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1、题号二三四五六总分得分绝密启用前人教版初三英语(上)M&U 12专项试卷考试范围:XXX:考试时间:100分钟;命题人:XXX学校:姓名:班级:考号:考前须知:I.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)一.选择题(共28小题)(2019 秋西城区期末)I have a sister and name is Mary.()A. hisB. herC. myD. their(2019 秋西城区期末)We need to finish writing a book review English this weekend.A. inB. atC. off

2、D. by(2019 秋西城区期末)-do you usually have a haircut, Jim?- Every three weeks. My hair grows so fast.()A. How muchB. How many C. How longD. How often(2019 秋西城区期末)I did well in the sports meeting this term I trained hard.A. becauseB. soC. whenD. if(2019 西城区期末)Supercomputers arc thousands of times than or

3、dinary computers.A.fastB.fasterC.fastestD.the fastest(2019 西城区期末)Since 2008, China a powerful high - speed railway network.A.developB.developedC.has developedD.will develop(2021天津模拟)-Do you know ?- At 9 oclock tomorrow morning.()A. when will the meeting beginB. when did (he meeting beginC. when the

4、meeting will beginshe s-opped and s-ayed for a -He dldrf- need anything。He was -one-y and wan-ed -o-a 一r-C 一 arasaid,s? for -he ncx- hour.-hars wha 二 hey d-d, She la-kcd abou- her family and her p-ans forrhe fuErF Cook -OEQara how he had become b=nd ovcr-=-lc and shared storQ-s of his days as a【rave

5、ling salesman.-Even Chough he couEn-t see her. she looked a 二eHive-y (海假设法)a_ his face whh such kindness, -a passenger reported.-C - ara was amazing. :an air hososs-0 1 d A-aska Air-inesina bog inorview, -You cou - do一一 Cook was very exci-cd -o have someone he cou 一 d speak 5. and she was such an an

6、g2 =(一)What was【he air hostesses- problem 7 They had a very d=jcu= passenger.B They cou-dnY unders_and _he passenger- c They d-d=r know -he passenger-s name。 D They d - dn-r have wha-thc passenger warned (2) Tim Cook kep- asking for service in order _o A ger some foodB have someone【0 -a-k -0c, knowC

7、-arawe=Dcok for h-s fam = y members(3 ) Fron 二 he passage we can know cFra Da - y is A brave and coverbeau 二 fu-andovc-y0- pa-ient and caring0 ou-gomg and Uy34(20 一9 类13假设又道科)Taking a gap year aher high school is ges.ng more popEar among young aduhs each year. Accordingo一 he American Gap Year Associ

8、ation (AGA)- a gap year -s of-en a year ong break taken be-ween high Schoo- and co=cgp AGA stresses -ha- a gap year is a year on. raihcrihan a year off - -o oppose5-c belief ihal scdcnrs are hiking This 二 me off as a vaca_5n from schooling. Gap years offer an opporiun-ly for experienUa二earning。They

9、a=ow you 5 -eave -he c-assroom and -earn new sk三s and -deas 一hrough doing something,You m-gh- find克磔射一。利:/23同o内o装o订o请不要在装订线内答题 o 夕卜o装o订o线O , o 夕卜o 装o 学校:姓名:班级: o 内o装o yourse - f -n comp - eo一 y new s-ea-c-ns -hxca 一一 for specEprobom solving sk 三 s Moreover- many srudcn_s go through -we become more p

10、op三ar among -heir friendsB caQh w=h - heir peers al scdy in co=ege0 bui-d a s-ronger re - a-c-nship be-ween -earning and doing o- realize the importance of s-aymg in-heir comfor密b-e zone (2) Whar can we -earn from the passage7 SEdcrns should be encouraged 3 have a 二 me off for a vaca-o-n af-cr high school B, Colleges shou-d require s-uden-s 3 spend -heir gap year-rave-ing in Europe. c=-s beuer to recharg



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