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1、Step Away From the Video Games(远离电子游戏) Step Away From the Video GamesEvery afternoon hundreds of thousands of youths flood Internet cafes, switch on a game console, or otherwise sit down to involve themselves in intense fantasy worlds. Im talking about video games; games like Counter Strike, Diablo,

2、 Smash Brothers or Halo. These games can be fun and exciting, but we need to watch out for when this pastime becomes an addiction.Games are often incredibly exciting and dramatic, but they generally arent very intellectual. We dont learn as much from them as we would simply reading a book, and spend

3、ing too much time playing them can take away from our study time. We need to remember that we are students first and foremost. Nothing should ever get in the way of proper studying.Video games can also be a bad influence on younger children who may be watching. Many video games are violent and the o

4、bject in most of them is to kill the other player(s). This does not send the right message to the children who need to be told that violence is not acceptable and need to be taught how to handle situations maturely. Even if we do decide ourselves to sit down and play a violent video game, we need to

5、 make sure that it is not influencing the younger people aroundUS.远离电子游戏每天下午,成百上千的年轻人就会涌进网吧,接通游戏控制台,或者坐下来自己一人沉溺于一个紧张的梦幻世界。我说的是电子游戏,像反恐精英、暗黑破坏神、任天堂明星大乱斗、光晕。这些游戏非常有趣、刺激,但我们必须提防不要沉迷于这种消遣之中。游戏通常都非常刺激、生动,但通常并不能锻炼智力。玩游戏并不能像读书那样学到很多知识,况且花太多时间玩游戏也会占据我们读书的时间。我们必须记住,首先也是最重要的一点是,我们还是学生。没有什么应该影响我们正常的读书。电子游戏对于那些只是观看的小孩也是一个坏影响。许多电子游戏都非常暴力,其目标大部分都是杀死另外的玩家。对于那些必须教会他们暴力是不正当的,必须教会他们成熟处理事情的孩子来说,这并没有传达一个正确的信息。即使我们自己决定坐下来打一场刺激的电子游戏,也必须确保没有影响到周围的年轻人。



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