2022年高一英语 moudle1 Europe教案 外研社必修3

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1、2022年高一英语 moudle1 Europe教案 外研社必修3. 教学内容分析本模块以Europe为话题,介绍了几座著名的欧洲城市。通过模块教学,学生要学会运用所学词汇描述自己所了解的城市,介绍城市的所在位置;教师要引导学生正确认识和看待欧洲经济的发展,激发学生努力学习、建设祖国的雄心壮志。Introduction 部分通过填充欧洲地图,使学生对欧洲一些国家的国名、首都及地理位置做一个初步了解,引发学生进一步探究的兴趣。Reading and vocabulary部分通过阅读对Paris, Barcelona, Florence,和Athens 四座欧洲名城的介绍,让学生学会相关词汇,并了

2、解如何写城市介绍。Function部分通过对一些表方位的介词短语的介绍,让学生学会说明一个地点的确切方位。Grammar 1 部分通过观察课文中的例句,要求学生了解被动语态的使用。Listening 部分通过听取一段三人间的对话对Cardiff, Valencia和Edinburg进行了介绍,让学生获取信息,完成相关练习,进一步了解欧洲名城。Writing 部分通过让学生进一步获取信息来加深对欧洲城市的了解,并根据所获取的信息加写介绍欧洲城市人文环境的段落,使课文信息更加丰富。Grammar 2 部分列举了以集合名词作主语的句子,让学生考虑主谓搭配,并通过练习加以巩固。Pronunciatio

3、n and Everyday English 部分通过听力练习,让学生掌握反义疑问句的语调变化,了解升调和降调的使用规律。Cultural Corner部分是对欧盟的介绍,让学生了解欧盟有哪些成员国及欧盟的发展史。Task部分是对本模块所学内容的一个复习和应用,要求学生小组活动,查找资料,利用本模块词汇设计一个资料包,介绍中国一个地区或城市。Module File部分有助于学生对本模块内容进行归纳,对自己的学习进行总结和检验。. 教学重点和难点1. 教学重点(1) 掌握与城市发展相关的词汇;(2) 学习主谓一致及被动语态的语法功能;(3) 学习运用不同的介词表达不同的位置。2. 教学难点(1)

4、 听懂与城市介绍相关的表达,正确理解并使用新词汇;(2) 注意主谓一致的表达;(3) 学会从地理位置、历史、人文等多个角度来介绍一座城市或地区。教学计划本模块分五个课时:第一课时:Introduction, Function 第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary 第三课时:Cultural Corner, Task, Writing第四课时:Grammar 1, Grammar 2 第五课时:Listening, Pronunciation and Everyday English,Module File教学步骤Period 1 Introduction, FunctionT

5、eaching Goals:1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about Europe.2. To get Ss to learn words and phrases to describe location. Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Introduction1. Ask Ss to finish the following activities in pairs.(1) let Ss give as many European countries as they can and write the names of th

6、e countries on the blackboard.(2) Let Ss give as many European cities as they can and write the names of the cities on the blackboard too.(3) Match the countries with the cities.For your reference:Germany : Frankfurt, Essen, Bremen, MunichFrance: Paris, Momaco, Lyon, StrasbourgItaly: Rome, NaplesBri

7、tain: Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham, London, Belfast Poland: Warsaw, wroclaw2. Ask Ss to plete the table in Activity 1, make sure all Ss read the words in the box correctly.3. Ask Ss to read the information on in Activity 2 and find out the countries on the map.Step 2. Function1. Ask Ss to describ

8、e the location of their home.2. Ask Ss to describe the location of Shandong Province, using the phrases “in the east of” , “on the north of”, and “to the west of”.For your reference:Shandong Province is in the east of China, on the north of Jiangsu Province and to the west of Japan.Step 3. Homework1

9、. Ask Ss to describe the location of the city or town they live in.2. Ask Ss to Preview Reading and Vocabulary.Period 2 Reading and VocabularyTeaching Goals:1. To let Ss know some of the European cities.2. To get Ss to know the famous architectures in the European cities.3. To get Ss to learn some u

10、seful language points.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. RevisionShow the whole map of Europe, let Ss point out these countries position such as France, Spain, Italy, GreeceStep 2. Leading-in1. Let Ss discuss the landmarks of each city, which they point out in the previous step and call back the answers.2.

11、 Let Ss match up the photos with the descriptions in Activity 1 on page 2.Step 3. Reading1. Fast readingAsk Ss to read the passage quickly and answer the question:Which countries do the four cities mentioned in the passage belong to?Suggested Answer:Paris belongs to France.Barcelona belongs to Spain

12、.Florence belongs to Italy.Athens belongs to Greece.2. Intensive reading(1) Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and finish Activity 2 on page 3.(2) Read the passage carefully and finish Activity 4.3. Post-reading Ask Ss to answer questions in Activity 3.Step 4. Language Points Ask Ss to discuss the

13、 important and difficult language points in groups.1. Paris is the capital and the largest city of France situated on the River Seine. 巴黎是法国的首都,也是法国最大的城市,坐落在塞纳河畔。One of the worlds largest art galleries, the Louvre is also located in Paris.世界上最大的画廊之一“卢浮宫”也坐落在巴黎。两句话中表达“位于”,“坐落于”分别用以下两个词组:(1) be situat

14、ed in /on/ from如:My bedroom was situated on the top floor of the house. (2) be located in /on/ from如:The offices are located just a few minutes from the main station.2. The city is also famous for its restaurant cafs and theatres. 这座城市同样因为它的餐馆,咖啡馆和剧院而闻名。be famous for/as = be known for/as因为而闻名,作为而闻名。

15、如:Lu Xun is famous for his works / as a great writer.3.Barcelona is the second largest city of Spain 巴塞罗那是西班牙第二大城市。the second largest city 第二大城市“第几大(小、长、短)”等的表达为:the +序数词+形容词最高级。如:He is the second tallest student in our class.4.Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926.高迪从1882年起从事这项工程直至1926年去世。work on 不断工作,从事某工作。如:He is working on a new novel.【拓展】其他关于 work 的短语:work hard at 努力学习/工作work out 算出,制定出work to sth 根据行事work towards sth努力达到,没法达成work up to do 逐步发展到/逐步达到5. During the Renaissance, some of the greatest



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