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1、 Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries 主备人:方华一: Teaching importance :1. Key words and expressions.2. Improve students writing ability.二 Teaching difficulties:1. Master words 2. Improve students writing ability三Teaching time : three periodsA考纲词汇思忆1income n收入2measure vt.测定;测量;评估3goal n目标4positio

2、n n位置5figure n数字6exchange n交换7hunger n饥饿hungry adj.饥饿的8poverty n贫穷poor adj.贫穷的9development n发展develop v发展developing adj.发展中的developed adj.发达的10educate vt.教育;培养;训练education n教育11crowded adj.拥挤的crowd n人群 vt.围拢12similarity n类似;相似similar adj.相似的similarly adv.相似地13unfortunate adj.不幸的;遗憾的fortunate adj.幸运的

3、fortune n运气;财富14polluted adj.受到污染的pollute vt.污染pollution n污染15entertainment n娱乐entertain vt.使娱乐,款待B重点短语识记1达到 up_to2在顶端 at_the_top_of3在底部 at_the_bottom_of4取得进步 make_an_progress5努力 make_an_effort6与有联系;与有关 be_connected_with7接近;靠近 be_close_to8因此 as_a_resultC经典句式再现1完全倒装From_this_agreement_came(出自于这一协议)th

4、e Human Development Report.2while表示对比转折,意思是:然而Norway is at the top of the list,while_the_US_is_at_number_7(而美国则排在第七位)3because引导表语从句This_is_because(这是因为)living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their language,and as a result you improve fast.A核心单词巧布点,基石奠measure v

5、测定;测量;评估;考虑n.尺寸;大小;度量单位;措施There are five measures that need to be taken.(2011浙江卷,六选五)有五个需要采取的措施。make clothes to ones measure为某人量体裁衣take measures(to do sth)采取措施(做某事)I would rather have my clothes madeto_my_measure than buy those which are readymade.我宁愿让人根据我自己的尺寸定制衣服也不愿意买现成的。The bridge measuring as lo

6、ng as 200 metres needs repairing.长达200米的那座桥需要修理了。position n位置,地点,所在地;姿势,姿态;地位;位次;立场,处境;职位This position is equally suitable for a school leaver.(2011全国卷,阅读E)这个职位同样适合一个毕业生。in a.position处于的地位/处境in/out of position在/不在适当的位置position on关于的态度take_up(ones)position就位Im not sure what Id do if I were in_your_po

7、sition我不能肯定如果我身在你的处境会怎么办。After the shelves were in_position we realised wed forgotten to paint them.把那些架子放好之后,我们才意识到忘记给它们上漆了。巧学助记The man sits in an uneasy position.这个人拘谨地坐着。figure n数字;图形;人物;身材v.计算;认为;以为I figured I would go a little further.(2011湖南卷,阅读表达)我认为我会走得更远。(1)(2)巧学助记Yao Ming is a_key_figure i

8、n Rockets and has a_tall_figure姚明是火箭队的重要人物,他长得很高。I cant figure_out why she said so.我无法理解她为什么这样说。similarity n类似;相似similarity between之间的相似similar adj.相似的;类似的similarly adv.同样地;类似地be similar to sb/sth与相似be similar in在方面相似He is similiar to me in age.他和我年龄相仿。B核心短语点入线,基础建up to达到;直到;到为止;高达(程度);由决定;忙于The but

9、terflys population,once almost zero,is now up to 900.(浙江卷)这种蝴蝶的数量从近乎零增长到了现在的900。be up to.打算做/正在做(不好的事);胜任It is up to sb to do sth 是某人的责任;应由某人做Its up to you.由你做主。Its_up_to_you_to decide where to go this time.这次由你决定去哪里。What are you up_to?你在忙什么?With her mother all to herself,Mckenzie didnt have to make

10、 an effort to gain attention.(宁夏卷)(1)make an effort to do sth尽一切努力做某事spare_no_effort不遗余力put a lot of effort into投入很多精力(2)without_effort容易地,不费力地with effort 努力地,艰难地through_sbs_efforts通过某人的努力Ill spare_no_effort to help the others.我要不遗余力地帮助他人。C核心句型线入面,灵犀现The index has some surprises,Norway is at the top

11、 of the list,while the US is at number 7.这项指标显示了一些令人感到意外的情况,挪威高居榜首,而美国却排在第七。while在此句中作并列连词,意为“然而”,表示一种对比关系。(1)while可引导时间状语从句,意为“当时候”。(2)while可引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然,尽管”,一般放在句首,相当于although。Some people are for his plan while others against it.一些人赞成他的计划,而其他人反对。While we dont agree,we continue to be friends.虽然我们意见不一致,我们仍然是朋友。第二次备课:课后反思:


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