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1、英国海外仓分销派送协议(中英文对照)目录 TABLE OF CONTENTS第一条 合作项目和方式Article 1 Cooperation projects and methods第二条 费用结算Article 2 Fee Settlement第三条 双方的权利和义务Article 3 The rights and obligations of the parties第四条 清关单证Article 4 Documents for Customs clearance第五条 货物验收入库Article 5 Acceptance and storage of goods第六条 产品质量和包装的要求

2、Article 6 Requirements for product quality and packaging第七条 产品销售价格和税收Article 7 Sales prices and taxes第八条 客户订单处理Article 8. Customers order processing第九条 客户退货处理Article 9 Clients return processing第十条 乙方的仓储保管责任Article 10 Party Bs responsibility for storage and custody第十一条 违约责任Article 11 Liability for br

3、each of contract第十二条 不可抗力Article 12 Force Majeure第十三条 争议解决Article 13 Dispute resolution第十四条 其他约定Article 13 Miscellaneous部分章节示例如下:鉴于甲方希望与乙方合作,在英国开展产品终端客户的推广和销售;鉴于乙方在英国泰晤士港建立有2.5万平方英尺的大型仓库,可以满足甲方货物的仓储需求,并且乙方的物流服务系统可及时完成客户订单的送货,并愿意与甲方合作;因此,双方根据中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国对外贸易法和其他相关法律法规的规定,本着平等互利、自愿原则,经友好协商,就乙方协助

4、甲方产品在英国的销售达成如下协议,双方共同遵守执行:Whereas Party A agrees to cooperate with Party B to carry out the promotion and sales of product for the end customers in the UK;Whereas Party B has set up a large warehouse of 25,000 square feet in Thames Port, which can meet the storage needs of Party As goods, and Party

5、Bs logistics service system can timely perform the delivery of customer orders, and Party B is willing to make cooperation with Party A;Therefore, in accordance with the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, the Foreign Trade Law of the Peoples Republic of China and other relevant laws and

6、regulations, and on the principle of equality, mutual benefit and voluntariness, the parties hereto,through amicably consultation, reached the following agreement on Party Bs assistance for sale and distribution of Party As product in the UK market and jointly abide by the implementation:第一条 合作项目和方式

7、 Article 1 Cooperation projects and methods1.1 甲方委托乙方通过英国海外仓和物流系统协助销售产品;乙方愿意接受甲方委托,利用自有或第三方的电子商务网络平台协助甲方销售产品,此外,乙方还向甲方提供英国和欧洲的跨境电商信息咨询服务。乙方在英国为甲方提供仓储+配送一站式服务体系,包含了一件代发、退换货处理、贴换标签、专车派送等项目。1.1 Party A entrusts Party B to assist in selling the products through the UK overseas warehouse and logistics sy

8、stem; Party B is willing to accept Party As entrustment to use its own or third-party e-commerce network platform to assist Party A to sell the products. In addition, Party B shall provide Party A with the consulting services of cross-border e-commerce information in the UK and Europe. Party B provi

9、des Party A with a one-stop service system for warehousing + distribution in the UK, which include the items of retail, replacement processing, labeling, special car delivery and others.1.2 合作项目 1.2 Cooperation projects(1)甲方从中国主要港口向英国发货;乙方负责在泰晤士港的进口清关和收货;Party A dispatch goods from major ports in Ch

10、ina; Party B is responsible for Customs clearance and take delivery of goods at Thames Port;(2)乙方收货、验货和入库;(2) Party Bs receipt, inspection and taking into warehouse of goods;(3)乙方仓储管理;(2) Party Bs inventory management;(4)订单处理和物流派送;(4) Order processing and logistics dispatch;(5)退货处理及包装; (5) Processin

11、g and packaging of returns;(6)结算支付;(6) Settlement and payment;第二条 费用结算Article 2 Fee Settlement2.1甲方承担通过国际贸易运输方式直接将产品运输到英国泰晤士港的前程运费。2.1 Party A shall undertake the freight of prior distance directly to Thames through the means of international trade transportation.2.2乙方承担货物从泰晤士港转运至海外仓的陆路运输费、装卸费和进口通关手

12、续。乙方承担的海外仓费用还包括仓储费、人工分拣费和物流派送费等,但不包括因产品质量瑕疵导致的客户退货所产生相关费用。2.2 Party B shall bear cost and fees of the land transportation, loading of the goods from Thames port to overseas warehouse and Customs clearance for import. The overseas warehouse expenses borne by Party B also include the warehouse expense

13、s for warehousing, manual sorting expenses and logistics delivery expenses, however not the related expenses of customer returns due to product quality defects.2.3 销售模式为先货后款,双方利润分成各占50%。甲方先供货至英国海外仓,乙方负责销售并承担与仓储和销售物流有关的全部成本费用。乙方每月20日结算上月的销售货款并在甲方确认后支付利润分成。2.3 The sales model is first goods before pay

14、ment, and the profit share of the parties account for 50% each party. Party A shall firstly supply the goods to UK overseas warehouse, and Party B shall be responsible for sales and bear all costs related to storage and sales / logistics. Party B shall settle the sales payment of the previous month

15、on the 20th day of each month and make payment of the amount of profit share upon confirmation of settlement by Party A.2.4 市场咨询费用。经双方协商,乙方收取相当于销售额1.5%的金额作为市场咨询费;如果月销售额低于2万美元(或等值英镑),则不收取该费用。2.4 Market consulting fees. Party B shall, through consultation between the Parties, charge 1.5% of the sales

16、sum as the market consultation fee and not if the monthly sales sum is less than $20,000 (or equivalent UK pound).第三条 双方的权利和义务 Article 3 The rights and obligations of the parties3.1 甲方的权利和义务 3.1 Party As rights and obligations(1)甲方承担从中国 港到英国泰晤士港的货物运输费用。甲方在本协议生效后,于 日之前首次发货,数量为 (装满1个20吋货柜),此后根据销售量和回款情况发货,原则上每次发货为1个货柜,便于乙方取货和仓储。(1) Party A s


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