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1、.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1I sent him a telegram,_(congratulate)him on his success.2If you wish to invite a friend over to visit,you must first ask your hosts _(permit)3Mr.Brown has some difficulty in _(adjust)to the new climate.4He finally _(accustom)himself to the new way of life.5The poor weather may have

2、_(account)for the small crowd.答案1.congratulating2.permission3.adjusting4accustomed5.accounted.单项填空1Would you permit me _here?Sorry.We dont permit _in the li brary.Asmoking;smo king Bto s moke;to smokeCsmoking;to smoke Dto smoke;smoking答案Dpermit sb to do“允许某人做”和permit doing“允许做”均为固定搭配。2I havent decid

3、ed on the menu yet,let alone_the food.Abuying Bto buyCbought Dbuy答案C考查let alone的用法。句意:我还没决定吃什么菜呢,更不必说买食物了。let alone“更别提;更不用说”,后跟与前面部分相对应的谓语或名词。这里前面部分是完成时态,所以用过去 分词。3My question is why people _animals and use animals to help their own species.Ahave power over Bget away fromCmake room for Dput up with

4、答案A考查动词短语辨析。句意:我的问题是人类为什么控制着动物,并利用他们帮助自己。have power over“控制”,符合句意。get away from“逃离”;make room for“给让位置”;put up with“忍受”。4After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane_her job as a doctor in the countryside.Aset out Btook overCtook up Dset up答案C考查动词 短语辨析。句意:在医学院学了五年后,简在乡下当了一名医生。take up“开始从事

5、”,符合句意。set out“开始,出发”;take over“接管,接收”;set up“建立”。5 The re is a growing tendency for people to do shopping on the Internet.But sometimes its difficult to_the quality of the products.Aassume BsupposeCmeasu re Densure答案D考查动词辨析。句意:人们越来越倾向于在网上购物,但有时候很难保证所购商品的 质量。ensure“保证,确保”,符合句意。assume“假定,假设”;suppose“

6、料想,假定”;measure“测量,衡量”。6_the steep mountains,he had no difficulty reaching the top.AHaving accustomed to climbBHaving accustomed to climbingCAccustomed to climbDAccustomed to climbing答案D句意:他已习惯了爬陡峭的山,因此他毫不费力地到达山顶。be accustomed to“习惯于”,to为介词,故可排除A、C两项;此处应用其过去分词形式作状语。7On March 5,Chinese President Hu Ji

7、ntao_Russian Prime Mi nister Putin on his election to the countrys presidency.Acelebrated BexpressedCcongratulated Dobserved答案C句意:3月5日,中国国家主席胡锦涛祝贺俄罗斯总理普京当选俄罗斯总统。congratulate sb on sth“就向某人祝贺”。celebrate“庆祝,庆贺”,宾语为sth;express“表达”;observe“观察,遵守”。8The reason why the young man can _the new conditions is

8、that he has a flexible attitude towards everything.Aappeal to B adjust toCsubscribe to Ddevote to答案B句意:那个年轻人能适应新环境的原因是他对任何事物都持有一个灵活的态度。appeal to“吸引”;adjust to“适应”;subscribe to“同意,赞成”;devote oneself to“献身于”。9The government passed a regulation to prohibit_in the city centre.Ato park BparkingCto be par

9、ked Dbeing parked答案B句意:政府通过条例禁止在市中心停车。prohibit doing sth“禁止做某事”。10 Are you getting on well wit h your workmates?Well,almost none is_with me up till now.Afamiliar BawareCsimilar Dknown答案A考查形容词辨析。句意:“你和同事们相处得好吗?”“哦,我和他们到现在都还不太熟。”familiar“熟悉的”,be familiar with“熟悉,通晓”,符合句意。aware“意识到的,知道的”,常和of搭配;similar“相似的”,和to搭配;known“已知的”。



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