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1、 大学四级英语套题阅读理解 Directions:In this section there are some passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements with four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You are supposed to read the passage and make the best choice to complete each question or unfinished statement. Then typ

2、e the answer in the blank on the web page.题数:10;分数:20分;参考时间:20分0秒 题 57 - 61 Passage 1 For more than years we have known, or could have known, that there is an unconscious to counterbalance consciousness. Medical psychology has furnished all the necessary empirical (经验主义的) and experimental proofs of

3、an unconscious psychic reality that demonstrably influences consciousness and behavior. All this is known, but no practical conclusions have been drawn from it. We still go on thinking and acting as if we were simplex and not duplex. Accordingly, we imagine ourselves to be innocuous, reasonable, and

4、 humane. We do not think of distrusting our motives, or of asking ourselves how the inner man feels about the things we do in the outside world, but actually it is frivolous(无关紧要的), superficial, and unreasonable of us, as well as psychically unhygienic (不洁净的), to overlook the reaction and viewpoint

5、of the unconscious. One can regard ones stomach or heart as unimportant or even worthy of contempt, but nevertheless overeating and overexertion have consequences that affect the whole man. Yet we think that psychic mistakes and their consequences can be erased by mere words, for psychic means less

6、than air to most people. All the same, nobody can deny that without the psyche there would be no world at all and still less a human world. Virtually everything depends on the human soul and its functions. It is worthy of all the attention we can give it, especially today when everyone admits that t

7、he weal or woe of the future will be decided of world-wide epidemics, but rather by the psychic changes in man. Only an almost imperceptible disturbance of equilibrium (平衡) in a few of our rulers heads could plunge the world into blood, fire, and radio-activity. The technical means to this destructi

8、on are available to both sides. And certain conscious deliberations, uncontrolled by an inner opponent, can be all too easily indulged, as we have already seen from the example of one leader. The consciousness of modern man still clings so much to outward objects that he believes them exclusively re

9、sponsible, as if it were on them that decisions depended. That the psychic state of certain individuals could emancipate (释放) itself for once from the behavior of objects is something that is considered far too little, although irrationalities of this sort are observed every day and can happen to ev

10、eryone. 57. The author of this selection most likely is a _. A theologian B minister C psychologist D physician 【参考答案】:C 【学生得分】:2.0 【题目解析】:作者在这篇文章里指出长期以来人们对潜意识的作用认识不够,他强调我们应该重视潜意识在人们心理、行为中的作用,力求达到潜意识与心理意识之间的平衡。由此可以推理得知作者是位心理学者。 58. The authors main purpose in writing this selection was to _. A under

11、score the importance of the study of psychology B point out the danger of ignoring the psychic changes in man C emphasize the danger of atomic war to mankind D belittle the importance of mans physical nature 【参考答案】:B 【学生得分】:2.0 【题目解析】:读完全文后不难看出,作者在强调人们应该重视潜意识(心理)作用的同时也提醒人们忽视这种作用会带来的可能危险,这种危险的论述主要体现在

12、第二段后两句话中,“不可否认没有了心理,也就没有了世界,没有了人类社会。实际上任何事情都取决于人的精神及其功能。”所以这篇文章的主要目的就是告诫人们无视人类心理及其变化的危险。因而选择B)为正确答案。 59. Two words which the author uses interchangeably are_ A mind and body B heart and soul C soul and psyche D stomach and heart 【参考答案】:C 【学生得分】:0.0 【题目解析】:文章第二段为答案出处。第三句话讲没有了psyche(心理)也就没有了世界,第四句顺承说到

13、“实际上任何事情都取决于人的soul(精神)及其功能”,所以全文交替使用的最为明显的一组词应该是psyche和soul。 60. The writer believes that the fate of the world may depend upon _. A a balance between the conscious and the unconscious is the minds of our leaders B conscious deliberations at the conference table C man present contentment with his ow

14、n humaneness D the efforts of scientists to produce the technical means to destroy the enemy 【参考答案】:A 【学生得分】:2.0 【题目解析】:根据文章第三段第一句话,:“少数领导心理的木易察觉的紊乱与不平就会把世界推向流血、战火甚至核战争中。”而且作者还借用the example of one“leader. ”暗指希特勒来证明他的论断,所以可以推知世界的和平可以说与领导者的心理平和息息相关。 61. It is implied but not stated that _. A men are t

15、oo distrustful of their motives B although motives can be either conscious or unconscious, only the conscious can-direct them C it is unhealthy to delve(钻研)too deeply into ones motives D the psyche is vital to the functioning of a human world 【参考答案】:D 【学生得分】:0.0 【题目解析】:通过对全文的分析,可以看出作者没有明确提出但已点到的一个论点是人的心理对人类社会的正常运作至关重要。所以选择D)应该为正确答案。 题 62 - 66 Passage 2 Botany, the study of plants, occupies a peculiar position in the history of human kn


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