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1、1.Eletoicmunatin c be ummarizedas e tansmiio , repon ,ad pocessng of infrmain betwn two ormr loation sing electroic cicuits电子通信就是利用电路在两地或多地之间进行信息的发送、接收和处理。1.2Regardes otheparticlpplicaton, al cmuniations sstes invo t minubsystes: th transmitr, thechnel, andt ecevr.无论何种具体应用,通信系统都包括三个主要的子系统:发送机、信道和接收机

2、。1.4The bnwid fa cmmuication hanne mut b lae (de) enug o pas l inficat inormation fequnies. Inother wod, thbandwtof the commicaio annl mst be equal torgeatr tha the badwdth of formin. For ampe,voe freuences contn signalseteen 0z nd30Hz.Theefore, aoicefqeny channelmust haa bandwidth equal to or grete

3、rthn 2700z信道的带宽必须足够大(宽),以便所有重要的信息频率都能通过。换句话说,信道的带宽必须等于或大于信息的带宽。例如,话音频率包含30z到00Hz的信号。因此,话音频率的信道必须具有等于或大于2700的带宽。Iformation cpaciy s a aur f how mch formatn can betansfered througha commuicatiossysem n a give erod f time信息容量是在给定时间内,能通过通信系统传送多少信息的量度。.1The igal n one-dimeninal, as inthe ase speeh, usic,

4、 or oputer data; to-dimensional,as i he c ictures; thre imeiona, a inthecase of vde ata; ad or-dimesinal, s inth case of voumedat over me信息可以是一维的,例如语音、音乐和计算机数据;也可以是二维的,例如图像;也可以是三维的,例如视频数据;还可以是四维的,例如随时间变化的立体空间数据2.2The ty o scaning used in tlevson is a fo fa spatal sapling alled rastr sanig, hi conver

5、atw-imnsionalimag ntensy ito o-dimensnalwavom;i is somht anogu to he maner n wi we rd apinted aper n ha he scanngis prefrmed m left to rightn alne-by-inebasi电视用的扫描是一种称为栅格扫描的空间取样形式,它把二维的图像亮度转换为一维波形,类似于我们阅读印刷品时的逐行从左到右的扫描。.3Supps, fr example, hecommuicins areetuse eve prity ; te thepaty itwill b a 0ent

6、he um of 1s in thedta t seven ad a 1 when it is odd. Hece, if asinglebit in bteis reeived in erorandhreby vlaes the enpariy rul, it can be detectndthrrected throughetrasmisi.假设,例如,通信同意使用奇偶校验位;然后将在数据位的1的数目甚至和1时,奇怪的是0。因此,如果在一个字节一个单点接收误差,从而违反奇偶校验规则,它可以检测并更正通过重传。Basically, ther ae wo forsofda compession

7、:Lossless compressin prates y removg te rdundnt infortiocotaind n hdata oinrt. Thecoprson i sadto beloss becase iticompletleversibei tat heoriginal data cn be reontuctd actl. ossles omprssin s also rerd to a compactio.ssycompressio ivolves hl fnformatin contoed manner; the cmpression may tereoe not

8、e coletely reversile Losy compressio i, hwever, aable o acieving coresionraio adio highethanthat attainable with losss mthods.基本上,有两种形式:数据压缩的无损压缩通过去除冗余信息包含在感兴趣的数据。压缩是无损的,因为它是完全可逆的原始数据可精确重构。无损压缩也被称为数据压缩。有损压缩包括以受控的方式的信息损失;压缩可能因此不完全可逆。有损压缩,然而,能够实现压缩比无线电高于无损方法实现。In commuiaton ystems, he reive avforms uu

9、aly caegoried nt he desire rt cntnigth nfomaton and theetranes or unesiredpat.hedesiedpa is calle hesignal, andhe undired part is aed noise.通信系统接收到的波形通常包括两部分,所希望的部分包含信息,还有不希望的额外部分。希望的部分称为信号,而不希望的部分成为噪声。3.3Ectrical oise my e dfed yndeird otage o urrns tha ltiately end p appaig in the ceivr outut.Toe

10、iener th ltrcalnoi often mafests itselfasstac It ay onlybe noying,suh an occasional burstof stt, or cninuous and of sh amplitde tht the dsird infratons obltrtd. 电气噪声可以定义为最终出现在接收机输出端的任何不希望的电压或电流。对听者来说,电气噪声常表现为静电噪声。它可能只是令人讨厌的偶发静电噪声;也可能是连续的,幅度足够大的,以致淹没了所希望接受的信息。 The oise resentin a receivd aio ignalas

11、benintodue i the tnsmtn eiu and is ted eternal nise. h oisitoduced by the reeiver i ermed intrna nise. Theimportantimlicatons of n cnsidrain inthtdyof comcations sysms canot b omphasie.接受信号中由传输媒介引入的噪声称为外部噪声。由接收机自身引入的噪声称为内部噪声。在研究通信系统时,考虑噪声的重要性,再怎么强调都不过分。4.1Practica inductr(ols) used t RF reqnes and o

12、e have a indutneraing henrs an a mximum current ratng .Smarl apatoshave a cpaitncerting inaad nd a maximumvoltgrainghen lectingcls ad caacir or useat radofreuncis abv,anadditioa chaacerist mst be onderede uty(Q) ofthcponet.The is a rti o th eery stordto tt whi s lot inh cmponent .用于射频火更高频率的实用电感(线圈)有

13、一个标称电感值,以亨利()为单位;还有一个额定的最大电流。类似地,电容器有一个标称电容量,以法拉(F)为单位;还有一个额定的最大电压。当在射频或更高频率选用线圈和电容器时,还有另一个特性是必须考虑的,这就是元件的品质因数(Q)。是元件储能与耗能的比值。.2Temost bsc ulding bcki a cmniatin syteis an oscilato . An scllatis acicuit caable of conveting enrgy fmC frmto AC.n ther wos, an oscillat eeres a waformTh wavefrman be of any type but occur at some eeiive frequency.A nme



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