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1、小学PEP英语五年级 Unit 5 My new roomB Lets learn 黄石市市府路小学刘雅Teaching time:14th, Nov.Teaching content: Lets learn Teaching Aims: 1 to learn some words: in, on, near, under, behind , over and in front of. 2 can use the sentence “Where is ? and Its .to ask and answer.Teaching focal point: 1 can master four-ski

2、ll words: in, on, under, behind, near, behind , over and in front of. 2 can use the words and sentences in dialy life.Teaching difficult point: can know how to use these words about preposition frequently. Especially to know the different between on and over.Teaching Aids: PPT. word cards Teaching s

3、teps:一 Warm up1 Greeting 2 Free talkT: Do you like to watch cartoon?S: Yes.T: Which one do you like ?S: I like.二 Presentation1 Give some riddles to the students ,then let them to guess Who is it?T: Today Ill give some riddles for you. Its big. Its grey. It likes to eat fish. Who can tell me what ani

4、mal?S: Cat.T: Yes. Its a cat.(show Tom to the students)Now, who can tell me who is Toms enemy?S: Mouse.T: Bingo. (show Jerry to the students) 2 to teach preposition: behindT: They are enemy. Tom wants to catch Jerry .please Look Jerry should hide .Tom is going to seek. (Look at screen and to learn “

5、behind”)3 use gesture to demonstrate “behind”4 show word card with “behind” to read more times . then put the picture on the board .show a yellow ball to the student ,ask students to put a ball behind the box.T: Who can help me to put a ball behind the box?S: Me.5 Lets student to guess Jerry will hi

6、de in somewhere to learn other words: near, in front of .6 use PPT to let students to know “over” and to know the different with “on”7 to learn sentences pattern: Where is . ? Its .T: Tom wants to catch Jerry every day. So Jerry decide to move a new house .His house is very beautiful. He invite some

7、 animals to his home .please look and guess where is it ? (show screen to the students, let them look and learn.)8 practice1) Game2) Look and say三 Consolidation1 work pairs Give some pictures to the students, Let them to use some informations to make some conversation with words and sentences.2 act the performance Ask students to come to the front and act the dialogues with their partners.Blackboard-writingoverbehindoninnearunderin front of


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