牛津英语8A Unit 3.doc

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1、牛津英语8A课堂教学评估练习Unit3 第一部分 听力试题(20分)一、 选择所听到的词(每小题读2遍)。(每小题1分,满分5分)( ) 1. A. green B. greeting C. great( ) 2. A. president B. parent C. present( ) 3. A. inside B. invite C. instead( ) 4. A. sick B. sit C. sink( ) 5. A. wonder B. window C. winter二、根据问题选出最佳答语(每小题读2遍)。(每小题1分,满分5分)( ) 1. A. No, youre wron

2、g. B.OK. C. Its beautiful.( ) 2. A. Kitty was. B. No, Daniel didnt. C. Linda did. ( ) 3. A. Yes, thats all right. B Its a good idea. C. No, I wont.( ) 4. A. Its good. B I was busy. C.Yes, theyre amazing, arent they?( ) 5. Vegetables. B. Swimming. C. Yes, I like it.三、听力填词(短文读2遍)。(每空1分,满分10分)Amy and h

3、er _ went to _the World Park. The trip was_,but they still _ themselves, because _ were many_ places. The _ there were very._ .Every student thought they _ just like the _ ones.第二部分 语言知识运用部分(80分)四、 项选择 在A,B,C,D四个选项中选择最佳答案(每小题1分,满分10分)( )1.Lucy wants _ a super star.A. is B. be C. to be D. being( ) 2.

4、Please help _ to some fish.A. you B. me C. yourselves D. Tom( ) 3. Poppy always go to the center of the city _. A. on bike B. take a bus C. on feet D. by car ( ) 4. Its cold in winter here _ we usually stay at home.A. and B. but C. or D. because( ).5. Those Young Pioneers can put on there coats _. A

5、. themselves B. herself C. yourselves D. himself( ) 6. What did you have_ breakfast today. A. for B. with C. at D. of( ) 7. There was a tall building _ Eiffel Tower. A. call B. name C. names D. called( ) 8. After a short rest ,I felt _.A. good B. better C. best D. tired( ) 9. Daniel taught _ how to

6、make a home page. A. herself B. yourself C. himself D. itself( ) 10. Theyre interesting, arent they?- _.A. Yes, they are. B. No, we arent. C. No, they are. D. Yes, they arent.五、用动词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分,满分10分)1. Madee chooses _(clean) the blackboard.2. My father makes me _ (work) all day.3. Simon looks forw

7、ard_(climb)the hill.4. Hurry up! Your mother _ (wait) for you!5. We students must _(study) hard.6. Tom and Judy _(go) to the cinema last Friday.7. Tell her_(open) those windows.8. Do you think it_(rain) this afternoon?9. Its interesting _(play) hide-and-seek.10.We all agreed_ (start) early.六、句型转换(每空

8、1分,满分10分)1. Shall we go to play basketball? (同义句) _ _ _ go to play basketball?2. The girl at the front of the bus is Linda.(划线部分提问)_ _ is Linda?3.Those Pyramids are very beautiful.(感叹句) _ _ Pyramids they are!4. The trip was hot. The trip was boring.(句子合并) The trip was hot _ boring.5. Go climbing on

9、rocks.(否定句) _ _ climbing on rocks!七、句子翻译。(每小题3分,满分15分)1、中国篮球队进入了决赛。_2、请尽快让我知道怎样保持健康。_3、lily决定在儿童节改弹钢琴了。_4、整个世界都在孩子们面前。_5、谢谢你邀请我参加你们去黄山的学校之旅。_八、改错(每小题1分,满分5分)( ) 1. Did you enjoy you yesterday ,my children? _ A B C D( )2.He taught his son how mend bikes. _ A B C D( )3. Its very hot outside or its coo

10、l here in the room._ A B C D( ) 4 Let me to help you look for your ruler. _ A B C D( ) 5 Our teacher said the earth went round the sun. _ A B C D九、完形填空(每空1分,满分10分)A: Tomorrow is _1_ .We dont have to go to school andlets have a picnic.B: _2_ ! _3_ can we go?A: To the _4_.B:_5_, there are too many peo

11、ple at the beach. Lets go to the park.A: How do we _6_ there?B: By bus. _7_ is one at nine Oclock.A: _8_ do we meet?B: Eight thirty at the bus stop. And I want to bring some _9_.A: Then let _10_bring something to drink.( )1. A. Monday B. Saturday C. Wednesday D. Thursday( )2. A. Great B. Oh dear C. Well D.Thank goodness( )3. A. How B. When C. Why D. Where ( )4. A. park B. zoo C. shop D. beach ( )5. A. No B. Ok C. Thats right D. Yes( )6. A. walk B. get C. come D. run(


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