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1、高考英语陷阱题总结归纳动词时态典型陷阱题分析 1. “I _ his telephone number.” “I have his number, but I _ to bring my phone book.” A. forget, forget B. forgot, forgot C. forget, forgot D. forgot, forget 【陷阱】容易误选A,认为“忘记”是现在的事。 【分析】仔细体会一下对话的语境:第一个人说“我忘记他的电话号码了”,这个“忘记”应该是现在的情况,即现在忘记了,要不然就没有必要同对方说此话了,故第一空应填 forget;第二个人说“我有他的号码

2、,但我忘记带电话本了”,这个“忘记”应该是过去的情况,即过去忘记带电话本,所以现在电话本不在身上(注意句中的转折连词 but),故第二空应填 forgot,即答案选应C.请再看一例: Oh, I _ where he lives. Dont you carry your address book? No, I _ to bring it. A. forget, forget B. forgot, forgot C. forget, forgot D. forgot, forget 答案选C,理由同上。 2. I had hoped to see her off at the station,

3、but I _ too busy. A. was B. had been C. would be D. would have been 【陷阱】容易误选B或D,认为前句用了had hoped,所以此句谓语要用B或D与之呼应。 【分析】但正确答案为A,前一句谓语用had hoped,表示的是过去未曾实现的想法或打算,可以译为“本想”,而后一句说“我太忙”,这是陈述过去的一个事实,所以要用一般过去时。请做以下类似试题(答案均为A): (1) We had hoped to catch the 10:20 train, but _ it was gone. A. found B. had found

4、 C. would find D. would have found (2) We had hoped that you would be able to visit us, but you _. A. didnt B. hadnt C. neednt D. would not have (3) We had wanted to come to see him, but we _ no time. A. had B. had had C. would have D. would have had (4) I had expected to come over to see you last n

5、ight, but someone _ and I couldnt get away. A. called B. had called C. would call D. would have called (5) The traffic accident wouldnt have happened yesterday, but the driver _ really careless. A. was B. is C. were D. had been 3. Dear me! Just _ at the time! I _ no idea it was so late. A. look, hav

6、e B. looking, had C. look, had D. looking, have 【陷阱】此题容易误选D,认为第一空用现在分词表伴随,第二空填 have 的一般现在时,以保持与前面时态的一致性。 【分析】其实,此题应选C,第一空应填 look, 因为这是祈使句的谓语;第二空应填 had,因为前一句说“看看时间吧”,这一看当然知道了现在很迟的情形,“不知道这么迟了”显然应是“过去”的事,故应用一般过去时态,许多同学由于忽略这一隐含的语境而误选。 4. “Your phone number again? I _ quite catch it.” “Its 4331577” A. di

7、dnt B. couldnt C. dont D. cant 【陷阱】此题容易误选C,认为此处要用一般现在时态,表示现在“没听清对方的话”。 【分析】其实,此题答案应选A,根据上文的语境“请把你的电话号码再说一遍好吗?”可知“没听清对方的电话号码”应是在说此话以前,故应用一般过去时态。请看以下类似试题: (1) “Mr Smith isnt coming tonight.” “ But he _.” A. promisesB. promised C. will promiseD. had promised 答案选B,“他答应(要来)”应发生在过去。 (2) “Hey, look where y

8、ou are going!” “Oh, Im terribly sorry. _.” A. Im not noticing B. I wasnt noticing C. I havent noticed D. I dont notice 答案选B,“我没注意”是对方提醒之前的事,现经对方一提醒,当然注意到了。 (3) “Oh its you! I _ you.” “Ive had my hair cut.” A. didnt realizeB. havent realized C. didnt recognize D. dont recognized 答案选C.“没认出是你”是说此话之前的事,

9、说此话时显然已经认出了对方。 (4) “Whats her new telephone number?” “Oh, I _.” A. forget B. forgot C. had forgotten D. am forgetting 此题应选A,从语境上看,“忘记”的时间应是现在,即指现在不记得了。 (5) “Since youve agreed to go, why arent you getting ready?” “But I _ that you would have me start at once.” A. dont realize B. didnt realize C. had

10、nt realized D. havent realized 答案选B.“没意识到”是对方提醒之前的事。 (6) “Its twelve oclock, I think I must be off now.” “Oh, really? I _ it at all.” A. dont realize B. havent realized C. didnt realize D. hadnt realized 答案选C.“没意识到”是在听到的话之前的事。 5. Mr Smith _ a book about China last year but I dont know whether he has

11、 finished it. A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing 【陷阱】容易误选B或C. 【分析】此题应选D,这是由 but I dont know whether he has finished it 这一句话的语境决定的,全句意为“史密斯先生去年在写一本书,但我不知道他现在是否写完了”。有的同学可能由于受 last year的影响而误选B.但若选B,则句子前半部分的意思则变为“史密斯先生去年写了一本书”,既然是“写了”,那么这与下文的“但我不知道他现在是否写完了”相矛盾。 6. He has changed a lot

12、. He _ not what he _. A. is, is B. was, was C. is, was D. was, is 【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。 【分析】最佳答案选C,上文说“他”变化很大,即“他”现在不是过去的那个样子了,故第一空填is,第二空填 was(其实第二空也可用 used to be)。请看类例: “What place is it?” “Havent you found out we _ back where we _?” A. were, had been B. have been, are C. are, were D. are, had been 答案选C,We are back where we were 的意思是“我们(现在)又回到刚才来过的地方”。 7. He is very busy. I dont know if he _ or not tomorrow. A. come B. comes C. will come D. is coming 【陷阱】此题容易误选B.认为 if 引导的是条件状语从句,从句谓语要用一般现在时表示将来意义。 【分析】其实,此题答案应选C,句中if引导的不是条件状语从句(即if如果),而是宾语从句(即if是否),句意为“他很忙,我不知道明天他是否会来。”请看以下类似试题: (1) I dont kno


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