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1、2023年版房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程施工总承包合同(中英文对照)EPC CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSING BUILDINGS& MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS总目录 TABLE OF CONTENTS第一部分合同协议书Part I Contract Agreement第二部分中标通知书Part II Notice of Award第三部分投标函及其附录Part III Letter of Bid and its Appendices第四部分已标价的工程量清单Part IV List of priced Bill of Qu

2、antities第五部分合同条款通用部分Part V General Conditions of Contract第六部分合同条款专用部分Part VI Particular Conditions of Contract第七部分技术标准和要求Part VII Technical Standards and Requirements第八部分合同图纸Part VIII Contract Drawings部分章节示例如下:6. 图纸 6. Drawings6.1 图纸 6.1 Drawings6.1.1 发包人应当向承包人提供图纸,提供图纸的日期及图纸套数见“合同条款专用部分”。6.1.1 The

3、Employer shall provide the Contractor with drawings, the date and sets number of drawings to be provided refers to the particular conditions of the Contract.6.1.2 发包人所提供的图纸套数无法满足施工需要时,由承包人自费复制。6.1.2 Where the sets of drawings provided by the Contractor are unable to satisfy the construction needs, t

4、he drawing will be reproduced by the Contractor at its own expense.6.1.3 如果购买或复制标准图纸,购买或复制标准图纸的责任及费用由承包人承担。6.1.3 Where standard drawings are purchased or reproduced, the responsibility and cost thereof shall be accountable on the Contractor.6.2 图纸误期和误期的费用6.2 Drawings delay and expense of delay由于发包人未

5、能按时向承包人提供图纸,已经或将要对工程进展造成影响,承包人可以书面形式通知监理人及发包人,说明所缺图纸的具体细节、对工程进展的影响以及提供图纸的最晚时间。发包人仍然未能向承包人提供所需图纸,应当依据实际延误情况延长合同工期并为承包人追加由此而发生的额外费用。Provided that the progress of the Works has been or will be affected by the Employers failure to provide the Contractor with drawings on time, the Contractor may notify t

6、he supervisor and the Employer in writing of the specific details of the missing drawings, the effect on the progress of the Works and the latest time by which the drawings should be provided. Where the Employer still fails to provide the Contractor with the required drawings, the contract period sh

7、all be extended and additional costs incurred by the Contractor as a result of the actual delay.6.3 由承包人设计的永久工程的图纸6.3 Drawings of the permanent works designed by the Contractor6.3.1 如果合同文件中约定部分永久工程由承包人负责设计,承包人应当具有相应的设计资质或委托具有相应设计资质的单位进行设计,并对工程设计的质量负责。承包人同时应当将相关图纸、规范、计算书及其他资料报监理人,并经监理人报发包人、设计人或相关图纸审批

8、单位批准。6.3.1 Where the design of part of the permanent works, as agreement of the Contract Documents, is the liability of the Contractor, the Contractor shall have the appropriate design qualification or commission a unit with the appropriate design qualification to carry out the design and shall take

9、 the responsibility for the quality of the design of the works. The Contractor shall at the same time submit relevant drawings, specifications, calculations and other information to the supervisor through which submit the Employer, the Designer or the relevant drawing approval unit for approval.6.3.

10、2 承包人还应当依据竣工资料的相关要求将详细的使用维修手册以及竣工图纸等报监理人。6.3.2 The Contractor shall also submit to the supervisor the detailed use and maintenance manual and as-built drawings in accordance with the relevant requirements for as-built information.6.4 加工图、大样图、安装图及协调配合图6.4 Machining drawings, general drawings, install

11、ation drawings and coordination drawings6.4.1 按照工程技术规范的相关要求需要制作加工图、大样图、安装图、协调配合图等图纸的,承包人应当制作,并在开始施工前报监理人审批,在获得监理人批准后按图施工。此类批准并不能解除承包人根据本合同约定应当承担的责任。Provided that the drawings such as machining drawings, general drawings, installation drawings, coordination and coordination drawings are required to b

12、e prepared in accordance with the relevant requirements of the technical specifications of the works, the Contractor shall, prior to the commencement of construction, make and submit the same to the supervisor for approval, and construct the work in accordance with the drawings upon obtaining the ap

13、proval of the supervisor. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of its liability hereunder.6.4.2 监理人应当在收到承包人报送的上述图纸后7天内提出审核意见。逾期未提出的,视为同意。6.4.2 The Supervisor shall, within seven days upon receipt thereof from the Contractor, submit his comments on the above drawings, if failing which shall

14、 be deemed to be agreed.6.5 现场图纸准备6.5 Preparation of the site drawings承包人应当在现场保留一套完整图纸,供发包人、监理人及有关人员进行工程检查时使用。The Contractor shall maintain a complete set of drawings on site for use by the Employer, Supervisor and relevant personnel in carrying out inspections of the Works.7. 发包人 7. Employer7.1 发包人

15、义务7.1 Employers Obligations发包人应当按照合同文件的约定全面履行合同义务,并承担相应的费用。其义务包括但不限于:The Contractor shall fully perform its obligations under the Contract Documents and bear the corresponding costs. Its obligations include, but are not limited to.7.1.1 在履行合同过程中应当遵守任何适用的法律、法规、规章和规范性文件。7.1.1 Any applicable laws, rule

16、s, regulations and normative documents shall be complied with in the performance of the Contract.7.1.2 委托设计人完成本工程的设计(按照第6.3款约定应当由承包人负责完成的设计除外),并负责对设计人的工作及其进度做出妥善的监督和协调。7.1.2 To entrust the Designer to complete the design of the Works (Except for the design which shall be the responsibility of the Contractor as specified in article 6.3) and to provide proper supervision and coordi



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