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1、 初中词组练习11. 在战争结束的时候,到处可见死亡和饥饿。 the war was over , death and suffering were to be seen everywhere。2顺便问一下,你知道邮局在哪儿吗? , do you have any idea where the post office is?3.她常常乘飞机旅行。 She often travels 。4.你和我都是学生。 you and I students.5. 你看完那本书了吗?对不起,你说什么? -Have you finished reading the book? - pardon?6. 不久我就回

2、来。 Ill be back . 7.孩子们可能在森林里迷路了。Children may get_ in the forest .8.他对音乐感兴趣。 He music.9. 我厌倦了要完成如此多的作业。 Im with so much homework to finish。10.他作为一个伟大的发明家而出名。 He is famous a great .11.他因他的伟大发明而出名。 He is famous his great inventions.12.婴儿醒着。 The baby .13. 他为犯如此愚蠢的错误而对自己气恼不已。He himself for having made su

3、ch a foolish mistake. 14. 马克。吐温出生于一个贫穷家庭。 Mark Twain was born _ _ a poor family.15这种竹子可用作水管。 This kind of bamboo water pipes .16 你最好现在就去,我随后就来。 Youd better go now, and Ill later。17.我厌倦了听这些虚伪的话。 Im with listening to these false words.18.他为自己错过了如此精彩的节目而气恼不已。 He himself for missing such a wonderful pro

4、gram.19. 这机器是用来洗衣服的。 This machine is used washing clothes.20. 小刀是用来切东西的. Knives things.21. 你可以为你的花园感到骄傲.You may your garden.22我为做一个物理教师感到骄傲。 I being a teacher of physics.答案1. By the time2. By the way3. by plane4. Both , are5. Beg your6. before long7. lost8. is interested in9. fed up10. as, inventor1

5、1. for12. is awake13. was angry with14. in15. is used for making16. come on17. fed up18. was angry with19. for20. are used for cutting21. be proud of22. am proud of23. 老师对你很满意. The teacher is you .24. 这个书架是由木头制成的。Thebookshelf wood。25纸是由木头和竹子制造而成的。 Paperismade woodandbamboo。26. 这台电脑是由日本生产的。 Thecomput

6、erismade Japan.27. 动物的身体是由细胞构成的。 Animalbodiesaremade cells(细胞).28.我对我的新朋友感到满意。 I am pleased my new friend.29. 愿你的生日和所有的日子都充满快乐。 May your birthday and every other day happiness.30. 月亮从云后露出脸来。 The moon from behind the clouds.31. 他们从南方远道来看我。They came from the South to see me.32. 我们快点,赶上前面的那一伙人。Lets hur

7、ry and the group ahead.33. 盗贼们把他打昏,当他醒来时,他发现自己躺在黑暗中。 The robbers knocked him unconscious, and when he he was lying alone in the dark.34. 从十字架上下来。 from the cross.35. 他的理想迟早会实现。His dream will sooner or later.36.他找不到一个合适的答案。 He could not a proper answer.37. 她现在正在打扫厨房。 She is the kitchen now.38. 虽有困难,他们

8、还是设法使试验继续下去。They managed to their experiments in spite of the difficulties.39. 他们砍倒了那棵树。They that tree.40.他进来时我正在做作业。 I was doing homework while he came in . 41. 孩子们, 别瞎闹, 我想看一会儿书。 Stop messing about, boys! Im trying to 。42. 我经常读书来消磨时光。 I often to kill time43. 我会尽最大努力学会英语。Ill do to learn English.答案2

9、3.pleased with 24.is made of25.is made from26.in27.up to28.with29.be full of或be filled with30.came out31.over32.catch up with33.came to himself34.Come down或Get e e up with37.cleaning up38.go on39.cut down40.my41.do some reading42.do some reading43.my best44.我们每个都应该尽最大努力去解决问题。Each of us should to sol

10、ve the problem.45.我在打电脑游戏方面做得好。 I in playing computer.46.这瓶碳酸饮料是给你的。Here is soda for you.47. 你要去美国学习了,你一定很兴奋吧!Helen, you must going to America to study.48. 另外,几周后还将种植一些有机苗菜。They will plant organic seedlings in weeks.49. 妈妈,我想喝一杯牛奶。 Mom, Id like milk.50. 要一点糖,不要牛奶。 A sugar, no milk.51. 这种类型的支撑可以承受很大重量。 This type of shore bears weight.52.我在下一个站下车。 me at next stop.53. 我们彼此允诺要努力用功。 We promised to work hard.54. 她的母亲


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