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1、中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: An Analysis on the Translation of Public Signs 姓 名 : 0000000 班级、学号 : 00000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 0000000 开题时间: 2008-11-12 完成时间: 2009-10-2 2009 年 10 月 02 日24目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-26答辩委员会表决意见27答辩过程记录表28课 题 An Analysis on the Translation of Public Signs一、

2、课题(论文)提纲.引言1.1研究背景1.2 研究目的1.3 研究方法.公示语的翻译 2.1公示语的翻译特点 2.1.1简洁2.1.2 简单2.1.3 清晰 2.2中英公示语翻译上的差异2.2.1 观点的不同2.2.2 排列顺序的不同 2.3 公示语翻译中的常见错误 2.3.1 拼写错误 2.3.2 语法错误 2.3.3 逐字翻译.公示语翻译的策略 3.1符合国际标准的翻译策略3.1.1 指示性3.1.2 提示性3.1.3 强迫性3.1.4 限制性 3.2符合中国特色的翻译策略3.2.1 具有中国特色的公示语标语3.2.2 具有中国特色的旅游景点内公示语 3.3 其他策略.结语二、内容摘要公示语

3、在我们生活当中必不可少,它涉及到了我们生活中的许多方面。随着中国的发展,越来越多的外国友人来到中国工作,旅游和学习。公示语给他们的日常生活带来了方便,同时也帮助他们更好地了解中国。然而,公示语汉英翻译现状不容乐观,存在着许多错误,这些错误导致了语用的失误,也损坏了我国的国际形象。因此我们应该更加注意它。只有当公示语的翻译达到其原本目的时,我们才能说我们的翻译是成功的. 关键词:公示语; 汉英翻译; 翻译策略三、 参考文献1. Baker. Mona Rutledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London. Rutledge. 1998 2. B

4、assnettMcGuire.Susan Translation Studies. London and New York. Methuen.19803. Duan Liancheng.Baker. Mona Rutledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London. Rutledge. 1998 4. BassnettMcGuire. Susan Translation Studies. London and New York. Methuen. 19805. Duan Liancheng, How to help foreigners kno

5、w China. Beijing.China Reconstructs Press. 19986. Jim Di & Nida. Eugene A. On Translation. With Special Reference to Chinese and English. Beijing. China Translation and Publishing Cooperation.19847. New mark peter. A Text Book of Translation. Shanghai foreign language Education Press, 20018. 包惠南. 文化

6、语境与语言翻译. 北京.中国对外翻译出版公司.20019. 郭力嘉. 中国大城市公示语汉英翻译研究. 四川大学硕士学位论文.200610. 连淑能. 汉英对比研究. 北京.高等教育出版社.199311. 氿全菊. 公示语及其翻译. 山东大学硕士论文.200512. 刘伟. 中国城市汉语公示语英译失误探析及其翻译研究. 上海外国语大学硕士学位论文,200813. 王颖.吕和发. 公示语汉英翻译. 北京.中国对外翻译出版公司.2007An Analysis on the Translation of Public Signs000000000Abstract: Public signs, whic

7、h can be seen in public place affect us in many ways are necessary to us. With Chinas development, more and more foreigners come to China for their business, tour and study. Public signs can bring convenience for their daily life; meantime it also can help them know better about China. However, ther

8、e exist many problems in the ChineseEnglish translation of public signs causing the pragmatic failure and damaging our international image. So we should pay more attention to it. Only when translation of public signs achieves the intended purpose can we say our translation is successful.Keywords: pu

9、blic signs; Chinese -English translation; translation strategies .IntroductionIn this chapter, it is focused on the introduction of this thesis, including the background, objectives and Mythology of the research.1.1 Background of the research With China has gained the membership of WTO and intensifi

10、cation of our reform and openingup policy, China become more and more international, so more and more foreigners streaming into China in increasing numbers. Under this circumstance, China now is facing a new challenge in translation studies, a great number of materials translated in English are to e

11、ssential for foreigner to help them better adapt to China and make them feel at home is an important problem to consider and solve. If we are careful enough to pay attention to it, we can find many improper bilingual public signs, for example“游人止步 ”,we translation it “ The Tourist Stop the Steps,” “

12、Tourist Dont Go Further ” or “ Tourist Stop here . But which is accurate? In fact, all these are wrong from the English versions as their functional failure. In summary public signs perform an irreplaceable role in the process of integration with outside world. In recent yeas, more and more Sinofore

13、ign joint ventures and cooperative enterprises have been set up in China, which also bring into China a steady steam of business people from other countries. Foreigners will benefit from home. However the failure in the CE translation of public signs in China hinders the economic and cultural exchan

14、ges in the whole world. Some CE translations of public signs mislead and even irritate the “international citizens who defaces the image of our nation. Under such circumstances, it is very necessary to implement this research on CE translation of public signs in China.1.2 Objectives of the research When we talk about public signs, the following ones will appear in our mind “keep silence”, “No smoking”, “Information”. All of these are included in public signs. Then what are public signs? According to the Oxford Advance



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