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1、PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 My friends C Story time教案教学目标:1知识目标:能听懂、会说、会用故事中出现的语句并明白Pull up和Work together的用法。2能力目标:能够正确理解故事内容,能够复述、表演故事内容。3情感目标:激发学生的学习兴趣,使其明白友谊的珍贵和“人多力量大”的道理。4学习策略:通过将英语和体育学科整合,把学生喜欢的游戏带入课堂,活跃课堂气氛,创设真实情境。通过儿歌、表演等方式激发学生的学习积极性,在活动中掌握语言知识并理解故事含义。教学重、难点1能听懂、会说、会用故事中出现的语句I cant pull it up.和Lets w

2、ork together的用法。2能积极、主动且准确地复述、表演故事。教具准备:多媒体课件, 故事表演用头饰.教学过程Step Warming-up1Greetings. 2Lets chant :Friends.Tim is my friend. He is a good, good boy. Hes tall and thin. Hes a good, good boy. Lily is my friend.Shes a cute , cute girl. Shes quite and friendly. Shes a cute , cute girl. 【设计意图:通过师生相互问候及歌曲

3、演唱活动,创造了轻松、愉快的学习氛围,同时导入“朋友”话题,激活相关的知识,为之后教学进行铺垫。】3. Guess: Who is my friend?T: Do you have friends? Do you like your friends? I have many friends, too. Do you want to know? Can you guess?It has two long ears. It has a short tail. Who is it? Ss: It is a rabbit.T: What does rabbit like to eat?Ss: turn

4、ips!Step Presentation1Ask a question:What are they going to do?APull the turnip.BPick up the watermelons.Lets watch the cartoon and answer the question.看完后回答问题。2练习Pull it up词组并做动作,从rabbit图示上面引出The turnip is too big. The rabbit cant pull it up.一起练习这个句型。(教学句子I cant pull it up.)并板书。ChantPull the turnip

5、, pull the turnip.Pull it up, pull it up.One, two, three, pull!One, two, three, pull!【设计意图:句子I cant pull it up.的读音有一定的难度,因此我安排了个儿歌学唱的活动。朗朗上口的儿歌使学生更快地掌握了这个句子的读音,同时帮助学生理解新句子的含义。】We are friends. Lets work together.引入后开始练习边说边做动作。3听说故事。(1) Listen. (2)Lets say together。反复听读句子。(3)Lets act.请学生分角色表演,模仿动作,最后齐

6、读句子。Step III Practice T:(呈现一颗大萝卜)Wow! What a big turnip!4. Act the story.T: I like turnips. Do you like turnips? Who wants to be a turnip?(邀请一名学生扮演turnip。)T: Which animal likes turnips very much?Ss: Rabbit!T:(扮演rabbit)Now, Im a rabbit.(师生共同演绎故事。)T: Wow, what a big turnip! One, two, three, pull! One,

7、 two, three, pull! Oh, its too big. I cant pull it up. Come on, my friends. Please help me.S1: I am strong. Let me help you.S2: I am strong. Let me help you.S3: .T & Ss: One, two, three, pull! One, two, three, pull! .T: Oh, its too big.5. Teach the sentence “I cant pull it up.”T & Ss:(教师和学生一同做拔萝卜的动作

8、)One, two, three, pull! One, two, three, pull!T: Its too big. I cant pull it up.6. Read the story again.Step III Add-activitiesAct the story in groups. Then ask a group to make a show.(待学生表演完后,出示几张“互相帮助和人多力量大”的图片,并教学句子Strength in numbers.)【设计意图:此环节重在让学生整体理解和把握故事内容,在演绎故事的同时巩固所学句型的用法。同时,故事讲述完后自然引入情感教育

9、,通过歌曲和图片感染学生,“人多力量大”的意义呼之欲出。】Step IV Homework1Tell the story with your friends.。2 Watch other cartoons you like。课后反思:1小学生生性好动,具有很强的好奇心和表现欲。针对这一故事教学内容,我将英语和体育学科结合在一起,在课堂上积极开展有趣的活动,充分调动学生的积极性和参与热情,寓教于乐,方法符合儿童的身心特点。2小学生的注意力不稳定、持久性差,他们对生动、具体、新颖的事物比较感兴趣。因此,我在课堂上充分利用多媒体辅助教学,使教学场景不受时间、空间的限制,将所学的内容具体化、生动化、直观化;还将难掌握的难点让学生边说边做,在玩中学,学中玩,增强了学生的学习兴趣,使教学内容化繁为简,化难为易。3针对本课时的故事教学内容,我在教授语言知识的同时更注重了让学生明白友谊的珍贵和“人多力量大”的道理。通过一系列活动,让学生在参与中感受到只有齐心协力、团结一心才能战胜困难,完成任务。此过程充分体现了体验、实践、参与、合作、交流的教学模式,收到良好的效果。4.在本节课中,我对时间的把握不足,源于教学经验不足,还请大家多提宝贵意见。PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 My friendsC Story time教案三门峡市第二实验小学执教老师:王乐



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