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1、望子成龙学校 天才是99%的汗水加1%的灵感 高升大厦校区升初三 罗老师第 2 讲一、教学目标:1、复习英语句子种类; 2、近义词辨析: 3、连词成句及选词填空训练: 4、指导英文阅读及扩展词汇; 二、教学重难点:把握简单句、并列句、复合句的构成特点三、教学时间安排:2 次课时四、教学过程: 第1课时一、句子种类(按交际用途分)1. 陈述句(declarative sentence),用以陈述事实: 2. 疑问句(interrogative sentence),用以提出问题: 3. 祈使句(imperative sentence),用以表示请求、命令等: 4. 感叹句(exclamatory

2、sentence),用以表示各种强烈的感情: 5. 存在句(there be): 一般我们不对There be句型中的there进行分析的。there be表示“存在”,是“存在”的“有”,不要与“拥有”的“有”have混淆。二、简单句、并列句、复合句、并列复合句1、简单句:只包含一个主谓结构,每个成分都是单词或短语的句子。All roads lead to Rome. He got up, dressed quickly, washed himself and went out.Is he a superman? Dont be shy. Have a try.The man dressed

3、 in black seems to be a spy.2、并列句:包含两个或更多互不依从的主谓结构,分句由并列连词。and,then,but,or,or else,so,for,while,when;bothand,eitheror,neithernor,not only,but also,as well as等来连接。He is a basketball fan, and his wife is a volleyball fan.Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.Dont be late, for there is a meeting.Hurry up,

4、 or youll be late.He works hard while his brother is a lazy bone.He was enjoying his KFC when a friend came.3、复合句:复合句的某个成分,如主语、宾语、表语、同位语、定语、状语等,由另一个句子承当。(1)名词性从句主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句统称为名词性从句。宾语从句注意事项:引导词、语序、时态呼应、语态。主语/表语/同位从句注意事项:引导词、语序、语态。注意:a. whether与if的区别; b.陈述句变来的名词性从句由什么引导。那么,一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、

5、感叹句变来的呢? (2)定语从句=先行词+引导词+其它。引导词的选用取决于:a)先行词;b)先行词的修饰语;c)引导词在定语从句中的成分。注意:定语从句中的主谓一致。eg. He was the only one of the boys who was praised by the headmaster at the meeting.(3)状语从句:即用作状语的分句,可作下列状语:1、时间(after,before,as,when,while,since,till,until,whenever,as long as,as soon as;the moment,every time,next t

6、ime;no soonerthan,hardlywhen );2、地点(where,wherever) ; 3、方式(as,as if,as though) ;4、程度(asas, more than,sothat,suchthat) ;5、原因(because,since,as,now that,that) ; 6、结果(,so that,sothat,suchthat) ;7、目的(so that,in order that,in case) ; 8、条件(if,unless) ;9.让步(though,although,even if,even though,in spite of th

7、e fact that ,whenever,wherever,whoever,whichever, However,no matter how,whether) 。(4)并列复合句, 即:并列连词连接了带从句的并列句。e.g English is widely used in the world, but China has the largest number of people who speak Chinese.三、课堂巩固练习(连词成句、选词填空,参:初三第2讲)第2课时五、近义词辨析一)each other和one another1. 相互代词的形式与用法。英语的相互代词只有each

8、 other和one another,它们在句中通常只用作宾语。eg. We should help each other. 我们应该互相帮助。They respect one another. 他们互相尊重(对方)。The sea and the sky seem to melt into each other. 大海和蓝天似乎融为一体。2. 使用相互代词应注意点:(1) 相互代词在句中通常只用作宾语,不可用作主语,所以以相互代词为宾语的句子不能变为被动语态。(2) 不要将相互代词误认为是副词,将其用作状语。可说 talk to each other,但不能说 talk each other

9、。 (3) 相互代词可以有所有格形式。eg. The students borrowed each others notes. 学生们互相借笔记。They looked into each others eyes for a silent moment. 他们默默地对视了一会儿。 (4) 有时可分开用。eg. We each know what the other thinks. 我们都知道对方的想法。 Each tried to persuade the other to stay at home. 每个人都设法想说服对方留在家里。(5) 有人认为,each other用于两者,one an

10、other用于三者,但在现代英语中两者常可换用(即均可用于两者或三者)。二)be interested in doing/to dobe interested to do对做某事感兴趣,想了解某事,be interested in doing 对某种想法感兴趣,doing 通常为想法。eg. I shall be interested to know what happens.我很想知道发生了什么事。(想了解)Im interested in working in Switzerland. Do you have any idea about that?我对在瑞士工作感兴趣。你想过这事吗? (

11、一种想法)三)because, so与thought, but1.because 习惯上不与 so 连用。汉语习惯上说“因为所以”,但英语习惯上却不能将 so与because 连用。eg.因为下雨,所以我们呆在家里。 误:Because it was raining, so we stayed at home.正:Because it was raining, we stayed at home. &. It was raining, so we stayed at home. 2.(al)though 习惯上不与 but 连用。汉语中可说“虽然但是”,但按英语习惯,通常不能说althoughbut,或thoughbut:eg.虽然很危险,但我要试试。 误:Although it is dangerous, but I will try.教学反思:_1Time lost cannot be recalled.光阴一去不复返



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