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1、法国1、 司汤达Stendhal:The Red and the Black:a chronicle of France after Napoleons defeat.女主人公(heroine):Mme de Rnal、Mathilde LA CHARTREUSE DE PARME帕尔马修道院:(男hero):Julien Sorel2、 自然主义NaturalismGoncourt BrothersGerminie Lacerteux3、 NaturalismMaupassantNight of Medan4、 唯美主义Aestheticismart for arts sakeTheophi

2、le Gautier5、 小仲马Alexandre Dumas (jr.)La Dame aux Camlias茶花女Marguerite Gautier6、 科幻The founding father of science ficting:Jules Verne and HG Wells7、 高老头The hero of old GORIOTis Eugene de Rastignac8、 EUGNIE GRANDET:Old Grandet9、 巴尔扎克Balzac:人间喜剧THE human comedy: Lost Illusions,Lily of the Valley,LA DER

3、NIER CHOUAN,EUGNIE GRANDET,The Peasants, Cousin Bette ,Cousin Pons, Colonel Chabert 10、 福楼拜Gustave Flaubert:,LDUCATION SENTIMENTALE情感教育、SALAMMB MADAME BOVARY包法利夫人:Emma。Adultery(结局):MADAME BOVARY poisoned herself11、 梅里美Prosper Mrime:COLOMBA、 CARMEN、Chronicle of the Reign of Charles 、TAMANGO12、 左拉Emil

4、e Zola:Rougon-Macquart cycle:NANA、GERMINAL13、 莫泊桑Guy de Maupassant:BOULE DE SUIF, - Ball of Fat,A Womans Life,BEL-AMI:Franco-prussian war14、 Collected works: THE human comedy, Rougon-Macquart cycle15、 人间喜剧THE human comedy named after the great epic by Dante(the diving comedy)俄国1、 普希金Aleksandr Pushki

5、n:Evgenii Onegin:(heroine )Tatiana2、 陀思妥耶夫斯基DostoevskyWhite Nightsrecollections of Dreamer3、 Dostoevsky:Poor Folk、The Double、The Idiot、 Crime and Punishment4、 果戈理Nilolay GogolThe OvercoatSt. Petersburg Stories5、 Nilolay GogolDead Soulsserfs6、 列夫托尔斯泰L N Tolstoy:the utobiographical trilogy: Childhood

6、、 Boyhood, and Youth7、 The characters created by Tolstoy: Pierre Bezukhov 、Andrew Bolkonski、Vronskii、Nekhliudov、Natasha Rostova 、Anatole Kuragin、8、 屠格涅夫Ivan TurgenevFathers and Sons9、 契诃夫Anton Pavlovich ChekhovThe Cherry Orchard英国1、 哈代Thomas Hardy:TESS OF THE DURBERVILLES:a pure woman faithfully pre

7、sented2、 唯美主义AestheticismOscar WildeHappy Prince3、 狄更斯Charles Dickens:A TALE OF TWO CITIES:paris and London:the French revolution4、 DickensA TALE OF TWO CITIESSydney Caryon5、 Charles Dickens狄更斯:Great Expectations:(男hero)Pip6、 The characters created by Dichens:Mrpickwick、oliver Twist、David copperfiel

8、d、Mr Micawber7、 简爱JANE EYRE:(男hero)Edward Rochester8、 呼啸山庄WUTHERING HEIGHTS:(男hero)Heathcliff9、 EnglandBronte sisterAnne10、 Pride and prejudice:it is a truth universally acknowledged that a man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.11、 乔治艾略特George Eliot:THE MILL ON THE FLOSS,12、

9、哈代Wessex novels:TESS、 Angel clare 、JUDE、Alec13、 Wessex novels:TESS OF THE DURBERVILLES、JUDE THE OBSCURE、UNDER THE GREENWOOD TREE、FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD、THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE14、 萨克雷ThackerayVANITY FAIRBecky sharp15、 王尔德Oscar Wilde:The Picture of Dorian Gray、The Happy Prince、The Ballad of Readi

10、ng Gaol、A Tragedy in One Act、 Nightingale and the Rose、The Decay of Lying、16、 Heroines in English novols:JANE EYRE、Becky sharp、Catherine美国1、 Henry jamesThe portrait of a lady2、 马克土温Mark Twain:THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER、THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN3、 斯托夫人Harriet Beecher StoweUncle Toms cabin其

11、他1、 吉卜赛Gypsies:Tsygany/Notre-Dame de paris/Carmen2、 Marx called The Declaration of Independence the first declaration of the rights of man in the history of human beings.3、 19世纪欧洲优秀女作家:George sand / George Eliot/Mrs. Gaskell/Mme de stael浪漫主义1、 the earliest Romantic group in Europ:Jena Romantics2、 LY

12、RICAL BALLADS:William wordsworth/Samuel taylor Coleridge3、 大仲马Alexandre Dumas SrThe Count of Monte Cristo4、 The founding father of science fiction: Jules Verne/HG Wells5、 凡尔纳Jules Verne:Around the world in 80 dys、From the Earth to the Moon、Five Weeks in a Balloon、20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 、The Ch

13、ildren of Captain Grant、 A Journey to the Center of the Earth、6、 西风颂Ode to the west wind:If winter comes,can spring be far behind?7、 麦尔维尔Herman Melville白鲸MOBY-DICK8、 惠特曼Walt WhitmanLEAVES OF GRASScollection of poems德国Germany:schlegel Brothers、Grimm Brothers1、易卜生Henrik Ibsen realistic problem:The pillars of Society、An Enemy of the people、 Ghosts、 A Dolls House



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