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1、if引导的条件状语从句引导条件状语从句最常用的连词是f,常用的if条件状语从句表达在某条件下某事很也许发生。如: f youask ,Iwillasweryu If i ranstomorow,I wll say home.I wil say at hme iit rtomrrow.此外,if从句还表达不可实现的条件或主线不也许存在的条件,也就是一种虚拟的条件或假设。从句多用一般过去时或过去完毕时,表达对目前或过去的一种假设。如: If I weein uniersty,I wd If I had enghmney , ouldbuy a car. .if从句用一般目前时,主句用一般将来时 f

2、he rn,helge there in time2.f从句用一般目前时,主句用may/mih/can/tI oggts thikerthe plane ma/migh be diverted .if从句用一般目前时,主句用一般目前时I yu at ic it urns owat. (也可用will rn)4.if从句用目迈进行时,主句用一般将来时 yo are lokin for Peter yol fidhim upstars 5.从句用目前完毕时,主句用一般将来时f yo vfiished diner Ill sk the witefr the bll.一、用所给词的合适形式填空1.If

3、ou _(feel) re, yu _ (hae) to have a est. If ther _(b) fe res, here _( be) mre polutn.5. IMarci_(lve)alon, she _( eep) t parot.6. Lna _( buy) ne dress if hold oe _(be) out o stle9 Pter _(send) mabeautiflovenir f h _(tur) Spai.10. If Mr Gen_()Iam had wrking, ypaets _( fel) gla.11 _(g) to te beah if it

4、_( not ain) this wek.13.He _(wite) a lette tohisanpaens if he _(et)i repotad thi ek.14. she_(ge) p te, _ ( tcatch) the erl us.15.eter_(ajor) inEnglih f e _(pass) the xas Pekng Uiversity.16如果努力学习,你就会获得好成绩。If you_ _, you _ god_.17. 她如果看电视太久了,她的父母会不快乐。If _ T t muh, h parents _ _ unpp.8如果我们为她组织生日约会,人们都会

5、来的。Eveoe _ if _a irhdayart _ him.19. 如果明天不下雨,我会和你一起去公园的。 If t _ _ tomrrw, I _ gtheark _ you.1如果她有空,她会协助你的。If he_,h _ ou.3. 你如果抄同窗的作业就不能学好各门功课。Yu_ _godt althe bjecs i yu_the oherstudents hoewrk.单选1.If you _ to thepary, yull a a gret te. A wi goB. ent. o. going2. ll bea ong ime _ Ptr _ hs wrk.A. sine,

6、 as inisdB. afer,fnses C. he, will finish D.fore,finishe.3. What wil faher _ us fro an? Atae B. brinC carry D. mae 4. Wifang isfmou_ kites Aor B.to Cn .with. I _ he te nswer ifsh_m. .a tl,wllsk. wil tel, wil as C. oudll, ask D. witell, ass6. Wt aru gong dotmorrw?-Wll g t library omorrowif it_ . is r

7、ain.an.ntan . doesnt ainDo yo kno when hell omback tomoro?-Sorry, Idon kno hne _ back, l tell u. . comes .l coe C.me D. may come8.hat will you do if yo _ to te ld foks ho visit?A. B wet C.going D. wllgo.f I at _ood, Illb very faA. tooan . mny too C.too mch D. u to1 Illi tbok o himihe _ he nt Suny.A.

8、 will come cmesC. imng D. cae11. Th _an English filminour col omorow.A.i gigto have B. will hv C.s goi to be D. has2Cud you ell us wher_?A. wil theext OlympicGameshel . h nexOlpic es wllbhC. wuld the xt Olypic Gme be held D. th nxtOlyic Gamwodb hed13.Whny other rtrnelastnigt, I _ bok. A. ead . am adingC. was rading D. amgoing t ead14.Wt _ you _ whe itbegan torai?A. do, o . we, doing C re,doiD. dd, do15. I wakeou up when h_bck.A. will B. igoi to cme cs D. coe1-5CDBA 6-10 AACB 1-15 CCBC


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