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1、应聘老师的英语简历免费模板老师应聘简历模板下载 预备好一份精彩的英语简历就意味着应聘老师的求职者胜利了一半。下面给大家共享一些应聘老师的英语简历免费模板,盼望能帮到你! 应聘老师的英语简历免费模板 Jay Price 438, Grant W. ST, Alabama, AL, 453678 (216) 546-1233 Objective To better facilitate student learning in the area of politics and history Experience Dec 2021 to present Saint Johns Junior Col

2、lege, Belize, Teacher Department of General Studies Facilitate student learning and conduct research in the area of politics and western civilization Assist in the coordination and implementation of community service and student affairs activities Aug 2021 to Dec 2021 Saint Louis University,Saint Lo

3、uis, USA Graduate Researcher, Dept of Public Policy and Urban Research Conducted research in community, neighborhood development and economic policy Coordinated special outreach projects to promote the departments research interest Jan 2021 to May 2021 Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, USA Reside

4、nt Advisor, Department of Residence Life Developed and implemented programs to encourage student participation Supervised others in the maintenance and enforcement of university policies Participated in leadership training and community building workshops May 2021 to Aug 2021 Ministry of Human Devel

5、opment ,Belmopan, Belize Intern, United Nations Development Programme Worked with the Project for Sustainable Human Development, a community development plan aimed at empowering rural villagers in Belize Collected field data, drafted reports, and provided feedback to supervisors Education Aug 2021 t

6、o Dec 2021 Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, USA Master of Arts in Public Administration (specialty economic development, organizational learning) Post Graduate Certificate in Education (completed seminars on teaching and technology strategies) Aug 2021 to Dec 2021 Saint Louis University, Saint L

7、ouis, USA Bachelors of Arts in Sociology and International Relations (graduated summa cum laude) Leadership 2021 to present - Director of Youth and Member of the Central Executive, UDP 2021 to 2021 - President, International Students, Saint Louis University 2021 to 2021 - Student Representative, VP

8、for Student Developments Board 2021 to 2021 - Senator, Saint Louis University Student Government 2021 to 2021 - President, Saint Johns College Student Government Awards Aug 2021 - Commencement Speaker, Saint Johns College Graduation Nov 2021 - Recipient, Kathy W. Humphrey Award for Diversity Nov 202

9、1 - Member, Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit Honor and Service Society May 2021 - Recipient, Saint Louis University Student Leadership Award May 2021 - Recipient, The Katharine Walsh Scholarship May 2021 - Speaker, The Belize National Teachers Day Ceremony April 2021 - Recipient, The Saint John Berchman Award

10、for Leadership 应聘老师的中文简历免费模板(一) XXX 基本状况 电话 (+86) 138-0138-0000 邮箱 地址 XX区XX东路123弄67号 求职意向: 兼职英语家教 个人介绍 英语专业,有连续两年暑期在英语培训学校做讲师助理的阅历 通过英语高级口译测试,听说读写接近母语 擅长沟通,富有幽默感 训练经受 2021.09 2021.06 xx高校 英语系 本科 技能证书 2021.3英语专业八级通过 2021.6英语高级口译通过 2021.6一般话等级证书一级乙等 实习经受 助教 2021、2021暑期 xx培训学校 帮助讲师教授3到16岁学龄儿童英语课程 听从学校

11、和部门的工作支配,严格依据课程支配,充分备课以完成教学任务 布置并检查学员作业,与家长沟通学员学习状况 对学员的学习结果负责,解决学员在英语学习中的疑难,并供应专业的询问和学习建议 英语四级单词助教 2021.10-2021.06 xxx学校 帮助首席讲师授课,带领学员晨读,练习,讲授单词用法(首席讲师主要负责向学员传授助记法),组织趣味活动 仔细备课,完成教案的编写工作,在传授基本学问的基础上,注意培育同学对人文学科的爱好,提高文学素养 社团活动 2021.12-2021.10 XX高校英语角副角长 负责全部社员日常英语角常规活动(社员约为100人左右) 帮助举办英语辩论赛、英语配音大赛等校

12、级竞赛 应聘老师的中文简历免费模板(二) 应聘职位: 英语 老师 个人资料 姓 名: 性 别:女 诞生年月: 民 族:汉族 最高学历:本科 现居住地: 工作年限:三年以上 联系电话: 求职 意向 应聘类型:专/ 兼职 皆可 应聘行业:训练/培训 期望月薪:面议 自我评价 极强的自学力量,高度的责任心,很强的可塑性, 英语 专业水平较高,喜爱教学工作,老实守信,与人为善,关怀同学。不在遇到挫折时,坚信:天生我才必有用。只要有1%的盼望,就要付出100%的努力。真诚地盼望我的加入为贵单位带来可观的效益。 最近工作经受 2021-6至2021-12 徐州xx辅导中心 英语老师 行业所属性质:训练机构

13、 工作描述: 讲授人教版学校二班级英语,辅导同学完成暑假作业,仔细检查。使后进生取得优异成果,成果有显著提高。得到领导和家长的认可。热忱工作,责任心强。 专业力量: 1.口齿伶俐,思维清楚,语速达标,中文表达力量强,一般话标准; 2.授课风格活泼生动,布满.,具有较强的幽默感;有较宽广的学问面,旁征博引、.飞扬,富有感染力;具有创新意识,富有朝气和活力; 3.谙熟英美文化,对学员英语的听、说、读、写力量的提升均有独到方法; 4.系统学习过口译课程,对全国口译考试有较为全面的了解;担当过老师或大型会议翻译; 5.有团队合作精神和组织协调力量,有敬业精神,能吃苦。 训练背景 2021-9至2021-7 学校名称:徐州师范高校 专业名称:英语 取得学历:本科 看过应聘老师的英语简历免费模板的人还看了: 1.老师简历免费模板 2.老师英文简历模板 3.英文简历免费模板


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