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1、物流管理系统的设计与实现摘 要 该系统是基于ASP.NET物流信息管理系统和在线信息管理的基础上实现在线学习的B/S模式,使用是的。电子管理平台净+ SQL模式。作为一个企业,公司的产品和相关信息是多方面的,涉及到大量的信息和数据管理,到目前为止,虽然大多数公司都使用单机或局域网管理系统,但我仍然满足这个互联网时代的要求。基于ASP。净和ASP。网络信息处理方面和优势,甚至传统的手工管理系统,物流信息管理平台,物流信息管理平台,基于ASP。净弥补传统的物流信息管理平台是不减弱,根据客户更方便,接近客户的前提,没有网络服务的服务质量,公司的服务。 系统使用三层结构设计,Web服务技术平台的选择,


3、/ S模式下,系统可以访问后端数据库进行数据更新操作通过前台界面和修改数据库。物流信息管理平台分为前后两部分,包括前景和背景两个模块:前台模块:用户注册、登录、物流查询、公司信息视图,后台模块有:用户管理、车辆管理、仓库库存管理、员工信息管理、分销管理、交付路线管理、文章管理。关键词:;物流管理系统 ;B/S ABSTRACT The system is designed for companies to develop logistics information management platform based on ASP.NET, the online learning on the

4、basis of the implementation of B/S model of online information management, is adopted. Electronic management platform NET + SQL mode. As an enterprise, the companys products and related information are various, involves a lot of information data management, as of today, though most companies are usi

5、ng the stand-alone version or LAN management system, but I still can T meet the requirements of network times this up. Based on ASP.NET and ASP.NET and the superiority of information processing, and even the traditional manual management system, logistics information management platform of logistics

6、 information management platform, based on ASP.NET to make up for the traditional logistics information management platform in not weaken, customers more convenient, close to the customers under the premise of no network service quality of service, the service of the company.Design of this system US

7、ES three layer structure, Web Service technology, makes the choice of platforms, using the technology progress, forward-looking, extensible, built-in guarantees the system has good stability and scalability. According to the standardization, standardization, hierarchical design, component implements

8、 the system design. Adopt the method of component-based software development, make the level, the structure of the business system and realize the separation, the separation of logic and data; In a unified service interface specification as the core, the use of open standards. From the function, thi

9、s system is relatively complete, the system with the Web interface and user interaction, for users, enterprises can provide information through a database management system, and to accept its operation, at the same time to store the information of data. System realizes the information data browsing,

10、 query, editing and managing basic database operations, such as the method of modular design, according to user requirements, convenient application and maintenance of using the program, put in different parts of the module, convenient extension application and maintenance, and established the found

11、ation of the program function reuse. Logistics information management platform for logistics industry on the basis of actual investigation, the actual design. Belong to the B/S mode, the system can access the back-end database, through the front desk interface data update operation, and modify the d

12、atabase. Divided into two parts, the front desk and logistics information management platform, including the front desk and the background of two modules: foreground module are: user registration, login, query, logistics company information view, the background module includes: user management, vehi

13、cle management, warehouse management, employee information management, distribution management, distribution route management, article management.Key words:Logistics management system, ASP.NET, B/S architecture.物流管理系统目 录1绪论11.1 课题的背景11.2 目的和意义11.3 可行性分析11.3.1 经济可行性 21.3.2 技术可行性21.3.3 操作可行性62系统分析72.1

14、 业务流分析72.2 数据流分析82.3 数据字典83系统设计113.1 数据库概念结构设计113.2 数据库逻辑结构设计124 系统实现174.1 系统前台184.1.1 用户注册模块的实现184.1.2 用户登录模块的实现194.1.3 物流查看的实现184.1.4 文章模块的实现194.2 系统后台主操作244.2.1 管理员登录的实现254.2.2 车辆管理的实现264.2.3 仓库库存管理模块的实现264.2.4 员工信息管理模块的实现274.2.5 配送管理模块的实现264.2.6 配送路线管理模块的实现264.2.7 文章管理模块的实现275 系统调试与测试28结束语30参考文献

15、31致 谢321绪论1.1 课题的背景在当今信息社会的快速发展,现代物流产业的快速发展,随着中国国民经济连续多年的高速增长,为现代物流的发展创造了有利条件。目前,有各种各样的物流企业140000年左右,整个21世纪的展望,可以说现代物流产业将有更大的发展。在发达国家,物流理论的实践,促进物流的快速发展。系统化的经济全球化和现代物流的发展,信息技术、储运等现代化和一体化的趋势,中国物流行业的发展提出了全方位的挑战。传统物流行业的操作模式已经不适应现代的物流行业,如何缩短物流过程,降低库存,加快市场反应,这是所有企业所面临的问题。这个系统是根据实际需要解决这些问题,中小企业的发展,物流管理系统。开

16、发系统可以帮助企业实现物流的整个过程的优化调度和动态控制,高效整合企业的物流业务来提高经济效率和整体效率的目的,提供高效、实用、技术和运营的物流管理系统。物流管理系统是集现代运输、仓储和配送、运输、调度、跟踪为一体的网络系统,系统的开发实现了商品从原料供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商,然后有机消费者各个方面的总和。物流管理系统是必不可少的物流企业,它可以提高物流企业处理文件的速度,以促进企业管理员工数据、客户数据、货物运输信息,交易信息,从而提高企业的效率的事情,和信息融合的时代。1.2 目的和意义在我们的大学,我们学习各种理论知识和掌握软件开发经验的一部分,但是我们仍然缺乏实践知识和理论知识结



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