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1、Unit9 单元拔高训练.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1I have to_for the math test.AstudyBstudying Clearning Dstudied2My best friend often invites me _ delicious food.Aenjoy Benjoying Cenjoyed Dto enjoy3I am going to _ you on Sunday and go bike riding.Acatch Baccept Crefuse Ddelete4Do you know _ I miss you?Ahow many Bhow mu

2、ch Chow long Dhow far5Please reply to the invitation _ by next Tuesday.Acall Bin call Cin calling Dfor calling6Joe_go to the doctor.His leg is broken.Ahave to Bcan Chas to Dmay7Sorry,but I have to look after my brother.Thats too_.Maybe_time.Abad;another Bbad;other Cgood;another Dgood;other8Would you

3、 like to visit the museum? _AYes,please. BSure,Id love to.CSorry,I wouldnt. DYes,I would.9Can you look at the _ and tell me the activities?Amenu Bcalendar Cclock Dphone10Sorry,Im busy today.I have _ housework to do.Amuch too Btoo much Ctoo many Dmany too11Can you play football _ us this afternoon?Aw

4、ith Bat Con Daround12Thanks a lot for_me_your house.Ainvite;for Binvite;to Cinviting;for Dinviting;to13_I watch TV,Mum?Sure,but you_finish your homework first.AMust;neednt BCan;may CCan;must DMay;mustnt14The students are very _ at the _ news.Asurprised;surprising Bsurprising;surprisedCsurprised;surp

5、rised Dsurprising;surprising15My mother is ill.I have to look after her at home. _.AThank youBOh,I dont knowCBad luckDIm sorry to hear that.完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)Some people in Britain or America like to invite friends to dinner at home.But this is more common in America _16_ in Britain.Dont worry _17_ yo

6、ur English friends dont invite you home.It doesnt mean that they _18_ you.When you _19_ to an evening meal,ask your friends what time you should _20_.It is a good idea _21_ a small present when you arrive,and it is _22_ to say how much you like the house _23_ the room,or the pictures in the room.But

7、 dont ask how much these things _24_.In this way,_25_ you and your friends will have a pleasant gettogether.16A.that Bthen Cthan Dmore than17A.what Bwhere Cwho Dif18A.dont like Bunlike Clike Ddoesnt like19A.asked Bare asked Care asking Dwere asked20A.arrive at Bget to Carrive Darrive in21A.takes Bto

8、 take Ctaking Dto lend22A.polite Bworried Csad Dafraid23A.or Band Cbut Dso24A.spend Bcost Ctakes Dpay25A.both Bneither Call Dnone.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)AIn Canada and the United States,people enjoy entertaining(请客)at home.They often invite friends over for a meal,a party,or just for a coffee and conversat

9、ion.Here are the kinds of things people say when they invite someone to their home:“Would you like to come over for dinner Saturday night?”“Hey,were having a party on Friday.Can you come?”To reply to an invitation,either say thank you and accept,or say youre sorry,and give an excuse:“Thanks,Id love

10、to.What time would you like me to come?”or “Oh,sorry,Ive tickets for a movie.”Sometimes,however,people use expressions that sound like invitations but which are not real invitations.For example:“Please come over for a drink sometime.”“Why not get together for a party sometime?”“Why dont you come ove

11、r and see us sometime soon?”They are really just polite ways of ending a conversation.They are not real invitations because they dont mention a specific(确定的)time or date.They just show that the person is trying to be friendly.To reply to expressions like these,people just say “Sure,that would be gre

12、at!”or “OK,yes,thanks.”So next time when you hear what sounds like an invitation,listen carefully:Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?26Why do Canadians and Americans often invite friends for meals at home?ABecause they can save time.BBecause they can spend less money.CBecau

13、se they enjoy entertaining at home.DBecause they have modern and beautiful house.27Which of the following is a real invitation?A“If you are free,lets go for a dinner sometime.”B“Please go to the cinema with me someday.”C“Would you like to have a cup of tea with us sometime?”D“Ive two tickets here.Ca

14、n you go to the movie with me?”28If people say “Lets get together for lunch some day.”,you just say “_”AThat would be nice.BHow about this weekend?COh,sorry.Im very busy. DThats great.Ill be there on time.29People use “an unreal invitation” in order to(为了)show that _.Atheyre trying to be friendlyBtheyre trying to be helpfulCtheyre trying to make friends with othersDthey havent got ready for a party yet30The passage is mainly about_.Aentertainment at homeBreal invitations or notCexpressions of starting a conversationDway



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