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1、四六级作文写作:段落的扩展一、 段落的组成和特征1 段落的组成段落大多由三部分组成: 主题句; 扩展句;结尾句。段落的构成如下:主题句 一句话来表明作者的观点和态度,或囊括段落内容,突出中心词或一个句子 段落 扩展句 用三五句话对段落主题进行发挥(内容清晰详实,条理清楚连贯,紧扣段落主题 结尾句 对段落进行归纳总结,与主题句相辅相成For example:Reading provides much pleasure in our life and make our life more colorful. From books, we “see” the beauties of nature,

2、enjoy the treasures of art and “converse” with characters in them. Reading serves to mold the readers temperament and make them have ease of mind. When we feel tired, reading a humorous book or a novel always makes us feel refreshed and relaxed.扩展段落常用的方法四六级统考中,作文的题材大多为论说文,适合于这中题材的段落发展方法主要有:列举或举例法;比较

3、对比法;因果法等。1 列举或举例法 列举或举例法是段落发展的基本方法,用这种方法发展段落, 首先要摆出论点(the topic sentence), 然后列举一系列的论据对其进行陈述和解释,或用具体事例对其进行说明。如: People may have different attitudes towards criticism. Some people will become annoyed if they are criticized, and they will try to defend themselves by all means. Some people tend to be in

4、different to criticism. They just regard criticism as nonsense. But still some people think that criticism will help them realize their shortcomings.常用于列举或举例法的过渡连接语有:for one thing, for another, for example, for another example; to begin with, first, second, besides, in addition, also, still, moreove

5、r, still another, finally, at last, lastly;按上述方法发展成一段约见5080词的段落。1)Increasing your vocabulary can help you in a number of ways.2)Good dictionary can in some sense serve us as a teacher.2. 比较对比法Comparison and contrast在有的作文测试中,要求考生对两者或三者同类的东西的优缺点进行阐述,并发表个人看法,这种作文要求考生在写作时用比较对比法。比较对比法一般有两种模式:(1)先叙述甲,再叙述乙

6、,即:A1, A2 , A3; B1, B2, B3;如: Both the city and the country have their disadvantages. Air pollution is very serious in the city. Moreover, it is so crowded that many people dont want to go out. In the country, it is inconvenient to buy things. Besides, people can find no way to kill the long and ted

7、ious nights.(2) 双方同时描述,逐点对比,即: A1, B1; A2 , B2; A3, B3; 如:Ways of expressing good manners are different between America and Japan. For example, Americans eat with knives and forks; Japanese eat with chopsticks. For another example, Americans say “Hi” when they meet; Japanese bow. Besides, many Ameri

8、cans open doors for women; Japanese men do not. On the surface(superficially), it appears that good manners in America are not good manners in Japan, in fact thats just the different ways of expressing good manners.注: 常用于比较对比法的过渡连接词语有:like, unlike, similarly, in the same way, on the one hand, on the

9、 other hand, compared with/to, in contrast to, on the contrary, but, although, whereas, however, while;Exercise Two( Using comparison and contrast method) 1. Men and women are equal at home now;(3) Cause and Effect 因果的方法扩展段落 主题句写所产生的影响或结果,然后提供产生的原因。There are three reasons why solar energy has not be

10、en made use of very widely. First, the cost for building a solar power plant is very high. As a result, the production of one watt of solar energy is more expensive than that of steam power or nuclear power. Second, nature plays a large part in the generation of solar energy. When it is cloudy or ra

11、iny, solar power plant can not work. Also, no solar energy is generated at night. Finally, there are not enough qualified technical personnel to run solar power plants. For all these reasons, solar energy has not developed on a large scale in our country。Exercise: Several factors have contributed to

12、 the difficulty in traveling in China 小结: 段落写作的步骤可以概括如下:分析主题句找出支配思想列出能直接说明支配思想的要点将要点扩展成句选用合适的过渡连接词成段。Exercises with suggested words and phrases:1. Watching TV at home is better than going out to a movie.提示词: comfortable, convenient, save money, choice of programs, enjoy;Exercise One: 列举、举例法练习答案:1. I

13、ncreasing your vocabulary can help you in a number of ways. Knowing synonyms(同义词), for example, will enable you to avoid unnecessary repetitions in your compositions and thus make them interesting to read. Also, an increased vocabulary will make your own reading more enjoyable. You will find it much

14、 easier to follow the ideas in your story textbook or the newspaper. Furthermore, with a large vocabulary, you can talk more freely. Whatever company you are in, you will find that you are able to hold the interest of your listeners. Therefore, you must enlarge your vocabulary if you want to communi

15、cate with others more effectively.2. Travelling is a kind of education. For example, visiting places of historic interest can enrich your knowledge of history. In addition, while traveling, you can learn about many forms and architectures different from your own. In this way, you can broaden your ho

16、rizon . Finally, traveling may offer you an opportunity to get to know people of different cultures_ their lives, customs, beliefs, etc. so that we may understand them better. No wonder, traveling has become more and more popular all over the world.3. A good dictionary can in some sense serves us as a teacher.



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