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1、名师详解:求职中的重大失误,你犯过多少摘要:又是一年求职季,校园中可以到处看到穿着正装忙碌奔波的大四学生。宣讲会如火如荼,简历如纸片到处飞,但是在求职时会忽视的重大错误你注意到了么?1.Investing Too Little Time1.花的时间太少The less time you invest in your job search, the longer it will take to find the right position. Devote your days to job hunting and youll discover as many opportunities as p

2、ossible.你在招聘上花的时间越少,找到合适职位的时间就越长。多花几天搜索职位信息,你会发现很多机会。2.Sending Unpolished Resumes2.寄粗糙的简历Job searching is not a time for sloppinessto rearits ugly head. Employers wont bother to look at the information on your resume if its presented in an unrefined, unorganized manner. Updating your resume is a was

3、te of time if youre unwilling to formatit professionally.求职的时候,别让你马虎做事的缺点暴露出来。如果简历上的信息不是经过精心修改、结构清晰的话,雇佣者根本不会看。如果你的简历排版得不够专业,就算更新简历信息也是枉然。3.Running an Unfocused Job Search3.不明确求职方向Different job searching methods work for different people, but one fact is universalyou need to find one and follow it w

4、ith focus. An unorganized job search can be just as detrimentalas not being organized at your job you wont get anywhere fast.不同的人有不一样的求职攻略,但有一点放之四海皆准:你需要找准一个目标然后专心准备。无计划的求职和没有职业规划一样有害无论哪条路你都不会走得很远。4.Sending Generic Cover Letters4.写通用的求职信Hiring managers read countlesscover letters and can spot generi

5、c creations from the first paragraph. Craft uniquecover letters for each employer and youll have a better chance of scoring employment. The extra time it takes now will save you more time spent job hunting later.招聘经理已经看过数不胜数的求职信,所以他们在看第一段时就知道是不是“通用版”求职信了。为每个招聘者写独一无二的求职信,将更有可能被雇佣。现在多花的精力将会节省将来的求职时间。5

6、.Ignoring Your Network5.忽视人脉圈It might feel uncomfortable to tell people that youre pounding the pavement, but tapping your network can be invaluableto finding work. Your network might know about opportunities at companies that dont advertise open positions and if youre lucky, theyll make introductio

7、ns that make a difference.告诉别人你在到处找工作或许不合适,但在求职时利用好人脉是无价之宝。你圈子中或许有人知道公司里不外招的就职机会。如果你有幸得到他们的引荐,那结果将会大不一样。写作经典句型Nothing is + er than to + V Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V 例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 句子 (如此.以致于.) 例句:So precious is time that we cant afford to waste it. 时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。



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