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1、(文末附答案)高中英语被动语态易混淆知识点2单选题(经典例题高频考点-名师出品必属精品)1、Lisa had to have her car repaired in a garage because it _ seriously .AdamagedBhad been damagedCwas being damagedDhad damaged2、We advocate the disagreements between China and America _ through dialogue.Amust be settledBwould be settledCbe settledDare set

2、tled3、Why dont you join us in the game? Because my homework _ yet.Adidnt finishBhasnt finishedCwasnt finishedDhasnt been finished4、Computers of this kind _. They are out ofstock (脱销) now.Asell goodBsell wellCare sold goodDare sold well5、The situation here is _and we are _.Aencouraging; encourageBenc

3、ouraged; encouragingCencouraging; to encourageDencouraging; encouraged6、Simon, do you know who invented the kite?Sure! It _ by Mozi over 2,000 years ago.Ais inventedBinventedCwas inventedDwill be invented7、 Hi, Terry, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?Sorry. _AIt is repaired.BIt has

4、 been repaired.CIt is being repaired.DIt had been repaired.8、It is well-known that the 2022 Winter Olympic Games _ in Bejing.Aare heldBwill be heldCheldDwill hold9、Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be equally_.ArespectsBrespectingCrespectDrespected10、Where is your book report

5、? Did your dog eat it again?No, it _ almost _, and then my computer just died on me!A/; finishesB/; finishedCis; finishedDwas; finished11、The Xian City Wall_ originally to protect the city in the Tang dynasty and has now been completely restored(修复).Awas builtBis builtChas builtDhas been built12、I d

6、ont think the song is worth_.Alisten toBlisteningCbeing listened toDlistening to13、After todays heavy snow, many roads are still blocked.A阻塞;堵塞B街区;C木块;石块D大楼14、Part of his spare time has been _ to_the violin every day.Adevoted, playBdevoted, playingCdevoting, playDdevoting, playing15、Why do you look

7、so upset?The electricity was cut off suddenly and my essay_unfinished since.Awas leftBhas leftCleftDhas been left16、I dont know when he _ to work in that country, perhaps next week.Awas testedBwill be testedChas been testedDtested17、If city noises_ from increasing, people_ shout to be heard even at

8、the dinner table 20 years from now.Aare not kept; will have toBare not kept; have toCdo not keep; will have toDdo not keep; have to18、Whats that noise outside?A new school_.Ais being builtBwill be builtChas been builtDis building19、The old man, who _ in the rope, saw the fishing spear _ into the sha

9、rks head.Awas wrapping, threwBwrapped, being thrownCwas wrapped, thrownDwrapping, throw20、No child under 12 is allowed to go to the lake alone; any walk close to the lake _by a parent.Amust be accompaniedBmust accompanyCcan be accompaniedDshould accompany21、Last month, part of Southeast Asia was_by

10、floods.AstrikenBstruckCstuckDsticked22、After the race _, they began to celebrate with local fans at once.Ahad been wonBis wonCwill be wonDhas been won23、This is a promising company as its employees _ to think outside the box and develop creative solutions.AencourageBhave encouragedCwere encouragedDa

11、re encouraged24、As a punishment, he _ any school activities.Awasnt permitted to attendBwas permitted to attendCwasnt permitted attendingDwas permitted attending25、The basketball coach, as well as his team, _ now for their outstanding performance during the match.Ahas been interviewedBhave been inter

12、viewedCis being interviewedDarc being interviewed26、Shall we _ to attend the meeting _ at the end of this month?Sorry,I dont know.Aask;holdingBask;to holdCbe asked;heldDbe asked;to be held27、Last nights TV news said that by then the death of the missing people yet.Aisnt provedBhavent been provedChad

13、 not been provedDwasnt proved28、What will the weather be like tomorrow?I have no idea. I was on the phone when the weather report _.Ais broadcastBwas being broadcastChas been broadcastDhad been broadcast29、Large quantities of information, as well as timely help, _ since the organization was built.Ah

14、as offeredBhad been offeredChave been offeredDis offered30、They are trying to make sure that 5G terminals by 2022 for the Beijing Winter Olympics.Awill be installedBwill have been installedCare installedDhave been installed31、This is one of the best films _ this yearAwhich has been shownBthat have been shownCthat have shownDhaving been shown32、If you go to see a 3D film, you special glasses _ in the cinema.Awill be offeredBwere offeredCofferedDwill offer33、 Do you like the new pen? Yes, it



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