. Can I help you?Id like to have this package _, madam.A. be weighedB. to be weighedC. to weighD. weighed9. There was a terrible noise _ the sudden burst of light.A. followedB. followingC. to be followedD. being followed10. _ more attention, the trees could have grown better.A. GivenB. To giveC. GivingD. Having given巩固提高



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