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1、建筑工程中桩基检测技术问题分析中英文对照An alysis and testi ng tech no logy of pile foun dati on con structi on in Chin ese and En glish.桩基是影响工程质量的基础因素,并且桩基这一影响因素还是隐性的影响因素。作为地面建筑的一种支撑,好的桩基会让结构的基础更加的稳定,而质量劣质的桩基, 会对结构的安全造成恶劣的影响。因此,对于基础施工,桩基的检测是一个不可或缺的技术环节。并且随着现代工程的进步,对于质量和安全系数的要求越来越高,对于特殊的结构群体,诸如高层建筑以及铁路建筑的建设中桩基技术不断的发展,因

2、而建设工程单位所面临的要求也越来越高,越来越严格,这个时候桩基的检测技术就可以发挥出应有的作用报这个桩基质量。Pile foun dati on is the basic factors in flue ncing the engin eeri ng quality, in flue ncing factors and the in flue ncing factors of pile or recessive. As a support ing ground buildi ngs, the pile will make structure more stable, and the quali

3、ty in ferior pile foun dati on, will cause bad in flue nee on the safety of structure. Therefore, for the foun dati on con struct ion, pile foun dati on detect ion is an in dispe nsable link. And with the developme nt of moder n engin eeri ng progress, grow ing dema nd for quality and safety factor,

4、 the structure of special groups, such as the developme nt of high-rise buildi ng pile foun dati on con struct ion and railway con structi on in tech no logy, so the con struct ion un its are facing the in creas in gly high dema nd, more and more strict, the pile foun dati on detecti on tech no logy

5、 can play a role on the quality of pile foun dati on should be.1桩基的检测技术分析An alysis and testi ng tech no logy 1 pile foun dati on1.1成孔的质量检测Quality in spect ion of 1.1 into the hole在对成孔的质量进行检测时,主要的检测部位有桩孔的位置检测、孔径以及孔深的监测。底沉渣的厚度监测和垂直度的监测等等。成孔的质量直接归决定桩基的柱体的成桩质量,过时桩孔在孔径上的直径偏小,那么整个桩的承载力就会有所下降;而若是孔径扩大,那么整个桩

6、在上部的侧阻力优惠随之增大,下部就不能发挥侧阻力应有的作用;另外,桩孔的垂直程度也会对承载力造成影响,偏斜的基桩会阻碍桩基的作用发挥;最后若是底部的沉渣太多就会令桩体的有效长度减少,那么也会对桩体的质量造成影响。因此,这些问题的检测工作就尤为重要了。http:/ http:/ the test of the quality of pore, positi on detecti on, detect ion part mainly have the pile hole diameter and hole depth monitoring. Thickness monitoring and ver

7、ticality of bottom sediment mon itori ng etc. The quality of the pile hole quality directly to the cyli nder pile decisi on, outdated pile hole in aperture of the diameter is small, so the beari ng capacity of the pile will decrease; and if the size, the n the whole pile side resista nee con cessi o

8、ns in the upper part of the in crease, the lower part can not play the role of side resista nee due; in additi on, the vertical exte nt of pile hole can also impact on the beari ng capacity of the pile deflect ion, play will hin der the pile foun dati on; fin ally, if the effective len gth of the bo

9、ttom sedime nt too much will make the pile decreases, it will affect the quality of pile body. Therefore, detect ion of these problems is particularly importa nt.1.2承载力检测分析1.2 beari ng capacity an alysis1.2.1静荷载试验法。这种方式在对于桩基的检测上主要是检测承载力,桩基在水平上 的承载力以及在竖直方向上的承载力是桩基质量的衡量标准,同时也是对建筑的影响最大的因素,这里就需要用到静荷载实验的

10、方式。一般的工程检测中大多都是对竖直方向上的承载力较为重视。这种检测方式的有点就是利用了和桩基实际会承受的力度去模拟实验对其受理 的条件进行试验。这种方式一般都应用在对于工程试桩的检测上,在不破坏桩基的基础上对其进行检测。并且精度很高,误差低于10%。1.2.1 static load test method. In this way for pile foun dati on detect ion is detect ion of beari ng capacity, beari ng capacity of pile foun dati on in the level and capaci

11、ty in the vertical direct ion is a sta ndard measure of quality of pile foun dati on, but also the impact on buildi ng the biggest factor, here we n eed to use the static load experime nt method. The gen eral engin eeri ng detect ion mostly has attached more importa nee to the beari ng capacity of t

12、he vertical direct ion. This detect ion method is a little use and actual pile foun dati on will bear the efforts to simulate the experime ntal test of the admissibility con diti on. This is gen erally used in the detect ion for engin eeri ng test pile, the pile foun dati on detect ion without destr

13、o ying the. And the precisi on is very high, the error is less than 10%.1.2.2高应变动法。这种方式是通过对桩体在接近极限承载力的时候的状态分析,这就 需要利用到重锤这一机械方式的瞬间冲击力,令桩体周围的土产生变形。在结合其实际测量力度以及速度时,通过数据的曲线分析,结合应力波的理论以及桩体的有关参数,对桩体的极限工作能力进行分析。#http:/ http:/ high strain method. This way is through the analysis of the status of pile body w

14、hen approachi ng the limit beari ng capacity, it will n eed to use the weight that a mecha ni cal means of in sta ntan eous impact force, the pile surr ounding soil deformati on. In comb in atio n with the actual measureme nt of stre ngth and speed, through the an alysis of data curve, comb ined wit

15、h the releva nt parameters of the stress wave theory and the an alysis of pile, ultimate work ing capacity of piles.1.3完整性的检测分析Detect ion and an alysis of 1.3 in tegrity1.3.1低应变动的测法。这种测法就是通过波动理论以及机械阻抗理论进行试验分析,在桩顶是假一个较低振幅的激振能量。通过这种能量对土体的周围进行环境改变,引起桩身以及土体在桩身周围的微幅振动。同时使用仪表对加速度以及振动的速度进行记录以及分 析,并通过分析达到控制

16、和检验桩基的目的,对桩基的质量进行保障,对桩身的完整性进行保证以及达到对桩基承载力的预测目的。1.3.1 low strain dyn amic test ing. This method is tested through the an alysis of the wave theoryand the mechanical impedanee theory, on top of the pile is a low amplitude vibration energy. Environmental change through the energy of soil around the pile



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