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1、六年级英语试卷6年级英语 一听力 30% A) 依据所听到的句子内容,取舍准确的问案 ( ) 1. My father takes a long _ in the afternoon. A. walk B. work C. talk ( ) 2. I was at the _ last Sunday. A. bookstore B. clothes shop C. bookshop ( ) 3. I had a _ last night. A. headache B. toothache C. earache ( ) 4.I learned by _. A. doing experiments

2、 B. taking photos C. interviewing people ( ) 5. Peter are trying to protect_. A. platypus B. gorillas C. koalas B) 瞧图,听灌音,按朗诵逆序用数字15 正在响应的图片下标号 6.( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9.( ) 10.( ) C) 依据所听成绩寻出开适的问案 ( ) 11. A. I can make a cake. B. I learned a lot from our textbooks. C. I am good at making things. ( ) 12

3、. A. He is planting trees. B. They are reading. C. Were dancing. ( ) 13. A. On June 1st . B. Next Sunday. C. Yesterday evening. ( ) 14. A. It was exciting. B. It is exciting. C. I was excited. ( ) 15. A. I am making puppets. B.I learned to make puppets. C.I am able to make puppets. D) 寻出取所听内容意义符合开的问

4、案 ( ) 16. A. I was at home yesterday. B. I was at school yesterday. C. I was out yesterday. ( ) 17. A. They went to Dalian by ship. B. They will take a plane to Dalian next Sunday. C. They flew to Dalian last Sunday. ( ) 18. A. I want to go to the City Library. B. Can you tell me the way to the City

5、 Library ? C. My home is near the City Library. ( ) 19. A. Im interested in reading books. B. I like these books. C. Im reading books. ( ) 20. A. We should plant more trees. B. We should cut down too many trees. C. We should keep the rivers and oceans clean. E ) 依据您所听到的漫笔内容,判别正误 ( T F ) ( ) 21.Peter

6、 is from England.( ) 22.Prter gets up at seven every morning. ( ) 23. Peter has classes from 7:00 to 11:30. ( ) 24.Peter has lunch at home. ( ) 25. After dinner Peter does his homework. F ) 听写,每一空一词 Peters family is going on a trip around China during the school holida ys. The 26 place to go is the

7、Great Wall. It is the longest 27 in the world. Then they are going to take a 28 to Hangzhou. They are going to see the 29 Lake and they are going to drink “ Longjing Tea”. They will also 30 Sanya. They plan to go to Xian and Harbin, too. 26._ 27._ 28._29._ 30._2、用所给词的得当情势挖空31. How many ( friend ) do

8、 you have?32. Mrs Green would likes ( go ) to Canada. 33. He is careless boy, but he enjoys ( help) other. 34. They live in different ( city ) 35. Many old ( photo ) are in the book. 36. The class ( be ) going to begin at eight.37. There ( be ) some meat in the basket.38. Who ( have ) a radio?39. Ex

9、cuse me. May I ( borrow ) a pencil, please?40. Its the ( four ) time for me to visit Beijing.3、从ABC选项中寻出能挖进空缺处的准确选项( ) 41. Li Lei, can you help me the things?A. carryB. carriesC. carrying( ) 42. My little sister usually goes to school foot.A. byB. atC. on( ) 43. Mr Lin is good us all.A. atB. forC. t

10、o( ) 44. I learning a lot field trips.A. fromB. ofC. by( ) 45. We learn to be kind animals.A. inB. toC. for( ) 46. All the food on the table now.A. isB. areC. was( ) 47. The boy drank too much and too little.A. eatB. ateC. eating( ) 48. The supermarket near my home at weekends.A. is crowdB. crowdedC

11、. is crowded( ) 49. Each of them a foreign language.A. speaksB. saysC. talks( ) 50. Dinosaurs lived of years ago.A. millionsB. thousandsC. hundreds4、依据汉语提醒实现以下句子51-52咱们应当勤俭用火,没有该华侈。We save , we shouldnt waste it.53-54我教会了奈何利用藏书楼的参考书。I how to use reference in the library.55-56当您进来时,您应当实时闭灯。When you ,

12、 you should turn off the lights.57-58有很多品种的家死植物以及咱们死活正在一同。There are all kinds of wild together with us. 59-60上周日您正在哪?Where you Sunday?5、从B栏当选出取A栏相婚配的问语( ) 61. Would you like to come to my birthday party? A. Yes, I did.( ) 62. Was your holiday fantastic? B. Sure. Id love to. ( ) 63. Do you always vis

13、it he Great Wall? C. Go straight along this road. ( ) 64. How can I get to the City Library? D. No, I dont.( ) 65. Did you go to plant trees?E. Yes, it was.6补齐对于话 5%A: Hi, Peter. I called you yesterday, but you were not at home.66B. I was in the supermarket. 67A. What did you buy yesterday ?B. 68A.

14、Did you buy any books in it ?B. Of course. 69 I bought a book of cartoons.A. Ok. How about playing football this afternoon ?B. 7066._67. _68. _69. _70. _7、依据对于话内容,用圆框内响应的单词补齐漫笔We have 71 a lot of activities sine we 72 to school six years ago. We learned_73_, worked together and played together. We l

15、earned English in 74 or groups and solved 75 together.The most important thing we did is that we learned to be good boys and 76 . We learned to help our 77 at home and people in our 78 . We are very 79 with our studies in 80 .8浏览了解 15%( A )Long long ago, there was a poor(贫困)man. He had an orange tree in his garden. On the tree there were many fine orange. One day he found one of his oranges was much bigger than the other.It was as big as a football. Nobody could ever see such a big orange


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