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1、人教版青沈阳市铁西区 小升初英语 毕业考试试卷 一、读句子,根据首字母提示写单词1. George is 152 c_ tall and w_ 40 kilograms.2. In the future, schools will be different. They will be under the sea, on high m_and even in s_.3. Mr. Yang drives a street sweeper to clean the street in a short time. He is a s_ c_.4. Once upon a time, there w_

2、a poor farmer. One day, a fairy visited his house.5. Jill wants to make a crown for his little cousin. -What a_ you m_? -Im m_ a toy plane for my brother._.6. I usually play football after school. Im a football f_.7. Ms Wen is a w_. In the past, she used a pen and paper to write her books.8. Student

3、s will not c_ any books. All their books will be on a small computer.9. I like the picture on the left. Its an o_ painting. Its colourful.10. We run long races and short races. They are exciting. We all want to w_ .二.读对话,完成 Notice的填写.Today is Sunday. Sally and Peter are in the park. A boy is cryingS

4、aIIy: Hello. Whats the matter? Canwe help you?Boy: I cant find my dog.Peter: We can help you. What does your dog look like?Boy: Shes small and white. She has a pink bell around her neck.Man: I saw her half an hour ago. She was near the gate.Woman: I saw her two minutes ago.She was near the lake.Pete

5、r: Lets go to the lake then.Sally: We should also ask the gatekeeper. Peter, you go to the lake. Im going to ask the gate-keeper.Peter: OK. Lets meet here in 15 minutes.Boy: Thank you for your help. Lost Dog_name is Snow.She is _ (size).She is _ (colour).She has a pink _ around her neck.She was near

6、_ at half past ten.She was near_at about eleven.Did you see her?My phone number is 123456.三、根据你学到的知识,判断下列描述是否正确,用”或“”表示. ( )1.Im from Asia. Im from South America. Im from Africa. Im from Europe. Im from North America. We live in the same world. Were family.( )2. Vincent Van Gogh was a great artist.

7、He painted the Mona Lisa.( )3. The Olympic symbol is five rings in five colours: white, blue, red, yellow and green.( )4. Halloween is on 30th October. Children get candy from their neighbours.( )5. Easter is on a Saturday in March or April. Children usually eat chocolate eggs.( )6. On Thanksgiving

8、Day, people usually eat turkey.( )7. On Christmas Eve, children wait for presents from Father Christmas.四、按要求写句子。1How tall are you?(根据实际情况回答)_2.I weigh 40 kilograms.(对画线部分提问)_3I usually play football after school.(对画线部分提问)_4. he, use film, take photos, in the past(组句)_5. there be, in the city, tall

9、buildings,a lot of(组句)_6Whats your favourite activity in PE lessons?(根据实际情况回葡_7The students are going to an art museum tomorrow. (变为一般疑问句)_8I like the one on the left.(对画线部分提问)_9We should smoke in the library.(变为否定句)_10. We have two PE lessons at school every week.(对画线部分提问)_五、课内阅读. A根据故事原文,将句子补充完整。

10、1. One day,a fairy visited them. Fred, Id like to give you three_,”said the fairy.2. Could I make a_with teeth like these?I could cut things with it_.”Lu Ban said to himself.3. Soon Lu Ban made a saw. It was the first saw in the world. People are_using this_today.4. Jack and Jane lived by the forest

11、. Their father often said to them, “Never go into the forest.You may_ _”5. The peas grew bigger and bigger. One day,a boy picked the pod, “Well soon_!”said the peas. They were very excited. B根据故事内容,回答下列问题。 ( )1. Which is the third wish that the fairy gave Fred?A.Some gold. B.A big, new house.C. Happ

12、y life. D.The happy farmer and his wife.( )2. What did Lu Ban make?A. A leaf. B. A tool. C. Sharp teeth. D.An axe.( )3. Who is stronger, Mr. Wind or Mr. Sun?A. Mr. Wind. B. Mr. Sun. C.Sorry,I dont know.( )4. Why did people like the bee?A. Because she worked hard. B.Because she praised her work.C. Be

13、cause she not only worked for herself and her queen. Her work also helped people and flowers.( )5Why did Rudolf dislike(不喜欢)his nose at first(起初)?A.Because his nose wasnt sensitive. B.Because his nose was small.C. Because his friends laughed at him.C读下面的句子,根据故事内容将其排序。Little Leos lessons“Thats easy! said Little Leo.His friends all liked his pictures. Little Leo took drawing lessons.“Why do we draw eggs all the time?Little Leo liked drawing very much.Little Leo worked hard and became a great a



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