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1、商务谈判实实例(一一) Dann Smmithh是一位位美国的的健身用用品经销销商,此此次是RRobeert Liuu第一回回与他交交手。就就在短短短几分钟钟的交谈谈中,RRobeert Liuu既感到到这位大大汉粗犷犷的外表表,藏有有狡兔的的心思?他肯肯定是沙沙场老将将,自己己绝不可可掉以轻轻心。双双方第一一回过招招如下: D: Id llikee too geet tthe balll rrolllingg(开始始)byy taalkiing aboout priicess. RR: SShooot.(洗洗耳恭听听)Id bbe hhapppy tto aanswwer anyy quue

2、sttionns yyou mayy haave. D: Yoour prooduccts aree veery goood. Butt Im aa liittlle wworrriedd abboutt thhe ppricces youuree asskinng. R: Youu thhinkk wee abboutt bee asskinng ffor morre?(lauughss) DD: (chuucklles莞莞尔) Thaatss noot eexacctlyy whhat I hhad in minnd. I kknoww yoour ressearrch cossts ar

3、ee hiigh, buut wwhatt Id llikee iss a 25% diiscoountt. RR: TThatt seeemss too bee a litttlee hiigh, Mrr. SSmitth. I ddont kknoww hoow wwe ccan makke aa prrofiit wwithh thhosee nuumbeers. D: Plleasse, Robbertt, ccalll mee Daan. (paausee) WWelll, iif wwe pprommisee fuuturre bbusiinesss?vollumee saales

4、s(大笔笔交易)?thhat willl sslassh yyourr coostss(大量量减低成成本)ffor makkingg thhe EExecc-U-cisser, riightt? RR: YYes, buut iitss haard to seee hoow yyou cann pllacee suuch larrge ordderss. HHow couuld youu tuurn oveer(销销磬)sso mmanyy? (pauuse) Weed neeed aa guuaraanteee oof ffutuure bussineess, noot jjustt a p

5、roomisse. D: We saiid wwe wwantted 10000 ppiecces oveer aa siix-mmontth pperiiod. Whhat if we plaace ordderss foor ttwellve monnthss, wwithh a guaarannteee? RR: IIf yyou cann guuaraanteee tthatt onn paaperr, II thhinkk wee caan ddisccusss thhis furrtheer. 商务谈判实实例(二二) Robbertt回公司司呈报DDan的的提案后后,老板板很满意意

6、对方的的采购计计划;但但在折扣扣方面则则希望RRobeert能能继续维维持强硬硬的态度度,尽量量探出对对方的底底线。就就在这七七上七八八的价格格翘翘板板上,双双方是否否能找到到彼此地地平衡点点呢?请请看下面面分解: R: Evven witth vvoluume salles, ouur ccoatts ffor thee Exxec-U-CCiseer wwont ggo ddownn muuch. D: Juust whaat aare youu prropoosinng? 计划, 建议议, 向向.提议, 求(婚)RR: WWe ccoulld ttakee a cutt(降低低)onn

7、thhe ppricce. Butt 255% wwoulld sslassh oour proofitt maargiin(毛毛利率).We sugggesst aa coomprromiise妥妥协, 折衷?100%. D: Thaatss a bigg chhangge ffromm 255! 110 iis bbeyoond my neggotiiatiing limmit. (ppausse) Anyy ottherr iddeass? RR: II doontt thhinkk I cann chhangge iit rrighht nnow. Whhy ddont wwe tta

8、lkk aggainn toomorrroww? DD: SSuree. II muust tallk tto mmy ooffiice anyywayy. II hoope we cann fiind somme ccommmon grooundd(共同同信念)oon tthiss. NNEXTT DAAY DD: RRobeert, Ive beeen iinsttrucctedd too reejecct tthe nummberrs yyou proopossed; buut wwe ccan tryy too coome up witth ssomee thhingg ellse.

9、R: I hoppe sso, Dann. MMy iinsttrucctioons aree too neegottiatte hhardd onn thhis deaal?butt Im ttry verry hhardd too reeachh soome midddlee grrounnd(互互相妥协协). D: I uundeersttandd. WWe ppropposee a strructtureed ddeall(阶段段式和约约). Forr thhe ffirsst ssix monnthss, wwe gget a ddisccounnt oof 220%, annd t

10、the nexxt ssix monnthss wee geet 115%. R: Daan, I ccant bbrinng tthosse nnumbberss baack to my offficee?ttheyylll tuurn it dowwn fflatt(打回回票). D: Thhen youulll haave to thiink of sommethhingg beetteer, Robbertt. 商务谈判实实例(三三) Dann上回提提议前半半年给他他们二成成折扣,后后半年再再降为一一成半,经经Robbertt推翻后后,Daan再三三表示让让步有限限。您知知道Roobe

11、rrt在这这折扣缝缝隙中游游走,如如何才能能摸出双双方都同同意的数数字呢?他从锦锦囊里又又掏出什什么妙计计了呢?请看下下面分解解: RR: HHow aboout 15% thhe ffirsst ssix monnthss, aand thee seeconnd ssix monnthss att 122%, witth aa guuaraanteee oof 330000 unnitss? DD: TThatts a llot to selll, witth vveryy loow pproffit marrginns. R: Its aabouut tthe besst wwe ccan

12、 do, Daan. (paausee) WWe nneedd too haammeer ssomeethiing outt (敲敲定)ttodaay. If I ggo bbackk emmptyy-haandeed, I mmay be commingg baack to youu sooon to askk foor aa joob. (smmilees) D: (smmilees) O.KK., 17% thhe ffirsst ssix monnthss, 114% forr thhe ssecoond?! RR: GGoodd. LLets iironn ouut(解解决)tthe

13、 remmainningg deetaiils. Whhen do youu waant to takke ddeliiverry(取取货)? D: Weed likke yyou to exeecutte tthe firrst ordder by thee 311st. R: Leet mme rrun thrrouggh tthiss aggainn: tthe firrst shiipmeent forr 15500 uniits, too bee deelivvereed iin 227 ddayss, bby tthe 31sst. D: Rigght. Wee cooulddnt

14、t haandlle mmuchh laargeer sshippmennts. R: Fiine. Buut IId preeferr thhe ffirsst sshippmennt tto bbe 110000 unnitss, tthe nexxt 220000. TThe 31sst iis qquitte ssoonn - I ccant gguarranttee 15000. D: I ccan agrree to thaat. Welll, if theeres nnothhingg ellse, I thiink weve setttleed eeverrythhingg.

15、RR: DDan, thhis deaal pprommisees bbig retturnns(赚赚大钱)ffor botth ssidees. Letts hoppe iitss thhe bbegiinniing of a llongg annd pprossperrouss reelattionnshiip. 商务谈判实实例(四四) 今天RRobeert的的办公室室出现了了一个生生面孔?Keevinn Huughees,此此人代表表美国一一家运动动产品公公司,专专程来台台湾寻找找加工。接接洽的加加工产品品市运动动型“磁磁质石膏膏护垫”,受受伤的运运动员包包上这种种产品上上场比赛赛,即可可保护受受伤部位位,且



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