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1、强湾中学导学案学科:英语年英:八年级主备人:齐娅 辅备人:审批:课题Lesson22课时 1课时课型新授二1 Learn about the new words and can remember them.2 know about the useful phrases and can use them skillfully.3 know about the important sentences in the text.流程Warming uppresetationconsideration and extensionSummaryhomeworkI隹教学重点学习生日贺卡的书写和怎样邮寄礼物教

2、学难点 May I see what you wrote in your card?教师活动 (环节、措施)学生活动一(自主参与、合作糠究、展示交流)课前预习课前预习Leaning the new words:C (硬纸板)t (胶带)a (地址)P (邮寄)(英)P (邮局)m(邮寄)(美)b (盒子)Read the text and answer the question1. What are Jenny and Danny makingfor Li Ming?.2. What are Jenny and Danny going toDo? 3. Does Danny buy a gif

3、t for Li Ming?教师活动学生活动(坏节、措施)(自主参与、合作探究、展示交流)4. What do they write on the box ?5. What do they forget when they want to mail the box?6. Where do they go to mail the box?7. Do you hope your friends will remember you when they see your presents?语言点讲解:1. Jenny and Danny are making birthday cards for Li

4、 Ming. 詹妮和丹尼正在为李明做生H贺卡。1)make为动词,表示“制作”。句式make sth for sb=make sb stho 例如:My mother made a skirt for me. =My mother made me a skirt. 我妈妈给我做了一条裙子。2)make作使役动词,表示“使,让”,后跟“宾语+宾语补 足语o结构为:made+宾语+省略to的不定式/形容词/介词 短语。例如:The teacher makes us study hard.老师让我们努力学习。 She made me happy o她使我很高兴。2. May I see what y

5、ou wrote in your card, Jenny?詹妮, 我可以看看在你的贺卡上写了什么吗?这是一个由what引导的宾语从句。What在从句中作宾语。宾 语从句一般由连接代词what、who、which或连接副词where、 how when引导,且宾语从句要用陈述句语序。例如: Do you know what his name is?你知道他叫什么名字吗? I don t know where he is going.我不知道他将要去哪里。教师活动 (环节、措施)学生活动(自主参与、合作探究、展示交流)3. Jenny passes him her card.詹妮递给他她的贺卡。1

6、)pass作动词,表示传递,传送” o Pass sb sth=pass sth to sb意为“把某物递给某人.例如:Please pass me the pen. =Please pass the pen to me. 请把钢笔递给我。2)pass作动词,还表木走过,经过,通过”,相当丁 go past, walk past 或 go by。例如:The ship passed the Channel.船经过了海峡。I passed the exam我通过了考试5. Remember me when you wear my gift!当你穿我的礼物 时,要记得我。wear作动词,表示穿着,

7、戴着。例如:He is wearing a pair of sun glasses.他戴着一幅太阳镜。【辨析】put on, wear, be in, dress1)put on指穿、带”,强调动作。例如:Put on your shoes.务上你的鞋子。2)wear和be in都强调状态,后接表示衣服或颜色的词。 例如:He often wears a gray hat.他经常戴 顶灰色的帽子。He is in a red jacket他务着一件红夹克。3)dress作动词,意为“给穿衣服”,后常接表示人 的名词、代词或反身代词。The boy can dress himself.这男孩能自

8、己穿衣服了。练习一:按要求写出下列单词的适当形式1. mail (第三人称单数)2. her (名词性物主代词)3. nine (序数词)4. forget (反义词)5. box(复数)6. write (过去分词)7. wish (复数)8. inside (反义词)教师活动 (环节、措施)学生活动(自主参与、合作探究、展示交流)9. good (最高级)10. send (过去式)练习二:根据句意及首字母提亦,完成下列单词1. I am going to s the letter to Beijing.2. Happy birthday to my b friend.3. She has

9、 to go shopping fMonday to Friday.4. Please the pen to him.5. Best w to you on your tenth birthday.6. Three birds are sitting on thet of the tree.7. Jenny mails things, but you them.8. Let, s go i the post office.9. Remember me w you wear my gift.练习三:单项选席1. Ms Zhang one of good.A. is; teacher B. are

10、; teacher C. is; teachers D. are; teacher1. C2. What she just now?A. did; writes B. did; write C. do; write D. do; writes2. B3. Whats your ?The Birch Hotel, Maysoule Street, London El。A. Home B. address C. name D. house3. B4. Fishes can, t live air.A. with B. without C. for D. on4. B5. The bike needs .A. mend B. mending C. mends D. mended



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