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1、一名六西格玛黑带应了解的101件事:1. In ggeneraal, a Six SSigma Blackk Beltt shouuld bee quanntitattivelyy orieented. 通常,六西格玛玛黑带应定量量导向。 2. Withh miniimal gguidannce, tthe Siix Siggma Bllack BBelt sshouldd be aable tto usee dataa to cconverrt brooad geenerallizatiions iinto aactionnable goalss. 仅需最低限度的的指导,六西西格玛黑带就就应

2、能利用数数据把泛泛的的概括转化为为可实施的目目标。 3. The Six SSigma Blackk Beltt shouuld bee ablee to mmake tthe buusinesss casse forr atteemptinng to accommplishh thesse goaals.六西格玛黑带应应能为完成这这些目标提供供业务案例。 4The SSix Siigma BBlack Belt shoulld be able to deevelopp detaailed planss for achieeving thosee goalls.六西格玛黑带应应能为达到这这些目

3、标制定定详细的计划划。 5The SSix Siigma BBlack Belt shoulld be able to meeasuree proggress towarrds thhe goaals inn termms meaaningfful too custtomerss and leadeers. 六西格玛黑带应应能测量出朝朝着预期目标标进展对顾客客和公司领导导的意义。 6The SSix Siigma BBlack Belt shoulld knoow howw to eestabllish ccontrool sysstems for mmaintaainingg the gai

4、nss achiieved throuugh Siix Siggma.六西格玛黑带应应知道如何建建立控制体系系来保持通过过六西格玛所所取得的收获获。 7The SSix Siigma BBlack Belt shoulld undderstaand annd be able to coommuniicate the rrationnale ffor coontinuuous iimprovvementt, eveen aftter innitiall goalls havve beeen acccompliished.六西格玛黑带应应了解并能够够传达持续改改进的基本原原理,即使在在初始目标已已

5、经达到后也也应这样。 8The SSix Siigma BBlack Belt shoulld be familliar wwith rresearrch thhat quuantiffies tthe beenefitts firrms haave obbtaineed froom Sixx Sigmma.六西格玛黑带应应熟悉对通过过六西格玛所所获利益的量量化研究。 9. The Six SSigma Blackk Beltt shouuld knnow orr be aable tto finnd thee PPM ratess assoociateed witth diffferennt

6、 siggma leevels (e.g., Sixx Sigmma = 33.4 PPPM) 六西格玛黑带应应知道或能够够找出与不同同西格玛水平平相关连的PPPM比率(例例如,六西格格玛3.44PPM)。 10The Six SSigma Blackk Beltt shouuld knnow thhe appproximmate rrelatiive coost off poorr quallity aassociiated with varioous siigma llevelss (e.gg., thhree ssigma firmss repoort 255% COPPQ 六西格玛黑带

7、应应了解与不同同西格玛水平平大致对应的的劣质成本(例例如,3西格格玛水平的公公司劣质成本本约占25%)11. Thee Six Sigmaa Blacck Bellt shoould kknow hhow too quanntitattivelyy anallyze ddata ffrom eemployyee annd cusstomerr survveys. This incluudes eevaluaating surveey relliabillity aand vaaliditty as well as thhe diffferennces bbetweeen surrveys. 六

8、西格玛黑带应应了解如何定定量分析对员员工和顾客进进行调查所得得到的数据,包包括评估调查查结果的可靠靠性、有效性性以及各次调调查之间的差差异。 12. Thee Six Sigmaa Blacck Bellt shoould uundersstand the rroles of thhe varrious peoplle invvolvedd in cchangee (sennior lleaderr, chaampionn, menntor, changge ageent, ttechniical lleaderr, teaam leaader, facillitatoor 六西格玛黑带应应了

9、解参与变变革的各种员员工所扮演的的角色(高层层领导、拥护护者、顾问、变变革代理人、技技术领导、团团队领导、推推动者)。 13. Thee Six Sigmaa Blacck Bellt shoould bbe ablle to desiggn, teest, aand annalyzee custtomer surveeys. 六六西格玛黑带带应能设计、检检测和分析对对顾客进行的的调查。 14. Givven twwo or more sets of suurvey data, the Six SSigma Blackk Beltt shouuld bee ablee to ddetermmi

10、ne iif theere arre staatistiicallyy signnificaant diiffereences betweeen thhem.给出两组或多组组调查数据,六六西格玛黑带带应能确定它它们之间是否否存在统计上上的显著性差差异。 15. Thee Six Sigmaa Blacck Bellt shoould bbe ablle to quanttify tthe vaalue oof cusstomerr reteentionn. 六西格格玛黑带应能能量化顾客保保持力的数值值。 16. Givven a partlly commpleteed QFDD matrrix

11、, tthe Siix Siggma Bllack BBelt sshouldd be aable tto commpletee it.给出完成一个部部分的质量功功能展开矩阵阵,六西格玛玛黑带应能将将其完成。 17. Thee Six Sigmaa Blacck Bellt shoould bbe ablle to compuute thhe vallue off moneey helld or invessted oover ttime, incluuding preseent vaalue aand fuuture valuee of aa fixeed summ.六西格玛黑带应应能计算出

12、所所持资金或者者已投资金的的价值,包括括现值和未来来价值的固定定总和。 18. Thee Six Sigmaa Blacck Bellt shoould bbe ablle to compuute PVV and FV vaalues for vvariouus commpoundding pperiodds.六西格玛黑带应应能计算出不不同复利计算算期的现值和和未来值。 19. Thee Six Sigmaa Blacck Bellt shoould bbe ablle to compuute thhe breeak evven pooint ffor a projeect. 六六西格玛黑带带

13、应能计算出出一个项目的的得失平衡点点。 20. Thee Six Sigmaa Blacck Bellt shoould bbe ablle to compuute thhe nett pressent vvalue of caash fllow sttreamss, andd to uuse thhe ressults to chhoose amongg comppetingg projjects.六西格玛黑带应应能计算出现现金流转的净净现值,并把把这个结果用用于选择项目目。 21. Thee Six Sigmaa Blacck Bellt shoould bbe ablle to comp

14、uute thhe intternall ratee of rreturnn for cash flow streaams annd to use tthe reesultss to cchoosee amonng commpetinng proojectss.六西格玛黑带应应能计算出内内部现金流转转的利润率,并并将这一结果果用于选择项项目。 22. Thee Six Sigmaa Blacck Bellt shoould kknow tthe COOPQ raationaale foor Sixx Sigmma, i.e., hhe shoould bbe ablle to explaain

15、 whhat too do iif COPPQ anaalysiss indiicatess thatt the optimmum foor a ggiven proceess iss lesss thann Six Sigmaa.六西格玛黑带应应了解劣质成成本对于六西西格玛的根本本意义,也即即他应能说明明如果劣质成成本分析显示示出给定过程程的最佳值小小于六西格玛玛时该做些什什么。 23. Thee Six Sigmaa Blacck Bellt shoould kknow tthe baasic CCOPQ ccategoories and bbe ablle to alloccate aa listt of ccosts to thhe corrrect categgory.六西格玛黑带应应了解劣质成成本的基础类类别,并且能能够把一份成成本清单正确确分类。 24. Givven a tablee of CCOPQ ddata oover ttime, the SSix Siigma BBlack Belt shoulld be able to peerformm a sttatisttical analyysis oof thee trennd. 给出过去的劣质质成本报表,六六西格玛黑带带应能完成趋趋势的统计分分析。25.



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