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1、地铁线路智能查询系统的设计与实现摘 要 我国城市地铁的智能查询系统发展处于一个较落后的水平,广大乘客可以获得信息的方式很少,为了解决这种问题,加快发展城市地铁信息化,设计了这个城市地铁线路智能查询系统。地铁线路智能查询系统是 MAS 技术和 Web 技术相结合的产物,利用基于地铁线路智能查询系统可以很方便的查询地铁站点线路信息以及站与站之间的最优换乘路线的查询,从而方便了人们的出行选择。论文主要研究基于 MAS构建地铁线路智能查询系统的有关技术以及结合蚁群算法设计了地铁线路智能算法。蚁群算法的应用是近些年人工智能领域的研究热点,在工程应用、计算机仿真等领域都解决了大量的实际问题。在设计过程中,


3、智能算法中参数选择的复杂性,可以在以后的实践检验中通过继续优化规则和参数设置,取得更加完美的成果。关键词:地铁线路;智能查询;设计与实现AbstractThe intelligent query system development of urban subway in a relatively backward level,the passengers can get information way very few, in order to solve this problem, speed up the development of urban subway informatizatio

4、n, the city subway line intelligent query system is designed。 Subway line intelligent query system is the combination of the MAS technology and Web technology, based on the subway line intelligent query system can easily subway stations route information query and the optimal transfer between statio

5、n and station route query, which facilitates peoples travel choice. Paper mainly studies based on MAS building subway lines of the intelligent query system about technology and the subway line intelligent algorithm combined with ant colony algorithm design. The application of ant colony algorithm is

6、 a hot research topic in the field of artificial intelligence in recent years, in the field of engineering application, the computer simulation, etc are solved a lot of practical problems。 In the design process, the author firstly introduces the principle, characteristics of ant colony algorithm, an

7、d analyzes the development situation of urban subway passenger information system。 Secondly, in the introduction, the research on the basis of predecessors research results, combined with the intelligent algorithm, in the application of intelligent system is studied, including the component, rule ch

8、anges, pheromone update, convergence test, the sample data modification and so on several important steps. At the same time, the paper analyzes the psychological characteristics of subway passengers, and on this basis, the fusion of passengers choose subway line decision factors, based on the transf

9、er number and duration of the subway route choice model, and complete the design of the system。 System using the technique of dynamic cache to common metro lines into the cache, can get very high speed。 Software design more accord with the actual situation of metro operation, give full consideration

10、 to the actual requirements of different subway passengers, has the strong practical application value。 The experimental results indicate that the algorithm can make the expert system to ensure accurately. But because of the complexity of the parameter selection in intelligent algorithm, can be in t

11、he later practice inspection rules and parameters were optimized by continuing to set, more perfect results.Key Words: Subway lines; Intelligent query; Design and implementation目录第1章 绪论11。1 课题研究的目的和意义1.2 现有地铁查询现状及国内外换乘算法研究分析1。2.1 美国 APTS 研究1.2。2 日本 APTS 研究1。2.3 欧洲 APTS 研究第2章 地铁线路智能查询系统分析2。1 地铁信息查询系统

12、结构分析2.2 乘客出行心理分析2。3 地铁信息查询系统工作流程分析2。4 地铁系统分析2.4。1 地铁站点分析2。4。2 地铁线路分析2.4。3 地铁网络的抽象2.5 换乘方案的分析2.6 本章小结第3章 蚁群算法3.1 蚁群算法的发展历程3。2 蚁群算法的基本原理3。3 蚁群算法模型及其参数选择3。3。1 蚁群算法的模型3。3.2 蚁群算法的参数选择3。3。3 蚁群算法的改进3。4 蚁群优化算法模型3.5 本章小结第4章 系统的设计4。1 系统的设计目标4.2 地铁线路智能优化数学模型4.3 系统的平台与结构设计4。3。1 系统的平台4.3。2 系统概要结构设计4.3.3 系统数据库的设计与实现4。3。4 系统查询详细实现4.4 结合蚁群算法计算地铁网络最短路径4。5 查询决策过程4.6 本章小结第5章 系统实现和测试5.1 用户界面设计的原则5.2 地铁线路智能蚁群算法实现5。3 数据库查询过程5。4 地铁线路智能算法查询结果分析5.5 系统测试5。6 本章小结第六章 总结与展望参考文献



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