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1、 本资料由阳光家教网整理难点 3 不定代词的固定表达 不定代词具有名词和形容词的性质,并有可数与不可数、单数与复数的区别,用时需慎重。 难点磁场 1.()Is_here? No,Bob and Tim have asked for leave. A.anybody B.somebody C.everybody D.nobody 2.()They were very tired,but_of them would stop to take a rest. A.any B.some C.none D.neither 3.()I hope there are enough glasses for e

2、ach guest to have_. A.it B.those C.them D.one 4.()When shall we meet again? Make it _day you like;its all the same to me. A.one B.any C.another D.some 5.()I agree with most of what you said,but I dont agree with_. A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing (NMET1997) 6.()Sarah has read lots of st

3、ories by American writers.Now she would like to read_stories by writers from_countries. A.some;any B.other;some C.some;other D.other;other 7.()Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? Im afraid_day is possible. A.either B.neither C.some D.any 8.()Dr.Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge,I cant remem

4、ber_. A.where B.there C.which D.that 9.()Are the new rules working? Yes._books are stolen. A.Few B.More C.Some D.None 10.()Few pleasures can equal_of a cool drink on a hot day. A.some B.any C.that D.those 案例探究 1.If you want to change for a double room,youll have to pay_15. A.another B.other C.more D

5、.each (NMET2000) 命题意图:本题考查学生对“又”“再”的英语表达方式的掌握,属五星级题目。 知识依托:“another+数词+复数可数名词”表示在原有基础上多出的数量。 错解分析:B、C迷惑性较大。因other、more也有“再”“又”之意,但位置与another不同。 解题方法与技巧:必须记清表达方式,数词+more/other+复数可数名词。 答案:A 例:Ive got another three books. Ive got three more/other books. 2.Why dont we take a little break? Didnt we just

6、have_? A.it B.that C.one D.this (NMET2000) 命题意图:考查学生对表示特指事物的代词和表示泛指事物的代词的区别,属四星级题目。 知识依托:one代替单数可数名词,但泛指物。 错解分析:A项选择迷惑性较大。因人称代词it和不定代词one都可以代替单数可数名词,但it指特定事物。 解题方法与技巧:答语中用one泛指第一个对话者询问的a little break。 答案:C 锦囊妙计 不定代词的种类较多,用法各异,下面分别进行介绍。 1.one,some与any的用法 one可以泛指任何人,还可以在形容词和that、this等词后代替刚提过的可数名词,其复数形

7、式为ones,可用作主语和宾语;ones是它的物主代词形式,可用作宾语;oneself是它的反身代词形式,可用作宾语。some和any通常用作定语,都可用来修饰可数与不可数名词、单数或复数名词。some用于单数可数名词前,表示“某一”。some用于数词前,表示“大约”。some一般用于肯定句,any多用于疑问、否定句中。例如: One should wash oneself regularly. This film is not as good as the one I saw yesterday. He thought it over carefully and concluded that

8、 heavy objects always fell faster than light ones. We have some food left.Have you any books?I dont have any books. 注意:some可用于表达邀请或请求、预期的答案是肯定的或鼓励对方给予一个肯定的答复的问句。例如: Could you let me have some coffee?(请求) Would you like some bananas?(邀请) some和any可用作主语和宾语。例如: Some are singing,others are dancing.(主语) D

9、oes any of you know Mr Wang?(主语) I dont like any of the books。(宾语) some,any,every,no与one,body,thing构成的合成代词都作单数看待。另外,some的合成代词一般用于肯定句,any的合成代词一般用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句。例如: Did anybody ask for you outside? There is somebody waiting for you. 2.each,every的用法 each强调个体,可以充当宾语、定语、主语和同位语,every强调整体,相当于汉语的“每个都”,在句中只作定

10、语。例如: The teacher had a talk with each of them.(宾语) Each of us has two boxes.(主语) We have two boxes each.(同位语) Each boy has a bike.(定语) Every one has strong and weak points.(定语) each所代表的数可以是两个或两个以上,而every所指的数必须是三个以上。例如: Each of the two has won a prize.Every student in the class likes English.There i

11、s a line of trees on each side of the river. 3.none和no的用法: no=no any在句中作定语,修饰可数或不数名词。none在句中作主语或宾语。none不能用来说明两个人或物。例如: There is no water in the well(井).(定语) None of them know the story.(主语) I know none of them.(宾语) none代替不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;代替可数名词作主语时,谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数。例如: None of the students are(is)a

12、fraid of difficulties。 none不能回答who的问题,可回答how many或how much的问题,例如: (误)Who is in the classroom?None.(改None为No one或Nobody) (正)How many students are there in the classroom?None. 4.many和much的用法 many和much都表示“许多”, many修饰可数名词,much修饰不可数名词,都可用作主语、宾语和定语。例如: Many of the students often go shopping.(主语) I have mu

13、ch to do.(宾语) There is not much water in the cup.(定语) much有时用作状语,例如: He likes playing football very much。(状语) 5.few,little;a few,a little的用法 few和little表示没有多少,含否定意义;而a few与a little表示有一些,有几个,含肯定意义。另外,few与a few修饰可数名词,而little与a little修饰不可数名词,它们在句中常用作定语、主语和宾语。例如: He knows a little English.(定语) He has man

14、y books.But few are interesting.(主语) I know a little about Japanese(宾语) a few,a little可以用quite或only修饰,few和 little则不能。例如: How much water is left? Only a little./Qutie a little. How many books are left? Only a few./Quite a few. 6.other和 another other泛指“另外的”,作定语,常与复数名词或单数不可数名词连用,但如果前面有the,this,that,some,any,each,every,no,none,one,or以及形容词性物主代词时,则可与单数



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