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1、初中英语李淑珍 化德县第三中学 Unit 7 The Birthday Party Topic 1 When is your birthday? Section B . Aims and demands目标要求1.Learn new words: birthday, date, plan, celebrate, party2. Sentence structures: When is your birthday? Its May 13th. What is the date? Its May 8th. Your birthday is coming. How do you plan to ce

2、lebrate it? 3.Learn the ordinal numbers(序数词). 4.Learn to express dates (日期). Teaching aids 多媒体. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)复习月份年份、1100的基数词。1. 以猜谜语形式引出日历表(一物生来真稀奇,身穿三百多件衣,每天给它脱一件,年底剩下一张皮) ,复习月份和年份的表达法。2. 让学生做接龙游戏, 说出1100的基数词。(小组比赛,逢8必pass者获胜)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现

3、(时间:10分钟)呈现2a。学习序数词。1. (1)(复习并用数字卡片呈现基数词和序数词, 创设直观情景。)(先复习first的用法。)T: Today, well learn Topic 1 of Unit 7. Its the first topic in Unit 7. Topic 2 is the second topic in Unit 7. And Topic 3 is the third topic in Unit 7.(教师说明onefirst, twosecond, threethird的用法并板书。)onefirst/1st, twosecond/2nd, threethi

4、rd/3rd(2)(教师用多媒体出示写有100以内基数词和序数词的幻灯片,并播放录音,要求学生边听边注意比较基数词和序数词的异同。呈现2a。)T: Please try to find out at least eight special ordinal numbers and the rules of ordinal numbers.(学生总结)onefirst twosecond threethird 第一、二、三单独记eighteighth nineninth 八、九少t, efivefifth twelvetwelfth 五、十二变vetwentytwentieth thirtythi

5、rtieth 几十改y为ietwenty-onetwenty-first thirty-fourthirty-fourth 二十以上末位序(老师可补充另一条基数词变序数词的记忆口诀:基变序,有规律,词尾加上-th。一、二、三,特殊记,结尾字母t, d, d;八减t,九减e,ve要用f替;ty把y变为i,记住th前有个e;若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。)(3) Check 1 :写出下列序数词的特殊形式one two three five twelve eight nine twenty thirty forty-one fifty-three (4) Check 2 Read the fol

6、lowing numbers:89th 35th 18th 64th 32nd 71st2. (复习生日的表达法并引出其庆祝活动。)学习 1aT:Next Saturday is my birthday. My friends plan to have a party to celebrate it. Would youlike to come to my party?Ss: Yes, Id love to.(板书画线部分have a party, celebrate。) T:When is your birthday?S:My birthday is . T:Do you want to k

7、now how Kangkang plans to celebrate his birthday?Ss:Yes.T:OK!Lets watch the flash Learn new wordsplancelebrate selibreit birthdayb:( r )deipartyp:tidate(3)(教师板书重点单词、短语和句型。呈现1, 并讲解该部分。)May 13th, next Thursday plan to do celebratehave a birthday party Would you like to?3.听完录音,finish 1b Step 3 Consolid

8、ation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)1.T: Follow the tape and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil. 2. T: Erase the marks. First read by yourselves, and then check your pronunciation and intonation sentence by sentence according to the tape. Go!3T: Close your books, look at the blackboard and act out 1. S

9、tep 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:15分钟) (呈现2b的图让学生用英文表达并搭配。)T: Lets look at the pictures. Each picture tells us an event. Please match the words with the pictures.(呈现3, 教师出示一张日历表, 引导学生写出日期5月8日,。) T: Look at this, we write“May 8th”. But we say,“May eighth”. (教师写出几个日期在黑板上, 让学生用英语读出, 巩固加深学生的印象。) T: Ill ask some

10、 students to read these dates. Who wants to have a try?(3)(教师呈现另一张日历表, 与学生对话。)2012年5月4日星期五T:Look at this calendar. Answer my questions: What day is it? Ss:Its Friday.T:Whats the date? Ss:Its May 4th. (如此重复操练多个日期。)4. (方案一: 给学生设计一个信息沟通活动, 完成3。) (出示下列表格, 让学生两人一组问答, 填写表格。学生A只能看3中的图1和图2, 学生B只能看图3和图4。然后互相

11、询问对方, 共同了解4幅图的内容并完成表格。)T:Now work in pairs, student A, look at Picture 1 and 2; student B, look at Picture 3 and 4. Then make dialogs like this and complete the table. SA:When was born? SB:He/She was born on/in SA:Where was he/she born? SB:He/She was born in NameDate of birthBirthplaceKangkangJaneMa

12、riaMichael (方案二: 老师让几对学生任选3的一幅图片进行对话, 不准说姓名。其他学生听完后, 抢答说出所描述的是哪幅图里的人。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)联系实际, 使学生学有所用, 提高学习兴趣。1. (制作班级生日册。)(小组活动。学生互相询问彼此的生日, 并做好记录, 然后汇集成班级生日册。在此过程中, 既能练习并巩固询问生日的句型, 又能增进学生之间的感情。)NameDate of birthBirthplaceYearMonthDateT:Do you have your English calendar? I have got

13、an English calendar. Let me tell you when my birthday is. My birthday is August 2nd. I was born in Fujian. Please ask others and fill out the form. You may begin like this:S1:When is your birthday?S2:My birthday isS1:Where were you born?S2:I was born in 2. (制作节日时间表。让学生分组向同伴调查重大事件或节日的日期, 制作一张时间表。) T:

14、Please survey the dates of some important events or festivals in your group, and then make a timetable.3. (家庭作业。)(搜集家庭成员的出生日期(年、月、日)及地点, 制作一张家庭成员生日表。)家庭作业:1.Read the ordinal numbers;2.Read 1a and practice 3 with others板书Unit7 Topic 1 Section Bonefirst twosecond threethird eighteighth nineninth twentytwentieth thirtythirtieth twenty-onetwenty-first thirty-fourthirty-fourth -When is your


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