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1、 Unit 5周周清1 (Reading-Listening)班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ 成绩_一. 找出下列各组单词画线部分发音不同的选项(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 1. A . bit B. dig C. pipe D. lift( ) 2. A . salt B. valuable C.gas D. bank( ) 3. A.chemical B. fresh C. return D. pet( ) 4. A. themselves B. through C. bath D. south( ) 5. A . exercise B. experiment C.expensive D.excu

2、se二. 单项选择(每小题1分,共11分)( )1. The popular singer, Rene Liu, _ Taiwan. A. come from B. is come from C. be from D. is from( )2. _ a student, you should study hard. A. For B. As C. With D. To( )3.-When did Sara go out? -_minutes ago. A. Few B. A few C. a little D. Little( )4.Water is important to us, so w

3、e should make water_. A. to clean B. clean C. cleaning D. cleaned( )5. Remember _the street. Its dangerous. A. to run across B. running across C. not to run across D. not running across ( )6. They are having a meeting. Please _ the radio. A. turn off B.turn down C.turn on D.turn up( )7. There was _

4、food in the fridge. It was nearly empty. A. Few B. A few C. a little D. little( )8. The sun goes _ the window and warms the room. A. into B. across C.through D. cross( )9. In his opinion, travelling is _time and money. A. waste B. waste of C. a waste of D. wastes( )10. Dont leave the water_ . We sho

5、uldnt waste water. A.run B.runs C.to run D.running( )11. Water covers about _ of the Earth. A.one third B. two third C. two thirds D. two three三. 单词拼写 (共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)1. Mum, you have put too much s_to the meat. Its too salty.2. “Let me tell you a secret.” He said in a low v_.3. Friendship is v_. We

6、 all need friends in our life.4. Only 3% of the water on Earth is f _ water. 5. We should r_ the book to the library on time.6. I still remember the j_to Tibet 4 years ago. It was really a nice trip.7. He d_ off from his bike yesterday and hurt his leg.8. The government has banned the use of c_ weap

7、ons(武器).四. 完成句子 (共6小题,每空1分,共16分)1. 在牛奶中加入化学物品是不好的。 It is not good to _ some chemicals _the milk.2. 工作只是我生活中的一部分。 Work is just _ _ my life.3. 孩子不应有太多的零花钱。 Children should not have_ _ _ _ .4. 走了一段很长的路后,我感觉有点累。I felt _ _tired after a long walk.5. 如果机器出故障,就把开关关掉。_ _ the switch when anything goes wrong w

8、ith the machine.6. 12点钟了,是吃午餐的时候了。 Its twelve oclock, it _ _ for us _ _ lunch.五.翻译句子。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)1. 她环顾四周,但是没有人在那里。(around)_2. 记得不要把你的包落在晚会上。(remember、leave)_3. 你正在浪费水。(waste)_4. 你知道我是从哪里来的吗?(from)_5. 他关掉水龙头,然后从浴室里出来。(turn、come)_六、默写。(共10分)“_”said the drop of water.“_”“_” Dora asked.“_”Dora ask

9、ed, “_”“_”答案一。CACAA二。DBBBC ADCCD C三。1. salt 2. voice 3. valuable 4. fresh 5. return 6. journey7. dropped 8. Chemical四。1. add to 2. part of 3. too much pocket money 4. a bit / little5. Turn off 6. is time to have五。1. She looked around, but there was noboday there.2. Remember not to leave your bag in the party.3. You are wasting water.4. Do you know where i come from?5. He turned the tap off, and came out of the bathroom.六。略



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