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1、苏教版六年级英语上册期中考试及答案【下载】 题序一二三四五六七八总分得分(满分:100分 时间:60分钟)一、 按要求写词语。(10分)1、sad (反义词) _ 2did (原形) _3heavy (比较级) _ 4play (过去式) _5thin (比较级) _二、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项,画_线。(10分)1、AwriteBspeakCpretty2ANew YorkBChinaCthe UK3AaboutBtoChere4ApleasedBwantCknow5AmoreBmuchCmany三、选择填空。(20分)1、That _ like a lot of fun. ( )As

2、oundBsoundsCis2、你想知道别人的名字,你应该问:_( )AHow are you?BWhats your name?CGood morning.3、The tree is _ than both of _ together. ( )Ataller; weBtallest; usCtaller; us4、We _ tea in the afternoon and watched TV. ( )AdrinkBdrankCdrinked5、What _ you do last weekend? ( )AdoBdidCwill6、_ are you going?( ) Next week

3、.AWhatBWhenCHow7、There _ lots of snow. ( )AareBisCam8、This my classroom. ( )AamBisCareD/9、Are you feeling _ today? ( )Yes, thank you.AgoodBhealthCbetterDbad10、Is there _ I can do for you? ( )Asomething elseBanything elseCelse四、 根据要求完成句子。(10分)1I walk to school. (改写同义句)_2She goes to school by bus. (对划

4、线部分提问)_3I often comes to school by bike. (英译汉)_4go, I, there, bike, by. (连词成句)_5on, can, go, she, there, foot (?) (连词成句)_五、 用括号里的词的适当形式填空。(10分)1There are a lot of high _ (build) in this large city. 2She had to stay at home because it rained _ (heavy). 3How many _ (sheep) do they have on the farm?4Lo

5、ok, thats Miss Li. She is _ (paint) a picture. 5The first day was _ (sun). Sally went to the Childrens Park. 六、 给下列问句选择相应的答语。(10分).( )1.What does he like? A. Yes, she does.( )2.Does he go to work by bus ? B.He likes swimming.( )3.Does Jim live in Shanghai? C. Im going to b( )4.Do you like reading bo

6、oks? D. Its near the sc( )5.What are you going to do ? E.He goes to England by ( )6.How does your father go to England ? F. I like reading bo( )7.Is there a cinema near here ? G.Yes, we are.( )8.Wheres your home? H.Yes,I do.( )9.Are you going to the Great Wall ? I.No, he doesn( )10.What is your hobb

7、y? J.Yes, 七、 连词成句,注意句首字母大小写及标点符号。(10分)1. there, how, you, did, go ? _2. mine, your, are, bigger, feet, than . _3. like, going, word, he, puzzles, does, and, hiking, doing ?_4. size, are, what, shoes, Mike, your , ? _5. am, have, lesson, going, I, an, to, art . _八、 根据短文内容判断下列说法的正误。(20分)Mr Black is a

8、careful driver. One day he is driving home. When he gets to a crossing, he sees a slow sign. So he slows down. He looks both ways. No car is coming, so he is ready to drive away.Just then, he hears a whistle (哨子声), so he stops by the side of the road. A policeman walks to him and says, “You should s

9、top at the crossing. Mr Black says, “Its a slow sign, not a stop sign. The policeman looks at the sign and says,” Well, I am very sorry. I am in the wrong street.1Mr Black is a careful driver. ( )2Mr Black stops his car at the crossing. ( )3There is a stop sign at the crossing. ( )4Mr Black stops be

10、cause he hears a whistle. ( )5The policeman is in the right street. ( )参考答案二、 按要求写词语。(10分)1、1happy2do3heavier4played5thinner二、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项,画_线。(10分)1、1C2A3C4A5A三、选择填空。(20分)1、B2、B3、C4、B5、B6、B7、B8、B9、C10、B四、 根据要求完成句子。(10分)1、1I go to school on foot.2How does she goes to school?3我经常骑自行车来学校。(10分)4I go

11、 there by bike.5Can she go there on foot?五、 用括号里的词的适当形式填空。(10分)1、1buildings2heavily3sheep4painting5sunny六、 给下列问句选择相应的答语。(10分)1、略七、 连词成句,注意句首字母大小写及标点符号。(10分)1、 1.How did you go there? 2.Your feet are bigger than mine. 3.Does he like going hiking and doing word puzzles?/ Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking? 4.Mike ,what size are your shoes? 5.I am going to have an art lesson.八、 根据短文内容判断下列说法的正误。(20分)2、1T2F3F4T5F页码 / 总页数



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