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1、 Unit 1 Will people have robots? 复习学案 一自主先学.翻译下列短语。1更少的空闲时间_2活到_3五年后_ 4更少的使用地铁_5更少空闲时间_6乘火箭飞往月球_7穿一身套装_ 8看上去机敏_9遇见许多有趣的人_10喜欢独自居住_11养宠物_12养一只宠物鹦鹉_13在周末_14哪些电影_15从今后20年_16住在一所公寓里_17什么运动_ 18更多高楼_19更少的污染_ 20三百棵树_21好几百名学生_22在太空_23在太空站_句子1当我长大后我想为我自己工作。_2我的朋友们在家里养了一只宠物鹦鹉_4我们必须穿校服去学校。_3为了我的而工作面试我需要看起来很精神。

2、_5将来有一天人们会飞到月球上去度假。_6将来会有更少的污染吗? 是的,会有。不,不会。7将来会有更多的工厂吗? 是的会有。 不,不会_8 200年后,会只有一个国家。_9将来人们会活到200岁_10一百年后人们还会用钱吗?不会,将来一切都是免费的。_二、点拨交流(I)一般将来时 表示单纯的将来的事实.常见的时间状语in the future, tomorrow ,this evening , in +时间段,比如in ten years ,in two hours 结构(1) 主语+will +动词原形其它 Peoplewill have robots in their homes in t

3、he futur主语will + be +名词或形容词I will bea doctor in ten years.结构 (2)There will be +名词 将来会有- There will be more trees .将来会有更多的树。其它几个需要注意的问题: A.与一般现在时,一般过去时,现在进行时的区别。1 I _ (be) a little kid ten years ago. I _ (be) a middle school student now. I _(be) a college student in five years.2 She_ (not have ) a pe

4、t parrot five years ago. She _( have) a parrot now. She _ (have ) a car in five years B. People will live to be 100 years old in 100 years.(划线提问) 随手练( ) 1 There _ an English speech contest tomorrow afternoon in our school.A will have B will is C is going to have D will be( ) 2 In ten years Joe _ an

5、astronaut.A is B was C will is D will be( ) 3 He is very happy , because he _ in a big apartment next year. A live B lives C will live D will living4 There will be less pollution,_ ?(反义疑问句)5 Kids will go to school (否定句)_。 6 I will fly rockets to the moon.(划线提问)_7 What is the weather like today?(用将来时

6、改写)What _ the weather _ _ tomorrow?8 There _ (be) less free time in the future.9 He _ (ride) his bike to school tomorrow.10 Tom _ (write) a letter this morning, and he _(send) it to his father this evening.11 Kate often _ (watch) TV at night, but this evening she _ (watch) a new movie in the cinema.

7、12 I _ (study) in high school ten years ago, and now I _ (be) a college student.In ten years I _ (be) a lawyer. (II) 更少的 less +不可数名词 less money ,less timefewer+可数名词复数 fewer books ,fewer cars 试翻译下列短语 1更少的高建筑物_ 2更多的搞建筑物_3更少的污染 _4更多的污染 _5更少的空闲时间_ 6更多的空闲时间_7更少的机器人_ 8更多的机器人_(III)be able to do sth注意(1)be的

8、形式(2)动词用to do1 He _ (be) able _ (get )good grades next year.2 I _ (be) able to _ (go) climbing with my friends last Sunday.3 She _ (be) able to play the piano well.4 They _ (be) able to visit Shang hai last year.(IV) live to be活到-五、岁课堂达标。1、People will live _ (be) 200 _ (hundred) years old2 In five y

9、ears, I _ (be) able to _ (go) to college.3 There will be _ (little) pollution in the future.4 Im old enough to look after _ (myself) now.5 He _ (write) to his pen friend yesterday evening.6 We ll try _ (learn ) English well.7 I might even _ (keep) a pet parrot in the future.8 They _ (play ) football

10、 yesterday.9 He _ (make) me _ (clean) his classroom last week.10 There _ (be) robots in the future.11 Where _ you _ (go) next week?12 He _ (not be) an astronaut in the future.13 What _ you _ (think) you _ (be) in five years.14 I thought I _ (fly) to Beijing the next day.15 He said he _ (be) a reporter in the future.预测一下50年以后的中学生生活,用英语写一篇5080字的短文。 题目:Students life in 50 years



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