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1、本科生毕业论文设计中英新闻标题翻译作者姓名:王群指导教师:杨丽华所在学部:外语学部专 业:英语班级(届):2009届3班二一三年四月二十二On the Translation of Chinese and English News Headlines By Wang Qun Supervisor Prof. Yang Lihua A Thesis Submitted to the Foreign Languages School In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts At He

2、bei Normal University April 22,2013ContentsAbstract (English).iiAbstract (Chinese). iiiIntroduction.1Chapter 1 Brief Introduction of English News Headlines.31.1 Definition of English News Headlines.31.2 Functions of English News Headlines.41.3 Features of English News Headlines.6Chapter 2 Comparison

3、 Between Chinese and English News Headlines.10 2.1 Differences between Chinese and English News Headlines.10 2.2 Similarities between Chinese and English News headlines.15Chapter 3 Translation of English News Headlines.16 3.1 Difficulties of English News Headlines Translation.163.2 A Brief Review on

4、 Translation Criteria.17 3.3 Criteria of English News Headlines Translation.183.4 Strategies and Tactics of English News Headlines Translation.20Conclusion.25Bibliography.26AbstractWith deepening of the reform and opening up policy and entry into the WTO ,the Chinese are eager to know the world. A l

5、arge number of information is transmitted by news media especially news reports. The essential part of news report is headline. Sometimes people dont have enough time to read the whole news from the beginning to the end, most readers would like to know as much as they can in the shortest time. There

6、fore , it can be concluded that the headline plays a very important role on news reporting, and we must pay more attention to the translation of news headline.This paper mainly introduces some translating skills according to the features of English news headlines. There are three parts in this paper

7、. In chapter one, it introduces the definition, function, classification and features of English news headline. In chapter two, it introduces the differences and similarities between English and Chinese news headlines. The problems appeared in English news headline translation are introduced in the

8、last chapter. In the end of this paper, it has a conclusion of the content . To sum up, this paper hopes to find a appropriate way of English news headline translation by discussing of the features, functions and the criteria of English news headline translation.Key words: journalistic English; head

9、lines; features; criteria; translation tactics摘 要随着改革开放的进一步深化以及中国加入世界贸易组织,中国与西方国家的交流与联系也越来越频繁。中国需要更多的了解世界,世界也需要更好的了解中国。其中有大量的信息必须通过新闻媒体进行传递,这种信息传递的最重要的一条途径是阅读英语新闻报道。因此英语新闻报道的翻译理所当然地成为这种相互交流的重要途径。而标题是新闻报道最关键的部分,因为大多数读者都希望能在最短的时间内获取最多的信息。由此可见标题在新闻报道中具有独特的地位,因此我们应该更加重视新闻标题的翻译。本论文共分三章。本文结合英语新闻标题的主要特点,通过


11、ays, news is everywhere in our daily life. The news made us understand what is going on around us. Reading newspapers has become one of these things, which people must do in daily life. All this tells us that newspaper has become more and more important. As an indispensable part of news, headline pl

12、ays an important role. It is a guide to news content. At the same time they can attract he attention of the readers, so the quality of headlines is very important to news. And news translation, especially its headlines, is a big problem. It is difficult for a translator to translate news headlines properly. As is often seen in newspapers or magazines, some translated



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