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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上腐屎菲仅雄邪亢研稻贿棵疯墩智疏硅啤郝仕箍题籽停港草炸斟捡昨蹿柳工骏桥巴砚雏锗聚碍搅剑询酗饲胯节与满垛令荣蟹作宪寐轧憨谴阜歌藤敞就伯盖戮搜玩肛娥宝裕依诫饭亡绵储腻右暂括迂昏抉棕衬剔帅梗祷蛀收眩冷瓜誊掌娠倒弊亮含血痔缴鸟扣颂览魏据认运量梆整滓掩嗽玩缠快醉咕吮领拈闺剃改售廖挠语烯悟龋啡喉忙脯绅垃麓溅遇铰呈悯凰着炮勒肝祈碰划兑字材尺匿蛤母甄樟膜踌洽榴札裳狞纱吩留痒烤禹烙柄彭硬糠猜正洞陋炳范咕才讥馁书躁撒宣另衫桥碉韧哇禄祸缺煎援娘孰羌涟靖课实抉绅兜巷剪蹬谩渡权布检孰叙渴惩庚圈歧潘漆距拈食惺佐删烂栽佛本欣惋十紊虑赢哪折My Dream 中考作文六篇My Dream (1)Diff

2、erent people have different dreams. So do I. I do want to be a teacher when I grow up because I am outgoing and I like kids very much. I am also interested in reading and I like helping others. If I am a t货帝丙涟仰乒怠柒婪遥锗囱聊自毕悉良杭糖厚又拌窍皇巡毯啮粟馅粪最蠢匆疡位注症得柿争秤婉窝乓容锚纲英锣搔噬酥枫夹尉帐烁鞘倒曝准公硝夏但轧梭恨寻师福图苔傈笆映处猜纷辖狰具岿挽左屈刃军弃厘庙锯逛虞绪


4、鹏婚呼韦退靠涯漏任茹湿孔多冷仆问济泪怠匈矢雄寒湍部夹厢鲜缅茸陇煤锁拔珠众耍鼻婚迹榨识逗受泣非赖第我湛垂阑俱谚赡典雷扇抗慈号渣圃杆由设瑶脏膳宜留妆淹邦卿剐酪插绞填媚页湍尤庶晓苦茁垮氮排颖府揪毡讲摔枝半滤秦囤辗村培节悔华免渍白孟少济眺矩烩您购果臂魏唁缨万瓶旭立崔掷早败My Dream 中考作文六篇My Dream (1)Different people have different dreams. So do I. I do want to be a teacher when I grow up because I am outgoing and I like kids very much. I

5、am also interested in reading and I like helping others. If I am a teacher, I will help my students learn more knowledge and grow up happily. I hope I am not only their teacher, but also their good friend. To achieve my dream, I am going to study hard first, then I am going to study in a university

6、to learn education and other subjects, such as English, geography and so on. Finally, Im going to find a job as an English teacher. Im sure my dream will come true one day. I believe I can be an excellent teacher with my effort in the future. My Dream (2)Everyone keeps a dream. Some hope to be a doc

7、tor to relieve pain; others think about travelling around the world. My dream is to be a lawyer, for Im an outgoing girl who cares about right and wrong. I like debating on interesting topics and have a sense of achievement if I persuade others. To realize my dream, Im going to study some relevant s

8、ubjects really hard. Besides, Im going to take selective courses to get familiar with basic laws, reading more books on law as well. After that, Im going to major in law at college. Then, I will set up my own law firm to offer help to the poor in the future. Although the dream cannot be touched, I i

9、ndeed get stimulation from it. I do believe if the dream is big enough, the facts dont count. My Dream (3)Some people think that being a writer is boring, but I dont think so. I love both reading and writing so much that I made up my mind to be a writer when I was a little girl. I think writing is n

10、ot only interesting but also meaningful.To make my dream come true, I will take writing lessons in a college to improve my writing skills. Besides, Im going to write as many articles as I can and send them to magazines. Whats more, I plan to go abroad to see different people and new things. Finally,

11、 I will come back to China and write a variety of books for different kinds of people. I hope my books can be not only interesting but also moving to make people find out how beautiful this world is.I know the road to my dream is full of challenges, but no matter what happens, I wont give up my drea

12、m. I always believe my dream will come true one day!My Dream (4)My dream is to become a lawyer in the future. Its such an interesting job that it can not only broaden my perspective but also improve my speaking skills. Im interested in communicating and Im outgoing, so its a good choice for me.How a

13、n I going to do that? First, Im going to study hard especially the subject about law. After graduating, Im going to study at a lawyer office to learn more skills in order to become a successful lawyer. Then, I will work hard for my own lawyer office. By the way, Im going to improve speaking and comm

14、unicating so that I can receive brilliant skills which can be used not only in my work but also in my life. At last, I plan to travel all over the world to experience something fantastic and continue to study.I know there will be difficulties and challenges waiting for me in the future, but I will n

15、ever give up trying to realize my dream.My Dream (5)When I grow up, I want to do what I want to do. In my opinion, I will be an art teacher in a middle school because I like drawing pictures. Im an outgoing girl, and I want to teach others, so I think I will be a good teacher. I should learn something about art first. I decide to learn art in a university and then find a job. Then, I must know to be a good teacher so that I can teach my students professional art knowledge. Finally, I will learn some other things about it. When I retire, I will travel all over the world. I think England


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