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1、状语从句专项语法习题1.Ill let you know _ he comes back.A. before B. because C. as soon as D. although2. She will sing a song _ she is asked. A. if B. unless C. for D. since3. We will work _ we are needed.A. whenever B. because C. since D. wherever4. Read it aloud _ the class can hear you.A. so that B. if C. w

2、hen D. although5._ you go, dont forget your people.A. Whenever B. However C. Wherever D. Whichever6. It is about ten years _ I met you last. A. since B. for C. when D. as7. They will never succeed, _ hard they try. A. because B. however C. when D. since8. _ still half drunk, he made his way home. A.

3、 When B. Because C. Though D. As9. _ she was very tired, she went on working.A. As B. Although C. Even D. In spite of10. Busy _ he was, he tried his best to help you. A. as B. when C. since D. for11. I learned a little Russian _ I was at middle school. A. though B. although C. as if D. when12. _ we

4、got to the station, the train had left already. A. If B. Unless C. Since D. When13. _ the rain stops, we 11 set off for the station. A. Before B. Unless C. As soon as D. Though14. She was _ tired _ she could not move an inch. A. so, that B. such, that C. very, that D. so, as15. We didnt go home _ we

5、 finished the work. A. since B. until C. because D. though16. Ill stay here _ everyone else comes back. A. even if B. as though C. because D. until17. Although its raining, _ are still working in the field. A. they B. but they C. and they D. so they18. Speak to him slowly _ he may understand you bet

6、ter. A. since B. so that C. for D. because19. Youll miss the train _ you hurry up. A. unless B. as C. if D. until20. When you read the book, you d better make a mark _ you have any questions. A. at which B. at where C. the place D. where21. Wed better hurry _ it is getting dark. A. and B. but C. as

7、D. unless22. I didn t manage to do it _ you had explained how. A. until B. unless C. when D. before23._ he comes, we wont be able to go. A. Without B. Unless C. Except D. Even24. I hurried _ I wouldnt be late for class. A. since B. so that C. as if D. unless25. _ I catch a cold, I have pain in my ba

8、ck. A. Every time B. Though C. Even D. Where26. Whats the matter _ they still havent answered the telegram? A. when B. that C. though D. however27. Bring it nearer _ I may see it better. A. although B. even though C. so that D. since28. You may arrive in Beijing early _ you mind taking the night tra

9、in. A. that B. though C. unless D. if29. Helen listened carefully _ she might discover exactly what she needed. A. in that B. in order that C. in case D. even though30. More people will eat out in restaurants _ they do today. A. than B. when C. while D. as31._ hard she tries, she can hardly avoid ma

10、king mistakes in her homework. A. Much B. However C. As D. Although32. Poor _ it may be, there is no place like home, _ you may go. A. as; wherever B. though; wheneverC. in spite of; when D. that; wherever33. The child was _ immediately after supper. A. enough tired to go to bed B. too tired to go t

11、o bed C. so tired that he went to bed D. very tired, he went to bed34. The history of nursing _ the history of man. A. as old as B. is old than C. that is as old as D. is as old as35. _ born in Chicago, the author was famous for his stories about New York. A. Since B. Once C. When D. Although36._ we

12、 stood at the top of the building, the people below were hardly visible. A. As B. Although C. Unless D. In spite of37. Scarcely was George Washington in his teens _ his father died. A. than B. as C. while D. when38. _ David goes, he is welcome.A. Whichever B. However C. Wherever D. Whatever39. The h

13、ouse stood _ there had been a rock. A. which B. at which C. when D. where40. Small _ it is, the pen is a most useful tool. A. because B. so C. if D. as41. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _tractors in 1988 as the year before. A. as twice many B. as many twice C. twice as

14、many D. twice many as42. The piano in the other shop will be _, but _. A. cheaper; not as better B. more cheap; not as better C. cheaper; not as good D. more cheap; not as good43. John plays football _, if not better than, David. A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as44. Although he is considered a great writer,



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