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1、(李晓红)为做实做强基础院贡献力量2011-9-20 16:22:20观看电影吴大观,让我们再一次感受这位报国有成的党员专家与祖国航空发动机事业唇齿相依、平凡而又荣光的一生。 基础院作为引领航空基础技术发展的重要业务板块,承担着“打牢基础、做强技术、支撑型号、创造财富”的重要使命,这是一份沉甸甸的责任。今年是“十二五”开局之年,基础院面对很多新机遇新挑战,再次深入学习吴大观精神对基础院人来说,意义重大。我们将以吴大观同志为榜样,把学习吴大观的精神境界和崇高品格,转化为促进基础院做实做强的不竭动力,转化为不断激励广大干部职工实现航空基础技术创新发展的共同追求。 坚定理想信念,为打造世界级航空工业

2、基础技术中心贡献力量 吴大观同志终生以“航空报国”为追求。为了祖国富强、民族振兴,他一生执着于发动机的研发,矢志不渝、百折不挠,创造了新中国航空工业的诸多第一。在90岁高龄时,他写下了“我愿在自己的有生之年,继续为我们的航空工业尽心尽力,为实现今生航空报国的夙愿,奉献一颗赤诚的心”的人生感言。我们学习吴大观精神,就是要学习他终生践行航空报国的理想不动摇,以为祖国提供先进的航空装备为己任,瞄准世界航空基础技术先进水平,提升国际合作层次,抢占世界航空科技前沿制高点,建成一批国际领先的实验室,培养一批国际知名的技术专家,产生一批在国际上有影响力的科研成果,成为世界级航空工业基础技术中心,为国家的安全

3、和民族的强盛做出应有的贡献。 发扬严谨求实的作风,努力实现“型号牵引”到“牵引型号”的跨越发展 吴大观同志对待工作一丝不苟,始终保持着科学严谨的态度。他曾说“发动机搞出来太难了,一定要讲真话,要按发动机规律办事,不然是搞不出来的。”基础技术与发动机一样,有着自身发展不可逾越的客观规律。我们学习吴大观精神,就是要学习他严谨求实的作风,善于探知、掌握基础技术发展的客观规律。林左鸣总经理提出基础技术发展要有战略性的新思维,要实现“型号牵引基础技术”向“基础技术牵引型号”的转型和升级。面对这样的使命和目标,我们要客观地回顾型号对基础技术牵引的过程和促进作用,科学分析发达国家基础技术牵引装备发展的规律,

4、掌握、运用规律推动技术转型升级,牵引型号发展。 秉承淡泊名利的胸襟,全身心投入航空基础技术事业发展 吴大观同志是中航工业党员干部、知识分子的杰出代表,他的崇高精神和高贵品质是基础院全体干部职工取之不尽、用之不竭的宝贵财富。站在中国航空工业承前启后、继往开来的历史新起点,我们要真正把吴大观同志留给我们的精神财富转化为我们自己的思想境界和道德品质的提升,以坚定的信念、执着的追求、百倍的努力投身航空基础技术事业,加速基础技术创新发展,支撑航空工业又好又快发展!(李晓红)Contribute For a Better Fundamental InstituteWatching the film , a

5、gain we touch the ordinary but glorious life of this contributing Communist and Specialist who is entirely connected to our nations engine development.As an important business part of leading fundamental technology development of aviation, Fundamental Institute undertakes the mission of strengthen f

6、oundation, develop technology, support types, create fortune which is a heavy responsibility.Fundamental Institute is facing many new opportunities and challenges this year which is the beginning year of Twelve Five. It is significant for Fundamental Institute to further learn the spirit of Wu Dagua

7、n again. We will set Mr Wu Daguan as model. We convert the learning of Wu Daguans spirit to the motivation of strengthening Fundamental Institute and to the pursuit for innovation of aviation fundamental technology.Firming the ambition, making efforts for constructing the fundamental technology cent

8、er of international aviatic industryMr Wu Daguan pursued contributing aviation for his lifetime. For our nations prospect, he concentrated on research and development of engine and never gave up. He created many First for our new nations aviatic industry. At the age of 90, he said that I wish to con

9、tinue to devote myself for our nations aviatic industry. I want to devote my heart for realizing my ambition of contributing aviation . The way we study the spirit of Wu Daguan is to study his unwavering ambition of contributing aviation, his responsibility of making our nations aviatic equipment mo

10、re advanced, his aming the developed technology of international aviation. Also we should learn that he has developed international cooperation, reached the highest position of aviatic technology all over the world, built a batch of internationally leading laboratories, cultivated a batch of well-kn

11、own specialists, produced many influential scitific achievements, made the international center of aviatic fundamental technology, and contributed a lot for our nations safty and prosperity.Be rigorous and realistic, developing to be more positive of leading the typeMr Wu Daguan is very fastidiousne

12、ss and rigorous towards his work. He once said that it is quite difficult to make a engine, so we should always follow the real principles of engine, otherwise we will definitely fail. The same to engine, fundamental technology has its own objective laws which can not be changed. Studying the spirit

13、 of Wu Daguan, we need to learn his spirit of realistic, his ability to explore and learn the objective law of fundamental technology development. Prime Minister Lin Zuoming pointed out that we should be strategic for the development of fundamental technology, that we should upgrade and realize tech

14、nology leads type from type leads technology . With such mission and target, we should objectively review the good effect of type leading technology, and analize the principle of technology leading equipment in advanced countries. Then we will be able to possess the principle to upgrade the technolo

15、gy which can lead the development of type.Be indifferent to fame and wealth, devote entirely to the development of aviatic fundamental technologyMr Wu Daguan is Communist lead of Chinese Aviation, the representative of intelligentsia. His noble spirit and quality is a big fortune for all members of

16、Fundamental Institute. At the point of linking past and future, we should convert the spiritual fortune of Mr Wu to the development of our own thoughts and morality. With firm belief, persistent pursuit and hundredfold efforts, we devote ourselves to career of aviatic fundamental technology, expedite the innovation of fundam



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