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1、译林2011课标版四年级下册Unit8 How are you? Fun time&Cartoon time教学设计执教: 刘娜西安高新第一小学 一、 整体设计思路【教材分析】本课时是译林小学英语四年级下册Unit8 How are you? 第二课时,本课的话题是Sam跟Bobby打电话,Bobby调皮地假装Tina,跟Sam开玩笑的事情,这是一个贴近学生生活实际的有趣话题,符合小学生会跟朋友开玩笑的心理特征。因此,在教学中,我将充分借助多媒体资源辅助教学,积极为学生创设生活打电话的情境,引导学生通过联想、猜测、表演、配音、小组合作讨论、续演故事,现实电话邀请等方式,从多角度发散学生思维,加

2、深学生对新知识情境理解。同时,挖掘文本的留白,让学生想像并续演故事,激活旧知,让新知在情境中灵活运用。最后,学生通过打电话邀请好友去一起玩耍的方式,明白朋友是可以分享喜怒哀乐的人,是需要我们常关心、常联系去维系的人。【学情分析】授课对象为四年级学生,学生有一定的语言基础和表达能力,同时,学生极大的好奇心,联想力,生活经验和表演欲更能升华此课的教育意义:邀约朋友,并给予肯定和婉拒的理由回应,相互关心爱护,并与好友常保持联系。二、 教学目标After this lesson, students are able to .语言能力Language ability:Master the key sen

3、tences in making a telephone call. For example:Hello, this is_speaking./ Hello,_this is_./ Childrens Day is coming.Lets_. / Good idea./ Sorry.Id love to,but I_.学习能力Learning ability:Get the funny point of the cartoon, imitate and continue the cartoon.Learn how to make a telephone call to invite someb

4、ody. 思维品质Thinking quality:Learn to analyse in detailed reading. Learn to use divergent thinking to predict.情感文化态度 Emotional and cultural education:Experience the emotions by imitating and acting. Know how to care about others through making a telephone call.三、 教学重难点Help students master and use the n

5、ew sentences in real situation.帮助学生在情境中理解并运用新句型Pair-work under proper context.合理语境下的对学练习Thinking ability and imagination ability in detailed learning .在细节学习中的思考和想象能力Predict and act the story out.预测续演故事Know how to make a telephone call to invite your friends in real-life.知道在现实生活中如何打电话邀约好友。四、教学方法和教学用具

6、1. 情景教学法2. 彩图和词条,学习单,纸电话,多媒体设备及音频五、教学过程Teaching proceduresStepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeWarming up & Pre-learning1. Greetings. 2. Free talk.Teacher ask them some questions to review the prior knowledge.T: Whats the weather like today?T: What day is it?T: What lessons do you have

7、today?3. Lets answer the phone from Sam.4. Raise a question:T: Whom will Sam call next?1. Students greet to all the teachers here.2. Students answer the questions about the weather and the day today. Ss: Its sunny today.S1: Its Tuesday.S2: I have_ today.3. Students listen to the phone which made by

8、Sam.4. Answer the question from listening. S: Sam will call Bobby next.礼貌问候,形成习惯。强调英文思维模式.自由讨论,激活旧知,调动学生积极性。培养学生语言综合运用能力。利用多媒体让Sam 跟老师打电话,激发学生好奇心,为全文打电话邀约出去玩的情境进行埋线。 While-learning5. Let them watch the cartoon to check.T:Who is speaking to Sam?6. Let students try to sum up the sentences used in maki

9、ng a phone call. And put them on the blackboard.7. Let students think and choose.Q1: Is Bobby at school?Q2: What day is it today?8. Read in silence and think about the questions.9. Let students read again and try to imitate.10. Invite some students to dub.5. Watch the cartoon and check the answer.S:

10、Bobby is speaking to Sam. 6. Through watching the cartoon, students try to summarize the sentences of making a telephone call.7. Think and choose the answer.Q1: No, hes at school.Q2: Its Sunday today.8. Read by themselves and answer the questions.Q1: Do they have any lessons on Sunday?Q2: Why is Bob

11、by so happy?Q3: How do you know?9. Students try to imitate Sam and Bobby by reading follow the tape.10. Students try to dub for cartoon.带着问题观看动画,明确任务目标语言导向。通过问题的多样设置,引导学生逐步深层次理解文本。通过观察图片,研读对话,让学生思考Bobby开心的原因和从哪知道Bobby是跟Sam开玩笑的。学生跟读、模仿卡通人物并配音,激起学习兴趣,培养语言的模仿能力,标准其语音语调,体验卡通角色情感。Post-learning11. Work in

12、 pairs to finish task 1.12. Work in pairs to do a role play.Let students pay more attention to the tips.13. Show time and let students access them by tips.T: How many stars can they get?14. Work in pairs and discuss: T:If you were Sam, what would you say? 15. Show them next dialogue.T: Miss Liu has

13、a cough. Any suggestions for me?16. Lets talk.T: Guess what festival is on the first of June. T: Whats your suggestion on that day?17. Let students make a new story.T: Pay more attention to the tips.18. Let students comment on their show.T: What do you think of their show? How many stars can they ge

14、t?11. Work with the partner and fill in the blanks.12. Students try to act it out to experience the felling. Tips: (1). Act in fluency and accuracy. (2). Good facial expression and body language.13. Show the role play and access them according to the tips.S: They can get_stars.14. Work in pairs, stu

15、dents try to think and continue the cartoon.15. Listen to the dialogue from Sam and Bobby. And give suggestions to the teacher.S1: You can drink more water.S2: You can_.16. Talk freely about things they want to do on Childrens Day.S1: Its Childrens Day.S2: Childrens Day is coming. Lets_.17. Students try to make a phone cal



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