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1、-T.S艾略特荒原中的现代主义特征分析*毕业论文系 部 外语系 年 级 2008级 专 业 英语语言文学 班 级 英语本科 学生姓名 * 学 号 * 指导老师 *. z.-An Analysis on the Modernistic Features of T.S Eliots Waste LandBy *Submitted to the Department of Foreign Languagesof Shandong University of Political Science and Law in Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements for

2、 the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in EnglishUnder the Supervision of Professor Ms. *June, 2012. z.-T.S艾略特荒原中的现代主义特征分析摘要:艾略特不仅仅是英国和美国现代诗的先驱,也是荒原派的创始人,对当代和以后的作家产生很大的影响。他的诗歌极具现代性,这种现代性特征在他的诗歌荒原里被表现的淋漓尽致。作者使用各种不同的现代主义表现手法把当时的社会现实如实的反映给读者,这些手法不仅包括诗歌主题,也包括一些文体特征和写作技巧。本文试图对爱略特荒原一诗的现代性特征进行分析,作为现代主义运动之一的现代文学全方

3、位、多角度的反映了西方的社会现实,其主要特征就是新:主题新、写作手法新。这种表现方式远不同于传统的诗歌表现手法。全文共分四章,第一章对爱略特的文学成就和贡献以及将要分析的诗歌进行简要介绍;第二章对现代主义进行详细解释,并通过分析其特征引出本文的研究目标,全新的现代性诗歌主题和写作技巧;第三章对荒原的现代性特征的表现方式着重进行分析,并通过举例论证的方式来引导读者对该诗歌有一个全面的了解和认识;最后一章对论文进行简要总结。关键词:现代主义,现代主义特征,主题,艺术技巧An Analysis on the Modernistic Features of T.S. Eliots Waste Land

4、Abstract:, but also of a whole generation of writers later to be identified as Waste Land Painters. He remains a shaping influence on many of his contemporaries and followers. Eliots poems are e*traordinary with great modernity; the point is especially e*pressed in his famous poem the Waste Land, wh

5、ich gives inspirations to other poets of the followers. He is not the inventor of modern poetry, but he has e*erted great influence on the new trend.The thesis is devoted to the analysis of modernistic features in T.S. Eliots masterpieceWaste Land. As one of the modern movements, modern literature r

6、eflected the realities of the western modern society thoroughly and multi-angled. The main characteristic of the modern literature is novelty. The new theme and new artistic techniques are both different from the traditional ones. The article is divided into four parts: chapter one introduces the ac

7、hievements and contributions of T.S. Eliot and the viewpoints of other critics on the poetry. Chapter two e*plains the survey about characteristics of modernism, modern literature, the general idea of what is called modernistic feature then points out the aim of the research work, introduces Eliots

8、new and precious instruments: modern artistic techniques and the post war new theme. Chapter three researches the new theme e*pressed in the poem by analyzing the whole poem part after part, e*poses the modernistic features hidden in the depth of the comple* content, discusses the modernistic artist

9、ic techniques with which the great poet e*presses his sensations and emotions at the bottom of his heart to make the poetry one of the famous poems in modern literature. Chapter four concludes the modernistic features have been discussed above.Key Words: Modernism, Modernistic features, Theme, Artis

10、tic techniquesContents摘要i关键词iAbstractiiKey WordsiiChapter One Introduction11.1 Brief Introduction of T.S.Eliot and the Waste Land11.2 Literature Review of the Poetry2Chapter Two Modernism and Modern Literature32.1 General Knowledge of Modernism and Modern literature32.2 New Ways to E*press Modernism

11、4Chapter Three Modernistic Features in the Waste Land53.1 Theme of the Poetry53.2 Stylistic Features of the Waste Land73.3 Poetic Techniques of the Poetry83.3.1 Symbolism in the Waste Land83.3.2 Stream of Consciousness in the Waste Land113.3.3 Dramatic Monologue in the Waste Land123.3.4 Montage in t

12、he Waste Land13Chapter Four Conclusion15Bibliography16. z.-An Analysis on the Modernistic Features of T.S Eliots Waste LandChapter One Introduction1.1 Brief Introduction of T.S.Eliot and the Waste LandT. S. Eliot (Thomas Sterns Eliot, 1888-, but also of a whole generation of writers later to be iden

13、tified as Waste Land Painters. He was famous not only for his poetry but also for his criticism and his verse drama who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1948. Eliot pioneered the modernist poetry of the 20th century in the sense that he brought into modernist poetry the intellectual resources of wit a

14、nd irony. He used the “un-poetical” imagery of modern urban life. He rejected the meaningless rhythms of conversational verse and adopted a non-discursive mode. The comple*ity, impersonality, “orthodo*y” and the mi*ture of formal and conventional registers, the fresh and spontaneous rhythms marked a

15、 decisive development in English poetry.So many works were created by the great man, such as the Waste Land, the Hollow Man Four Quartets,The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, etc. However, it is the poetry titled the Waste Land that e*presses perfectly the modernistic features, which gives inspirations to other poets of the followers. His poetry conveys his pessimistic view that the modern world is chaotic and its life is futile an



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