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1、2022-2023高三上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1In many ways, the magic of AI is _ its not something you can see or touch.AwhetherBwhatCthatDwhy2Our company is seeking for a manager, espec

2、ially _ with creativity and imagination.Athe oneBeachConeDthat3For some time the discussion went with no one saying word. Alice finally broke. Silence.Aa; theBthe;aCa; 不填Dthe; 不填4_ in the last examination, she was more confident of another success in the coming one.ATo succeedBTo have succeededCHavi

3、ng succeededDsucceeding5-Lets walk to that village together.-_. How can we two girls do that in the dark?AI agree with you.BThats a good point.CYou must be joking!DThats not your opinion!6They did everything in their power to save the building dating back to the Qing Dynasty, but their efforts were

4、.Ain turnBin timeCin vainDin need7We climbed up to the top of a hill,_ we got a good view of the whole forest park.AwhichBwhereCwhenDthat8How long do you suppose it is _ he arrived there?Awhen BbeforeCafter Dsince9The only problem was _ we kept getting lost! But people in Tianjin are very friendly a

5、nd helpful.AwhyBwhetherCthatDhow10Its that time of year again, when Alipay _ us just how much weve been spending, and on whatAremindsBremindedChas remindedDis reminding11Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it _ and is beyond our control.ApassedBwill passChas passedDhad passed12Im sure

6、that your letter will get _attention. They know youre waiting for the reply.AcontinuedBimmediateCcarefulDgeneral13If you want to lead a happy life, youd better learn to accept life _ it is.AasBthatCwhichDwhere14The party last month really gave me a lot of fun. So can we have this month,Mr.James?Aany

7、BoneCanotherDthe other15What an amazing picture!The little boy _the soldiers, and I caught them in an unguarded moment.Awas salutingBsalutedChad salutedDwould salute16_ at the differences between her culture and theirs, Annie wanted to return home.AConfusing BConfusedCHaving confused DTo confuse17Th

8、ere are no _ proposals to reduce the road accidents. We are still seeking inspiration.Acontradictory BconcreteCconfidential Dcontroversial18 Joe, what about going to Belgium for our coming holiday? Sorry, honey, I _ on the newly discovered dinosaur site in ArgentinaThere are remains of what is thoug

9、ht to be the largest creature ever to walk the earth.Awas workingBworkCwill be workingDworked19- Ill send you the signed contract personally this time tomorrow.- Sorry, I _ a meeting then.Aam attendingBattendedChave attendedDwill be attending20Because of the heavy snow, we had to delay the visit unt

10、il this weekend to the artgallery _ in the center of our city these days.Abeing heldBholdingCto be heldDheld第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)Most of us dont reach for that gnarled (多节的) carrots when selecting our produce at the local supermarket. Thats exactly why Americans was

11、te up to 40% of eatable food every year. This unbelievable number has sparked the “ugly food” movement, and inspired many companies to sell misshapen fruit and vegetables to consumers, rather than throw them in the trash.One San Francisco organization is taking a unique approach to this idea. The Sa

12、lvage Supperclub hosts fancy dinners inside dumper truck (卸车) where they serve dishes entirely prepared with food that would have otherwise gone to waste.Josh Treuhaft, founder of these ugly food dinners, originally came up with the idea 10 bring awareness to Americas food waste problem. “There is u

13、ndeveloped potential in their food that for some reason, not to their own fault, is going to waste,” he told Seekers Laura Ling.Treuhaft isnt alone in his effort to reduce Americas food waste. A Change, org last year willed for Whole Foods to become part of the ugly food movement. They sold misshape

14、n fruit and vegetables in Northern California stores.Selling imperfect produce is still relatively rare right now, which can be partially due to a supply issue rather than a lack of willing participants. Raleys, a Sacramento-based grocery chain, started an ugly food pilot program called “Real Good”,

15、 but discontinued it after 90 days saying they had “some challenges sourcing the product”. A grower might have large amounts of ugly produce one year due to terrible weather, but much less the next year if the weather has been more ideal. Harvests constantly vary and retailers are more likely to buy ugly produce in large number rather th


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