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1、可锐教育官网http:/2018年可锐考研第一轮复习之英语阅读(四)Proponents of different jazz styles have always argued that theirpredecessors musical style did not include essential characteristics thatdefine jazz as jazz. Thus, 1940s swing was belittled by beboppers of the 1950s who werethemselves attacked by free jazzes of the

2、 1960s. The neoboppers ofthe 1980s and 1990s attacked almost everybody else. The titanic figure of Blacksaxophonist John Coltrane has complicated the arguments made by proponents ofstyles from bebop through neobop because in his own musical journey he drewfrom all those styles. His influence on all

3、types of jazz was immeasurable. Atthe height of his popularity, Coltrane largely abandoned playing bebop, thestyle that had brought him fame, to explore the outer reaches of jazz. Coltrane himself probably believed that the only essentialcharacteristic of jazz was improvisation, the one constant in

4、his journey frombebop to open-ended improvisations on modal, Indian, and African melodies. Onthe other hand, this dogged student and prodigious technician whoinsisted on spending hours each day practicing scales from theory books was neverable to jettison completely the influence of bebop, with its

5、fast and elaboratechains of notes and ornaments on melody. Two stylistic characteristics shaped the way Coltrane played thetenor saxophone: he favored playing fast runs of notes built on a melody anddepended on heavy, regularly accented beats. The first led Coltrane to “sheets ofsound” where he race

6、d faster and faster, pile-driving notes into eachother to suggest stacked harmonies. The second meant that his sense of rhythmwas almost as close to rock as to bebop. Three recordings illustrate Coltranes energizingexplorations. Recording Kind of Blue with Miles Davis,Coltrane found himself outside

7、bop, exploring modal melodies. Here he playedsurging, lengthy solos built largely around repeated motifs anorganizing principle unlike that of free jazz saxophone player Ornette Coleman,who modulated or altered melodies in his solos. On Giant Steps, Coltranedebuted as leader, introducing his own com

8、positions. Here the sheets of sound,downbeat accents, repetitions, and great speed are part of each solo, and thevariety of the shapes of his phrases is unique. Coltranes searchingexplorations produced solid achievement.My Favorite Things wasanother kind of watershed. Here Coltrane played the sopran

9、o saxophone, aninstrument seldom used by jazz musicians. Musically, the results wereastounding. With the sopranos piping sound, ideas that had sounded dark and brooding acquired afeeling of giddy fantasy. When Coltrane began recording for the Impulse! Label, he was stillsearching. His music became r

10、aucous, physical. His influence on rockers wasenormous, including Jimi Hendrix, the rock guitarist, who, following Coltrane,raised the extended guitar solo using repeated motifs to a kind of rock artform. 1.The primary purpose of the text is to A discuss the place of Coltrane in the world of jazz an

11、d describehis musical explorations. B examine the nature of bebop and contrast it with improvisationaljazz. C analyze the musical sources of Coltranes style andtheir influence on his work. D acknowledge the influence of Coltranes music onrock music and rock musicians. 2.Which of the following best d

12、escribes the organization of thefourth paragraph? A A thesis referred to earlier in the text is mentioned andillustrated with three specific examples. B A thesis is stated and three examples are given each suggestingthat a correction needs to be made to a thesis referred to earlier in the text. C A

13、thesis referred to earlier in the text is mentioned, and threeexamples are presented and ranked in order of their support of the thesis. D A thesis is stated, three seemingly opposing examples arepresented, and their underlying correspondence is explained. 3.According to the text, John Coltrane did

14、all of the followingduring his career EXCEPT A improvise on melodies from a number of different cultures. B perform as leader as well as soloist. C spend time improving his technical skills. D eliminate the influence of bebop on his own music. 4.According to the text a major difference between Coltr

15、ane andother jazz musicians was the A degree to which Coltranes music encompassedall of jazz. B repetition of motifs that Coltrane used in his solos. C number of his own compositions that Coltrane recorded. D indifference Coltrane maintained to musical technique. 5.In terms of its tone and form, the text can best be characterizedas A dogmatic explanation. B indignant denial. C enthusiastic praise. D speculative study. 答案与考点解析 1.【答案】A 【考点解析】本题是一道中心主旨题。第一段的倒数第一、二句是全文的中心主旨句,全文就是根据这两句话展开论述的。抓住这两句话就可以找出本题的正确选项A。考生在解题时,尤其是破解中心主旨题时,一定要先找出全文的中心主旨句。 2.【答案】C 【考点解析】这是一道例(



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